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#107 : Les démons du passé

Alors que Jericho se prépare à fêter Halloween, Gray Anderson est de retour en ville avec une terrible nouvelle : la ville de Washington a été rayée de la carte mais New York n'a pas été touché. Pour récupérer des vivres, Jake tente de passer un marché avec Jonah Prowse qui n'est pas très apprécié par la population et par sa fille Emily.


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Long Live the Mayor

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Les démons du passé

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Jake et Heather

Jake et Heather

Heather embrasse Jake

Heather embrasse Jake

Heather et Emily

Heather et Emily

Eimy Sullivan

Eimy Sullivan

Jake Green

Jake Green

Jake et Emily se font face

Jake et Emily se font face

Jake rassure Emily

Jake rassure Emily

Jake tient dans ses bras Emily

Jake tient dans ses bras Emily

Jake et Emily

Jake et Emily

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Sanford Bookstaver
Scénario : Josh Schaer, Jonathan E. Steinberg

Acteurs :

  • James Remar (Jonah Prowse)
  • Candace Bailey (Skylar Stevens)
  • Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh)
  • Clayne Crawford (Mitchell Cafferty)
  • Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)
  • Darby Stanchfield (April Green)
  • Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)
  • Doug Spinuzza (Pete)

Résumé long :

Un ami de Jonah arrive dans son repaire et lui annonce que Mitchell a été arrêté à la suite d'un vol de chevaux dans une écurie. Cela fait sourire Jonah mais lorsqu'il lui précise que l'écurie appartient aux Green et que Gail a été bousculée, celui-ci s'énerve et lui brûle la joue. 

Jericho : Les enfants courent dans la rue, tout le monde prépare les festivités pour Halloween.

Prison : Mitchell chantonne. Le policier lui dit alors d'arrêter, et Mitchell le menace ainsi que Jake qui est absent. 

Pendant ce temps, les frères Green se remémorent leurs souvenirs d'enfance, ce qu'ils faisaient pour Halloween. Emily, elle aussi, raconte à Heather comment se passait cette fête avec Jake. Au travers de toutes ces questions posées par Heather, Emily réussit à lui faire avouer ses sentiments pour Jake, et en profite pour la mettre en garde. Soudain, Emily aperçoit la voiture de Jake arriver en ville. Elle s'approche et en voit sortir son père, Jonah, qui se dirige droit vers le commissariat. Il rencontre Jake, surpris de cette visite. Leur discussion se transforme en une petite dispute pour la nourriture que Jericho veut récupérer.  

La ferme de Stanley Richmond : Mimi est en train de petit-déjeuner quand Stanley arrive. Les céréales que mangent Mimi sont quasiment rassies, Stanley les mélange avec le lait tout juste sorti du pis de la vache (donc chaud ce qui écoeure Mimi). Ils poursuivent leur conversation et Mimi lui dit que cette nuit elle a fait du rangement et lui explique le principe du triangle (évier, cuisson, préparation). A la suite de cela, Stanley en profite pour faire de l'ironie.

Magasin : Skylar se sépare de la boîte à bijoux de sa mère contre une boîte de coca light.

Chez les Green : Jonhston, allongé sur la canapé, tente de faire descendre la température du thermomètre en le plongeant dans son verre d'eau. Cependant, sa femme a tout vu et veut à tout prix qu'il se repose.  

Jonah et Jake sont sortis du commissariat et continuent leur discussion : Jake veut s'assurer qu'il ne fera plus de mal à la ville et souhaite récupérer sa voiture. Mais Jonah, quelque peu vexé que Jake ne lui fasse plus confiance, refuse de lui rendre sa voiture. Emily a vu la scène. Une fois son père parti, elle rejoint Jake et s'énerve contre lui. Elle reparle de ce fameux soir où son frère, Chris, a été tué en présence de son père et Jake. 

Mairie : Jake annonce à Eric qu'il veut récupérer la nourriture à Jonah quand on entend du monde s'affairer : Gray est revenu de l'extérieur mal en point. Il raconte ce qu'il a vu : il donne un exemple d'agression, des hommes ont tué quelqu'un pour un peu d'eau. Eric lui fait la liste de ce qui fonctionne encore.
Il reste encore la ville de New-York car depuis le 11 septembre, leur section anti-terroriste s'est renforcée : des policiers ont arrêté des hommes détenant 20kg. de bombe. Cependant, la capitale fédérale, Washington, a été rayée de la carte.
Dale annonce à Skylar que New-York est indemne : il y a une chance pour que ses parents soient encore vivants. Elle le prend dans ses bras. Dans le même temps, Stanley dit à Mimi que Washington n'existe plus. Robert entre dans la cuisine et parle avec sa fille de la destruction de son ancienne ville et de la mort quasi certaine des personnes qu'ils connaissent. On y apprend, en même temps de Samuel, que sa mère a eu un petit ami. 

Dispute entre Jake et Gray par rapport à l'échange : celui-ci est contre. Jake doit voir Jonah dans pas longtemps et essaie de leur faire entendre raison : Eric est lui aussi contre cette idée. 

Skylar veut reprendre sa boîte mais Gracie lui dit qu'elle l'a déjà échangée et qu'elle ne peut en aucun cas lui donner le nom de la personne.  

Transaction : Jonah arrive avec toute la nourriture, alors que Jake est seul. De ce fait, ils repartent. 

Dale, qui doit aller chercher quelque chose pour Gracie dans la réserve, s'aperçoit qu'elle a menti car la boîte y est toujours. 

Nuit d'Halloween : Les enfants et les adultes s'amusent à la mairie quand deux hommes de Jonah s'y introduisent incognito afin de libérer Mitchell. Ils enferment le policier qui prévient Gray. Il leur court après, ainsi que Jake qui les a vus. Gray arme son fusil afin de tirer mais Jake l'en empêche. Il s'énerve et pense que Jake fait tout pour les protéger, mais il rétorque en lui expliquant que son but est de protéger la ville et Jonah peut les aider car il possède presque tout ce dont elle a besoin. 

Heather donne une "épave" à Jake en guise de voiture car celui-ci veut trouver Jonah. Elle veut qu'il fasse attention. 

Robert appelle sa femme pour le barbecue avec les enfants. Mais elle est assise sur le canapé et semble triste. Il lui dit qu'il sait pour son petit ami. Elle souhaite savoir pourquoi il est venu les chercher alors qu'il était sûr de ne plus vouloir être avec. Puis elle parle de son ancien copain en pleurant (comparaison avec Robert). Il sort. 

Jake arrive chez Jonah. Mitchell le voit et une bagarre éclate avec la bande de Jonah. Lorsqu'il sort, il les fait cesser et demande à Jake ce qu'il vient faire chez lui. Il explique ce qu'il se passe : la population de Jericho veut récupérer Mitchell. Il parle ensuite de l'échange : Jonah pourrait, s'il donne tout, venir chercher tout ce dont il a besoin mais à la condition qu'il laisse Jericho hors de ses magouilles. Jonah pose sa seule condition : voir sa fille Emily. Jake répond qu'elle refusera, Jonah ne veut pas donner la nourriture.

Mairie : Gray explique à Eric qu'il faudrait se renseigner sur les nouvelles familles qui ont été recueillies par Jericho et notamment Hawkins (Gray est méfiant).

Magasin : Gracie demande à Dale s'il sait qui a volé la boîte. (mais elle sait que c'est lui). Selon elle, Skylar est une fille trop gatée. Elle continue en disant qu'elle a fait beaucoup de choses pour lui et qu'elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il agit comme cela avec elle. Mais celui-ci ne voit pas les choses de la même façon : pour lui, il l'a énormément aidé au magasin lorsqu'il a ramené la nourriture du train. Il sort énervé. Dehors, Skylar a tout entendu.

Bar de Mary : Jake et Eric parlent autour d'un verre. Ils se racontent leur journée, l'un avec Jonah et l'autre avec Gray. Ils évoquent une fois de plus leurs souvenirs d'enfance. Hawkins arrive pour chercher sa femme qui est en train de boire. Elle refuse de le suivre. Il s'assoit devant elle, et lui dit pourquoi il est revenu la chercher : c'est sa femme (sous-entendu il l'aime).
Mimi est assise dehors et trie les papiers du fisc. Stanley lui propose de la soupe. Elle s'énerve car il a soulevé la pierre qui tenait les papiers : résultat, il se sont envolés. Ils les ramassent. Stanley lui dit qu'il comprend ce qu'elle ressent car sa mère est morte. Mimi s'énerve car toute sa famille, ses amis sont morts il n'y a pas longtemps. Elle s'éloigne un peu, s'accroupit en éclatant en sanglots au beau milieu de ses papiers qui finalement n'ont plus aucune importance.
Chez les Green : Emily est affolée quand les deux frères arrivent. Elle les amène auprès de leur père étendu sur la sol de sa chambre. April tente de le réanimer par un massage cardiaque, sa femme lui fait du bouche à bouche. Quelques secondes après il revient à lui. Assise sur le canapé du salon, April explique à son mari, Emily et Jake qu'il a fait un choc sceptique. Elle ne lui donne plus qu'une demi-journée car il n'y a plus les médicaments qu'il lui faut. Jake pense de suite à Rogue River. Gail, dans les escaliers, a tout entendu et ordone à ses fils d'y aller immédiatement malgrè les risques. 

Jonah répare une voiture quand Emily arrive. Surpris de la voir, il l'emmène dans un bureau pour parler plus tranquillement. Elle est simplement venue pour avoir le médicament qu'il faut à Johnston. Son père n'en a pas mais il veut l'aider d'une autre manière. Elle s'assoit et refuse qu'il lui parle de sa mère et son frère. Il insiste pour savoir qui est son fiancé, ce qu'il fait, bref il veut s'intéresser à la vie de sa fille. Il veut la protéger mais elle ne voit pas cela d'un très bon oeil. En contrepartie, il veut la voir plus souvent.  

Dans la rue, Skylar retrouve Dale qui lui rend la boîte. Elle lui demande où il va passer la nuit et l'invite à dormir chez elle.
Jake va voir Heather pour lui emprunter la camionnette. Elle a peur pour lui et lui donne des conseils en rapport à la voiture. Ils se regardent. Heather se jette au coup de Jake et l'embrasse puis s'en va. 

Eric prépare ses affaires quand Gray arrive. Il lui demande ce qu'il fait et lui donne des conseils. Celui-ci accepte de s'occuper de la ville durant l'absece d'Eric.
Jake voit sa voiture arriver et pense que c'est Jonah. En réalité Emily est au volant. 

Mimi arrive et s'assoit à la même table que Stanley qui lui donne des céréales.
Gail est au chevet de Johnston.
Eric et Jake quittent la ville au volant de la voiture de ce dernier.

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki

Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)

(Jonah’s Territory)

Pete: Where is he?

Pete: Jonah?

Jonah: What's the matter Pete?

Pete: Mitchell got arrested.

Jonah: What for?

Pete: Well we grabbed a couple horses, you know from one of those ranches outside of town, and Mitchell got caught.

Jonah: Well, Mitchell is an idiot.

Pete: The thing is, well the ranch that we were at, it belonged to Johnston Green. The Mayors wife kinda got knocked around a little bit. Not bad though, nothing bad. But... wait a minute. Wait a minuet.

Jonah: Whose idea was it? Yours or his?

Pete: It was his. I'm sorry. I apologize. I apologize.

Pete: OWWW!

Jonah: Apology accepted.

Pete: oh.........

(Outside of Town Hall)

It's clearly Halloween judging from the costumes, and the pumpkins

(Inside Town hall)

Mitch: She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes. She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes. She'll be coming around the mountain

Jimmy: Knock it off Mitchell.

Mitch: Wheres Jake? You better go get him. Cause when Jonah comes, he's going to want to have a little conversation with Jake. If you have to go looking for him, it's going to make things a whole lot worse.

Jimmy: Whatever. Just keep it down in here alright?

Mitch: Better tell him to get ready. To fight. Y'all better get ready.

Jimmy: Right.

(Elsewhere in Town Hall)

Jake: Mallow Cups. That's what they were called.

Eric: I always liked those.

Jake: The best. I always got so much more candy than you. You remember?

Eric: Cause you cheated. You trick-or-treat the neighborhood in one costume, then you go do it again in another.

Jake: Come on Eric, everybody did that. Well, except for you.

(Outside Town hall)

Emily: Jake and I had Halloween down to a science. I was always the bag lady so I could stuff his costumes into my garbage bag. I think we hit the Stevens house seven times in one year. He did always share his haul with me though.

Heather: *laughs* Just like a little Bonnie and Clyde. So adorable. Is it inappropriate that I keep asking questions about him?

Emily: Why would it be inappropriate?

Emily: Do you like Jake?

Heather: No! Okay it's a maybe, yes. Just a little bit.

Emily: A little...

Heather: I'm sorry, this is really weird.

Emily: It's not weird. It was a long time ago. Just be careful. Okay?

Heather: Why?

Emily: There's a lot of things about Jake you don't know. Okay?

Emily: Is that Jakes car?

Emily: Oh my god..

Heather: What? What is it?

(Inside Town Hall)

Jonah: Good Morning.

Bill: Morning. Can I help... you.

Jonah: I'm here to see about posting bail for a friend of mine. Mitchell Cafferty.

Jake: Hello Jonah.

Jonah: Jake. Been a long time.

Jonah: Five years. So. I understand Mitchell's been causing some trouble.

Jake: Come on, don't act surprised. He doesn't get out of bed in the morning without running it by you first.

Jonah: I'm not sure that's true. But I'm here to bail him out.

Jake: Alright then, let's talk bail. First, you're going to give back the food you stole.

Jonah: Wait, now hold on a second. I'm not sure you've noticed, but the worlds coming apart at the seams. What belongs to who is getting to be a fuzzy science Jake. But I'll see what I can do.

Jake: Alright, and you're going to stay away from this place, and not just you, Mitch,

Jonah: Since when are you in a position to speak for this town?

Jake: Do we have a deal?

Jonah: Shut up Mitchell! We have a deal.

(Richmond Farmhouse)

Stanley: Ahh, I see you're awake. Must be noon.

Mimi: I've been up for a while. Hey close the front door, what were you, born in a barn? Were you born in a barn?

Stanley: Almost a week you've been here, and you're not getting any funnier.

Mimi: Found some stale cornflakes in the pantry. Since no one else seemed to be eating them...

Stanley: Well knock yourself out. Here, want a little milk with those? Here you go.

Mimi: Aw, it's still warm.

Stanley: Yeah, it was even warmer when it was in the cow 10 minutes ago.

Mimi: And that will do it for the cornflakes.

Stanley takes them from her

Stanley: mmmm

Mimi: You did that on purpose didn't you?

Stanley: Yes I did. By the way, wheres the funnel?

Mimi: Oh, yeah. I put it in the random drawer. I couldn't sleep last night, so I rearranged some kitchen space. Put all the non-essentials out of the triangle.

Stanley: Triangle?

Mimi: The workspace that connects the three critical areas. Sink, Stove, and Prep. I was in the process of having my condo in DC renovated before I got stranded here.

Stanley: You know, Mimi. When I was a young boy growing up, I always felt like there was something missing in my life. Now I know. It's the triangle. Sink, Stove, Prep.

Mimi: We have sarcasm in DC you know.

(Gracie's Store)

Gracie: These'll do Bob.

Skylar: Please tell me that's diet.

Dale: Cream Soda.

Skylar: There used to be a whole case of Diet here. Gracie promised she'd hold on to it for me.

Gracie: Not to worry dear, I tucked it away when we agreed on the price.

Gracie: Oh you're right. It's lovely.

Skylar: It's an antique.

Gracie: Are you sure about this sweetheart?

Skylar: I'm sure...

Gracie: Dale, there's a case of soda along the back wall hidden next to your cot, would you bring it up please?

Skylar: You're still sleeping here?

Dale: Be right back.

(Green Household)

Gail: *makes spooky sounds* What are you doing?

Johnston: What?

Gail: You were cooling your thermometer in that glass of water weren't you?

Johnston: No I wasn't. If I was, I was. I'm tired of being babied.

Gail: You have a temperature of 350 degrees. You are going to rest. You are going to take the pills that April gave you. You are going to admire this ridiculous pumpkin with me. And then we are going to try to eat said Pumpkin together. Because we use every part of the buffalo in this house. Is that understood?

Johnston: Most of it. But no more meds. It's been 3 weeks. I'm not going to be the reason this town runs clean out of antibiotics.

Gail: Alright, now you listen to me. There may come a day when this town needs you to be a hero again. But today is not that day.

(Outside of Town Hall)

Jake: The worlds changing.

Jonah: Don't I know it. There's not a lot of work for a guy hauling freight these days. The old side business is sort of becoming a full-time gig. We could really use a guy like you. There's a lot of stuff out on the roads, waiting for somebody to take it.

Jake: I want your word. You and your guys are going to stay away from town.

Jonah: Already said I would. Ask again, and a guy might think you're calling him a liar.

Jake: And that's my car.

Jonah: What, you left it out there.

Jake: Yeah, but it was destroyed.

Jonah: Lovingly restored. Told you there was a lot of good stuff out there on the roads. This one I didn't even have to fight for. Besides, she was mine first.

Jonah Leaves

Jake: Emily.

Emily: Why are you talking to him?

Jake: It's okay, alright? It didn't have anything to do with you.

Emily: That was my father. It has everything to do with me. You have no idea how bad it go after you left. He was calling. He was everywhere. He was coming by the house. He wanted to talk to me. He wanted me to forgive him for what happened with Chris. I will never forgive him for what happened to Chris. And now you're back, and he's back.

Jake: Well he's not back, alright? After tomorrow, he's done, he's gone.

(Town Hall)

Eric: Whens it supposed to happen?

Jake: Tomorrow morning at 11:00.

Eric: So we get the food back, and Prowse leaves us alone.

Jake; That's what he said.

Eric: Yeah, well we'll see what he does.

Jake: Either way, I think it's important that we do this.

Eric: Okay... I'll run it by Dad.

Jake: What's going on?

Stanley: Get in here.

Stanley: Gray Andersons back in town.

Woman: Is he okay?

Another Woman: I can't believe it.

Man: Did he say anything?

Another man: Wheres he been?

Gray: Thank you. I hitched a ride with a supply truck that was running bottled water to a FEMA Camp over near Rogue River.

Eric: FEMAs running, that's good at least.

Gray: About 10 miles outside of Topeka, we hit a roadblock, I mean nothing official, just was a couple of cars rolled out onto the highway. As soon as we stopped, and it was like, a dozen guys just out of nowhere, yanked us out of the truck, and... I fought one of them, and took off on foot, and the driver, they just beat him to death right there on the road. They killed him for just a few cases of water. Well you guys haven't had any electricity yet, or any lights or anything. And there's a heck of a post.

Eric: No. Some simple circuits are still working, like flashlights, and electrical razors, but we pretty much lost anything with a circuit board. Radio. Computers. Newer cars.

Bill: What's happening in Topeka?

Gray: It's a mess. Nobody knows where the hell the governor is. And I hear the fallout from Lawrence hit them really hard.

Jimmy: Whoa, whoa. They hit Lawrence? Why would they hit Lawrence and not Topeka?

Gray: I don't know.

Eric: What about any other major cities? New York, DC?

Gray: They didn't get New York.

Hawkins: What? New York made it?

Gray: Yeah, well after 9/11 they got pretty good at security. Apparently NYPD caught three guys before they flipped the switch. They had a rented van, a 20 kiloton bomb in a steel drum.

Jake: And what about DC?

Gray: It's gone.

(Outside Town Hall)

Dale: Hey! Did you hear?

Skylar: Hear what?

Dale: Mr. Andersons back. He says New York's still there.

Skylar: New York.. my parents!

Dale: They might be okay.

Skylar: My parents...

(Richmond Farm House)

Mimi: Hey. Took you long enough. Your sister went to bed a little while ago. I'm pretty sure that she still hates me. Although tonight was the first time she said Good Night, without the dirty sign next to it. I wonder if she knows that I know what that means.

Stanley: I have some bad news. Mimi...

Mimi: What?

Stanley: Washington D.C. is gone.

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins: You know, stirring them doesn't make them taste any better.

Allison: So Cindy Matthers is dead?

Hawkins: If she was in D.C., then probably. It depends on how close she was when the bomb went off.

Allison: And Joel Stafford? He was going to ask me out. It's what Cindy said. Did they feel it when they died? Joel, Cindy, the Thompson's next door.

Hawkins: It... it would've been fast.

Allison: And Doug...

Hawkins: Who's Doug?

Allison: Mom's boyfriend.

Hawkins: Hmm...

Allison: I thought you knew.

(Town Hall)

Gray: Are you out of your mind? You made a deal with Jonah Prowse?

Jake: Yeah, Mitch for the food, and Jonah stays out of Jericho. Why?

Gray: Because you can't make deals with guys like that.

Jake: Wait a minuet, we talked about this. We, we agreed.

Gray: I know about Prowse. He hauled material for Stevens. Before I came into the mine, he was stealing 5% off the top. Intimidating suppliers. The guy did 4 years at Lansing for extortion and assault, and you want to negotiate with that guy.

Eric: He's got a good point Jake.

Jake: What happened to clearing this with dad?

Gray: Look, no disrespect to your father, but he hasn't been out there. I've seen what happens when people lose their hold on law and order. You start striking deals with the bad guys, It's the beginning of the end.

Jake: Calm down, alright? We need food more than we need to keep Mitchell Cafferty. Now I'm supposed to make a trade with Jonah in an hour. If I go out there empty handed, I don't know what he's going to do.

Gray: It doesn't matter. Because he'll know we won't roll over for him.

Gray: Look, Jake. We either hold this territory or we don't.

Jake: Eric..

Eric: Grays right..

(Gracie's Store)

Skylar: I know this is only half of the soda we swapped for, but I really need that jewelry box back.

Gracie: Oh sorry sweetie, we made a deal.

Skylar: I just found out my parents could be alive. They might be coming back at any time.

Gracie: Oh that's good news, I'm happy for you.

Skylar: That jewelry box belonged to my mother. Her grandmother gave it to her. It's worth a lot more than some diet soda.

Gracie: I wish I could help you, but I already traded it away.

Skylar: To who?

Gracie: All trades are confidential. No one wants to trade for a jewelry box that comes with an argument about who it belongs to. I'm sure your parents will understand. These are hard times for all of us. Okay. Bye.

Gracie: Uh, Dale. could you lock this up in the back please?

(Outside of Town)

Jonah: Looks like you forgot someone.

Jake: The town said no to the deal with Mitch. How can I fix this?

(Outside Town Hall)

Jimmy: oh! You scared me. That's a good ghost.

Man: Watch yourselves.

(Inside Town hall)

Bill: No Candy in here guys.

Bill is locked up in the prison by the guys who entered

Bill: GRAY! GRAY! Jonahs men took Mitchell. They're headed out the front.

Jake: Hey!

Jake: HEY!

Jake: Gray! No!

Gray fires a shot at the men

Gray: Let me go! Jake! You're letting them go.

Jake: Instead of what? Starting a fire fight on main street?

Gray: Let me go out after him!

Jake: Are you out of your mind?

Gray: This has gotta be answered Jake. What, are you going to turn the other cheek? How long before you think these guys are back?

Jake: Look I can talk to Jonah.

Gray: You can talk to Jonah if you can find him!

Jake: He lived up to his end of the deal.

Gray: Why the hell are you protecting this guy?

Jake: I'm protecting this town. He can get things that we're going to need.

Gray: What can he get?

Jake; He can get food. He can get gas. He can get ammo. Could you get that stuff if we needed it tomorrow? COULD YOU?! Cause he can. We do this my way now.

Jake: You said you could get me a car. Is this thing going to die on me half way out there?

(Outside Somewhere)

Heather: Charlotte? Not a chance. She's sturdy. So uh.. Be careful.

Jake: I'm only going 10 miles.

Heather: I know about him. I talked to Emily.

Jake: Yeah, what'd she tell you?

Heather: Enough.

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins: Hey Darcy, Alli and Sam have got the grill going outside, I think we're uh... barbecuing Spam. They were asking for you. So uh... I know about Doug.

Darcy: What do you know?

Hawkins: I know that he's probably gone. I know... I know that he meant a lot to you.

Darcy: Oh Robert, you don't know a damn thing.

Hawkins: So were my kids close to him?

Darcy: Why don't you ask the kids?

Hawkins: I don't want to ask the kids. I'm ask...

Darcy: Why did you come for me?

Hawkins: I told you the kids

Darcy: No, no, in DC. You could've just taken the kids. We sat in traffic two hours that day on the beltway. You didn't have to wait for me, why did you do it? Why? You hated me Robert.

Hawkins: I did not hate you

Darcy: You hated me, you blamed me for breaking up the marriage. And even though you left me for your work long before I even looked at another man,

Hawkins: I'll tell the kids you're not feeling too well.

Darcy: Doug and I had been dating for about three months. Met him at the gym. I liked the way he looked at me. And I liked the way I felt when he looked at me, it was nice. I was thinking of introducing him to the kids, now I'm back in a house of secrets with a man who looks at me like... like that. God... Why on earth did you come for me?

(Jonahs Territory)

Jake: Quite the runner Mitch.

Jake gets into a fight with about 3 guys

Jonah: *whistles* Hey! Knock it off! Let him go. It's alright, it's alright. What do I owe the pleasure.

Jake: A lot of people in town aren't going to let this stand. Alright, they're angry. Talking about coming out here to get him by force, if necessary.

Jonah: Did you ever in your life think anyone would care this much about Mitchell Cafferty?

Jake: Look, you don't want it to come to that, I don't want it to come to that. I'm here to negotiate.

Jonah: Last time you negotiated, it didn't work out so good for me.

Jake: Keep Mitch, and keep the food. You can sell the food through Gracie Leigh's market in town, and take your cut off the top of supplies that we have and you don't. Fresh water, crops, salt from the mine.

Jonah: I'm listening.

Jake: And in exchange you'll guarantee that your business, stays away from town. And we'll send a trailer to pick up supplies, you don't come to us.

Jonah: I'll think about it. Now let's talk about what I need. I want to talk to Emily.

Jake: She doesn't want to see you.

Jonah: She blames me for Chris's death. Things might be different if she knew who's fault it really was.

Jake: I didn't send him on that job, alright. You did. I tried to talk him out of it.

Jonah: He needed a lookout. Someone to watch his back. You left him alone!

Jake: Lookout? He needed a father.

Jonah: Maybe it's time Emily learned the truth about what you did.

Jake: I told her. I told her, I told her everything.

Jonah: She forgive you?

Jake: no...

Jonah: Neither do I. Get her to see me, or I'll do business wherever the hell I please.

Jake: I can't.

Jonah: Then I guess we don't have a deal.

(Town Hall, Sheriffs Office)

Gray: Oh hey Eric, can I bother you for a minute?

Eric: Sure, what's up?

Gray: Come in. Now I am seeing a lot of unfamiliar faces around here, and I did some asking around, and apparently there are 8 new families since I left town, and 14 since the attacks.

Eric: Yeah some families had relatives come from nearby towns. Some more people from Colorado, why?

Gray: Do we know anything about them? Where they've been, what they know?

Eric: I don't think I like where this conversations going, Gray.

Gray: Well neither do I, but I'm also sure we can't be too careful, or too prepared.

Eric: I mean, Robert Hawkins? The man has two kids. He's been nothing but helpful.

Gray: Shows up two days before the end of the world, with enough CASH to buy the old Thompson house. Look, I'm not suggesting anything, I'm, I'm just saying that we should know a little more about who we're sharing our foxhole with. It costs us nothing to find out.

(Gracie's Store)

Gracie: Is there something you want... to tell me?

Dale: What do you mean?

Gracie: That jewelry box is missing. Did you steal from me, Dale? Say something.

Dale: Why did you lie to her? Why did you tell her you didn't have the box?

Gracie: We made a fair trade. I shouldn't have to explain myself to some spoiled little girl.

Dale: You don't know her.

Gracie: Oh I know her, and everybody like her. They think the rules don't apply to them. I could understand others trying to steal from me, but after everything I have done for you...

Dale: Everything you've done for me?

Gracie: I took you in...

Dale: And what? You let me sleep here? I was the one who looked for the train. I was the one who walked 5 miles everyday dragging food back here. You wouldn't have a store if it wasn't for me.

Gracie: Dale, honey...

Dale: You know what? No. I'm done. Heres your keys back.

Dale Leaves

Gracie: Dale, no...

(Baileys Bar)

Eric: Hey.

Jake: hey.

Eric: Where's Mary?

Jake: Uhh Wednesday. Night off.

Eric: What're you drinking there?

Jake: I don't know. I think it might be kerosene. Haven't quite figured out the still yet.

Eric: So how'd things go with Jonah today?

Jake: Well I think I might've gotten us into a fight we don't want to be a part of.

Eric: Nice...

Jake: How about you, how was your day?

Eric: Well I think I'm becoming Gray Andersons yes man. Worst part of it is, I"m not sure if that's a bad thing.

Jake: Big day for the Green boys, huh?

Eric: Yeah.. you avoiding going home, telling dad?

Jake: Hell yeah. You?

Eric: Same thing.

Jake: Hey, you remember that time we set the carpet in dads office on fire? All you had to do was stick to the story, and we would've been fine.

Eric: You wanted me to tell dad I had a seizure, and knocked over his desk lamp.

Jake: *laughs* yeah...

Eric: Any other brilliant ideas to get us out this one?

Jake: Not at the moment.

Eric: Well, I say we finish these drinks, and go home and try to explain all of this to dad. In a way that won't kill him.

Hawkins: (To his wife) I think you've had enough to drink. You wanna come with me? So we can finish our conversation?

Darcy: No, I'm done talking for the day Rob.

Hawkins: I'm not kidding, Darcy. Let's just go.

Darcy: No! Alright, not this time! Why don't you go home.

Hawkins: Hey. I came back for you, because you are my wife.

(Richmond Porch)

Stanley: Yeah, I'm not sure how you feel about Tomato soup, but I don't know it usually makes me feel better, so.

Stanley: How's it coming?

Mimi: I've been going over all of my pending audits, and I can only remember half the details of half my cases. This one is for almost there, and this one is for not even close.

Stanley: You don't need to be doing all this.

Mimi: What the hell else am I going to do?

Mimi: Oh! OH! ugh! get out of my way.

Stanley: I'm just trying to help you.

Mimi: Well, stop it.

Stanley: Look, I know what you're going through. Alright. I lost my folks when I was 18 years old, and the first few days, were, were bad.

Mimi: Everything, and everyone that I ever cared about, was incinerated 4 weeks ago. You're going to tell me that you know how I feel.

Stanley: I'm trying to be nice to you.

Mimi: Well stop being nice to me! You don't owe me anything. You don't owe anyone anything. Anymore.

(Green Household)

Jake: Em, what are you doing here?

Emily: I came here to talk to you, but when I got here, just hurry.

Jake: What?

Emily: Hurry!

Emily: He went into shock or something.

April: And 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5..

April: 1.... 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.

Gail: He's not breathing.

April: Okay, one more round.

Gail: Whoa!

April: Alright, get him over on

April: I've given him 3 courses of antibiotics. It must've been too much for his system. He's become septic.

Eric: How do we treat it?

Eric: Wait a minute April, how do we treat it?

April: If the med-center was operational, maybe. If we could medi-vac him into county hospital in Rogue River, maybe. If we had any heavy-duty meds left in the pharmacy, maybe. Without that, 12 hours. Maybe a day. I'm so sorry.

Emily: What kind of meds?

April: What?

Emily: You said he needed heavy-duty meds, what, what kind would he need?

April: Something strong enough to blow out the infection fast. Let his body heal itself. Cipro, but we ran out weeks ago.

Jake: They'd have it in Rogue River though.

April: Jake. That's 90 miles away.

Jake: I better get going then.

April: Wait a minuet.

Eric: I'm going too.

April: Eric! No! If Grays right about how dangerous...

Gail: Go! Go Now!

(Jonahs Territory)

Emily: You wanted to talk.. Let's talk.

Jonah: You wanna sit?

Emily: No, I'm not here to catch up. Jake Green's Dads sick.

Jonah: That so?

Emily: Yep. I don't care what you think of him, okay? I'm here to ask for your help.

Jonah: I'm not a doctor sweetheart.

Emily: No, you're not. You're a thief. He needs meds, he needs Cipro.

Jonah: Don't have it. Sorry. But... I may be able to help.

Jonah: Your mother used to make that same face.

Emily: Stop it. You do not get to talk about her, or Chris, okay?

Jonah: I heard you're getting married. What kind of guy is he?

Emily: How many questions do I have to answer to get your help?

Jonah: More. What's he do? The guy.

Emily: He's an investment banker.

Jonah: Emily... I stuck by our agreement. To stay away. But the past few weeks, I've seen a lot of bad things. I just want to know that someones looking out for you. It's just you and me now. Your moms gone. Chris is gone.

Emily: Is that what this is?

Jonah: What?

Emily: You want us to be a family? You want somebody to invite you for Thanksgiving Dinner? If you think for one second that I would do that again, you're crazy.

Jonah: I think if you want my help saving Johnston Green's life, you've got a funny way of asking. You're going to get my help. You're my kid. But I think that you and I need to start seeing more of each other.

(Outside Somewhere)

Skylar: Dale! Where have you been, I've been looking all over for you.

Dale hands her the music box

Skylar: How did you get this? Thank you. Oh my god, this is what the fight was about. Where are you staying tonight?

Dale: A friends house.

Skylar: A friends house? Come on. You can sleep on the couch at my place.

(At Heathers Old Truck)

Heather: I don't think this is such a good idea.

Jake: No choice.

Heather: Well then at least let me do some more work on the car.

Jake: There's no time. I have to go now. Wait, you said it was sturdy?

Heather :Yeah, sturdy. But what if you have to out-run something?

Jake: Why? How fast will it go?

Heather: I don't know... 30 maybe 40 miles an hour. Best case, down hill, and not for very long. See, this is what I'm saying. Maybe you should go on horseback.

Jake: A horse is slower than that.

Heather: A horse is less likely to explode.

Jake: I'll take my chances.

Heather: Okay, well at least open her up easy. Make sure you have enough car left in case you have to ask for a lot in a hurry, and remember, the gas tank on this thing is on the left-hand side, so if somebody decides to start shooting at you, make sure it's not on that side.

Jake: Anything else?

Heather kisses Jake

Heather: Come back in one piece.

Jake: Heh. I will. I promise.

Heather: I thought you were going to go.

Jake: I'm waiting on Eric.

Heather: Oh... I'm... watch out for giant radiating hands out there.

Jake: Always do.

Heather: Okay...

(Town Hall)

Gray: What, you going somewhere?

Eric: Yeah, my father needs medication. Stuff we don't have in town. Jake and I are going to Rogue River to find it.

Gray: You sure that's a good idea?

Eric: Not really.

Gray: Listen, you be careful out there, alright? You don't, don't stop for anything. You don't even slow down. I mean it.

Eric: We'll be back before morning. You mind keeping an eye on things here?

Gray: Of course. You don't worry about it.

(Outside of Town Hall)

Eric: Ahh, what the hell? This is what we're driving?

Jake: Yeah, I mean it's not actually a, yeah. What in the world...

Eric: I thought the deal was, we'd go get the food, and he'd stay away.

Jake: It was.

Jake: Em?

Emily: I couldn't get you the meds you needed, so I got you the second best thing. A fast car. He said it's a gift.

Jake: You know there are no gifts with him.

Jake: I'm really sorry you got dragged into this.

Emily: Nobody dragged me. Go save your dad.

Jake: Eric! Load up.

Stanley offers Mimi a box of wheat crackers.

Gail tends to Johnston while he rests

Eric is riding with Jake in Jakes car.

A sign is seen:

Rogue River 83
Salina 236
Topeka: 347




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Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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