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#106 : Vivre ensemble

Après avoir vu des missiles américains dans le ciel, la population de Jericho affronte une bombe électromagnétique qui provoque une panne générale de tous les circuits et plonge à nouveau la ville dans le noir. Jake voit ressurgir une vieille connaissance qui sème le chaos dans le ranch des Green...


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9 : 02

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Vivre ensemble

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Réalisation : J. Miller Tobin
Scénario : Nancy Won


  • Shiloh Fernandez (Sean Henthorn)
  • Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh)
  • Clare Carey (Mary Bailey)
  • Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)


Scène inédite

Nous sommes au musée de Jericho. Emily et Heather font l'inventaire des objets qui n'ont pas été touchés par l'IEM (une bombe à impulsion électromagnétique qui brûle tous les circuits imprimés des appareils qui fonctionnent avec des composants électriques.)

Heather pense qu'elle devrait amener ses élèves ici, que ce serait une formidable leçon éducative.

Emily répond qu'elle y était venue en 6e. Que c'est là qu'elle eu son premier baiser !

Heather demande qui était l'heureux élu.

Emily : "Jake Green"

Heather est étonné, "ça ne date pas d'hier entre vous"

Emily réplique que "c'est de l'histoire ancienne"

Mais Heather fait remarquer qu'elles se connaissent depuis 2 ans , c'est la première fois qu'elle parle de lui

C’est parce qu'à l'arrivée d’Heather, Emily était avec Roger et qu'elle avait chassé Jake Green de son esprit

Heather : Combien de temps faut-il pour chasser de son esprit un homme comme lui?

Emily : Mieux vaut de pas le savoir

On peux voir à son visage qu'Heather n'est pas indifférente à Jake et aux propos dEmily


Tous les habitants sont dehors et regardent dans le ciel des missiles qui sont en phase d'ascension, sûrement ceux de l'armée des USA d'après Jake. Alors, ils pensent tous que le pays est en guerre.

Hawkins va tout de suite sur son ordinateur pour voir s'il peut avoir d'autres informations sur ce qu'il vient de se passer, mais malheureusement son correspondant lui fait savoir qu'il est compromis et que le contact doit être coupé. Allison le surprend et elle est surprise.

Eric pense que si son pays envoie des missiles c'est qu'ils savent qui est le coupables des attaques, mais Jake ne le pense pas. Ils peuvent juste les envoyer aux suspects habituels et là, si c'est le cas, les représailles pourront être plus mauvaises.

Tout à coup, il y a de nouveau une coupure d'électricité.

Hawkins explique à sa famille que c'est une IEM une bombe à impulsion électromagnétique qui brûle tous les circuits imprimés des appareils qui fonctionnent avec des composants électriques. C'est ce qu'explique aussi Jake aux habitants.

2 semaines plus tard.

Des jeunes sont dans la rue en train de jouer au base-ball, avec en guise de balle, des téléphones portables. Ils cassent une vitre de l'épicerie ce qui met hors de lui Dale qui sort pour se battre, mais Jake le retient.

Shawn, qui passe par là, fait comme s'il se moquait de Dale, mais Jake intervient. Shawn lui fait comprendre que Dale et lui sont amis. Jake fait comprendre à Dale que s'il a des problèmes, qu'il vienne lui en parler au lieu de les régler tout seul. Mais Dale, entêté, lui répond qu'il n'a pas besoin d'un grand frère.

Darcy et Allison font la lessive à la main quand Hawkins s'apprête à partir au poste. Mais avant de partir, il explique que la vie d'avant n'existe plus, qu'il faut réapprendre à vivre, ce qui met Darcy hors d'elle, car il fait peur à sa fille.

Des millions de plaintes tombent de tous les habitants. Eric, Hawkins, Jimmy et les autres essayent tant bien que mal de régler les problèmes.

Jake discute au bar avec Mary à propos de Eric quand une vieille connaissance de Jake entre, ce qui n'enchante pas trop celui-ci.
C'est Mitchell Caferty qui essaye de provoquer Jake, mais celui-ci garde son calme, tout en le remettant à sa place.
Jake se lève pour partir et au même moment, Caferty l'attrape par le bras en cherchant la bagarre, mais Jake ne rentre pas dans son jeu. Hawkins qui venait juste d'arriver fait son boulot et vient s'interposer entre les deux hommes pour que ça ne dégénère pas. Mais leur histoire ne s'arrêtera pas là.

Gail fait comprendre à Eric qu'il faudrait qu'il mette un peu d'ordre dans son couple. April qui descendait de l'étage au même moment leur apprend que Johnston ne va pas bien du tout, que sa fièvre augmente toujours et qu'elle ne sait plus trop quoi faire. Gail monte voir Johnston, April tente de discuter avec Eric mais celui-ci ne fait pas d'efforts et repart au poste.

Pendant ce temps chez les Richmond, Mimi arrive en leur expliquant que comme son hôtel où elle logeait vient de fermer et que comme Stanley doit une certaine somme d'argent à l'état, il devrait la loger et qu'elle déduira le prix de chaque journée écoulée.

Stanley s'aperçoit que son maïs commence à se faire dévorer par les vers et qui s'il ne fait rien il n'aura pas de récolte.

Hawkins qui a trouvé le dossier sur Caferty demande des explications sur ce personnage à Eric et lui détaille la scène avec Jake. Eric a peur de la réaction de Jake mais Hawkins le rassure.

Jake et Gail sont à leur ranch en train de s'occuper des chevaux quand Gail entend les chevaux hennir. Elle s'approche de la porte lorsque tous les chevaux sortent comme des furies de l'écurie. Jake court vers sa mère et aperçoit deux cavaliers qui s'enfuient avec tout le troupeau. Celui-ci voit rouge.

Gail n'a finalement  pas grand-chose, juste un bras qui a pris un bon coup.
Jake en colère est prêt à sortir de chez lui car il pense savoir qui est le coupable : Caferty. Si on ne l'arrête pas, il va leur causer des ennuis.
Son père qui le connaît, l'interdit de lui faire revire ce qu'il a vécu cinq ans auparavant et il lui prend son arme.

Stanley arrive chez Gracie pour lui acheter des bidons de pesticides. Mais elle refuse de les lui vendre, elle veut faire un marché : 50-50 sur la récolte. Stanley n'est pas d'accord.

Eric et Jimmy vont voir Mary afin de savoir si elle entendu quelque chose à propos des chevaux. Celle-ci leur apprend qu'un homme avait acheté un cheval au terrain d'aviation. Mary profite de voir Eric et lui demande où ils en sont tous les deux. Eric lui fait comprendre que c'est elle qu'il aime mais qui ne peut pas quitter sa femme comme ça et qu'il est un peu perdu.

Jake, têtu, est parti seul au terrain d'aviation.
Johnston et Gail qui sont chez eux, se font part de leur inquiétude pour Jake vues les tournures des événements. Au même moment, Stanley arrive et leur explique pour sa récolte et le marché de Gracie. Johnston explique qu'il va lui envoyer des hommes pour l'aider à récolter mais que Stanley devra la partager avec les habitants. Stanley qui a besoin de sa récolte pour sauver sa ferme ne le voit pas de cet œil.

Au terrain d'aviation, Jake retrouve les chevaux et aperçoit Dale. Surpris, il lui demande ce qu'il fait là. Celui-ci n'a pas le temps de lui répondre que Caferty assomme Jake.
Jake se réveille. Caferty, Shawn et Dale sont présents.
Caferty règle ses comptes avec Jake : Caferty n'a pas oublié qu'il a fait de la prison seul.
Jake le prévient que s'il retouche à sa famille il se vengera. Puis, les deux hommes commencent à se battre. Eric et Jimmy arrivent au même moment et Caferty s'échappe en prenant un des chevaux.

Au poste, Jake essaye de questionner les deux jeunes mais sans succès. Alors Hawkins décide de les séparer pour les interroger et comprend qu'entre Jake et Caferty les divergences ne datent pas d'aujourd'hui. Hawkins se charge de Shawn.

Au magasin, Gracie s'aperçoit que ses bidons de pesticides ont disparu et porte plainte contre Stanley.
Bill fait son travail et doit aller fouiller dans la grange à Stanley. Mais Stanley n'est pas un voleur.

Jake fait comprendre à Dale de ne plus fréquenter Mitchell Caferty et sa bande et qu'il sait de quoi il parle.
Skylar arrive et prend la défense de Dale. Jake qui n'était qu'en train de discuter avec l'adolescent, décide de le laisser partir. Dale lui fait alors savoir qu'il sait où est Caferty.

Allison qui cherche son père descend à la cave et entre dans la pièce de Hawkins. Elle voit la carte, le pistolet, le matériel et l'ordinateur ouvert sur une page de renseignements sur Jake. A ce moment-là, Hawkins arrive et fait sortir sa fille sur le champ. Elle lui demande des explications sur ce qu'elle vient de voir et sur son ordinateur qui marche alors que tous les autres ne fonctionnent plus. Il lui explique et décide de lui apprendre à tirer au pistolet.

Quand Bill s'en va de chez Stanley, Mimi apprend à celui-ci que c'est elle qui a fait voler les bidons et qu'elle sait où on peut aller les récupérer.

April qui était à l'étage chez les Green descend et commence à discuter de Eric et de son couple avec Gail.

Jake et Eric suivent Dale jusqu'à une grange qui leur explique qu'il avait eu besoin de Caferty pour transporter la marchandise du train et la stocker là.

Stanley va voir Gracie et lui rend les bidons.

Quand Jake, Dale et Eric entrent dans le bâtiment, celui-ci est vide. Mais une personne tourne autour. Jake part alors d'un côté et Eric de l'autre. Eric qui arrive par derrière l'homme, qui n'est autre que Caferty, lui demande de poser son arme quand celui-ci veut prendre la fuite. Mais il se fait bloquer par Jake qui le rue de coups, jusqu'à que Eric l'arrête.

Mitchell est en prison, mais Jake, Gail et Eric ont peur des représailles. Gail décide de faire travailler Dale et Shawn pour qu'ils se fassent pardonner de ce qu'ils ont fait.

Dans un champ, Hawkins apprend à sa fille à tirer ce qui ne déplait pas du tout à celle-ci. Une complicité père-fille voit le jour.

Stanley prépare à mettre le feu à la partie infestée de son champ quand Gail arrive avec tous les habitants pour l'aider à récolter, sans aucune contrepartie.
Tout le monde se met au travail. Jake arrive avec les deux jeunes et Shawn et Dale se mettent au travail. Bonnie amène des chaussures plus adaptées au travail des champs à Mimi, et Stanley lui fait comprendre que si elle ne met pas la main à la pâte elle dormira dans l'étable.
Gracie vient se faire pardonner en amenant à Stanley tous les bidons de pesticides.
Hawkins et sa famille sont aussi là et apportent leur aide même s'ils ne savent pas trop comment faire. Les habitants s'acharnent au travail. Jake remercie Hawkins pour son aide.
April demande à Eric s'ils pourront discuter après le travail, Eric n'est pas très enjoué mais fait un effort.

Le soir, Hawkins fait un montage d'une photo avec Darcy et les enfants : il s'ajoute dessus pour fonder une vrai famille.

Mitchell qui est toujours enfermé fait comprendre à Jake que quelqu'un viendra le chercher et qu'il sait qui est cette personne...

Fin de l'épisode.

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)


(Outside of Baileys Tavern)

Stanley: Are those ours or theirs

Jake: They're headed up, so they must be ours.

Johnston: The nearest missile silo is in Wyoming, 100 miles away.

Eric: So this is it? We're at war?

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins asks on the computer: "What is the target? Ours or theirs?"

I'm compromised is the response

Allison: Dad?

Hawkins: Hey, I want you to get your mom, and Samuel down here, and you wait for me to come out.

Allison: What are you..

Hawkins: No, now. Baby, now.

(Outside of Baileys Tavern)

Eric: Well if we're sending missiles, they must've figured out who attacked us.

Bill: God Bless America.

Jake: They could've just decided to take out one of the usual suspects.

Johnston: That means there could be more missiles headed in our direction.

Gail: Well is this the federal response that we've all been waiting for?

(lights go out everywhere)

Some woman: What's happened?

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins says "End Transmission"

Darcy: Robert, the circuit breaker.

Hawkins: This wasn't the breaker. It was an EMP. It's an electromagnetic pulse. Fries anything with a circuit board. That means that all electronics, appliances, anything with wires.

Darcy: Does that mean that another bomb has gone off somewhere?

(Outside Baileys Tavern)

Eric: What the hell was that?

Jake: It was an EMP. Everything s dead.

Eric: Well is help on it's way or not?

Jake: I don't think so.

2 Weeks Later

(Outside of Gracie's Store)

Baseball Kid: Whoa! Shoot!

Jake: Hey! Hey! Slow down.

Baseball kid: Let go of me!

Jake: What's the matter with you huh?

Jake: Whoa, ho ho ho.

Jake: Dale, hey.

Jake: What are you doing?

Dale: He broke our window, you saw him.

Dale: Hey!

Jake: Dale!

Dale: Thanks a lot...

Jake: Dale, hold up.

Dale: What?

Jake: You alright?

Dale: He tried to break in the store twice this week.

Shawn: aw, that's terrible.

Jake: You got a problem?

Shawn: Not me. Dales my buddy. Right Dale?

Jake: You can't go shoving people around in the street, alright. If you got a problem you take it up with Jimmy or Bill

Dale: All they'll do is write a report.

Jake: Well then come to me.

Dale: I can take care of myself.

(Hawkins House)

Darcy: There's gotta be an easier way.

Allison: Maybe we can hook up the washing machine to work with the hand crank or something.

Hawkins: I'll be back tonight.

Allison: Where are you going dad?

Hawkins: To the station.

Darcy: So why you heading off to play cop?

Hawkins: Because people are starting to react to the fact that no one is coming to save them. Okay. No one. Because the world we knew, does not exist anymore. So if we can't keep order, we will not survive.

Darcy: Allison, give me a minute with your father.

Allison: Mom I just...

Darcy: Now!

Darcy: What the hell are you doing, scaring our kids about the end of the world Rob?

Hawkins: Well they have to understand what's going on.

Darcy: You haven't been around for 4 years. I'm the parent here. Okay, I'll decide what they need

Hawkins: We cannot have photos up that might raise questions about us as a family. I'm not in this. Get rid of them Darcy.

(Town Hall)

Carla: People are trespassing on my land.

Jimmy: Well we don't have the resources to patrol the whole town Carla. Keep an eye on your own property.

Man: That streets got a busted water line. My whole lawn is flooded.

Jimmy: I'm trying to get some men on that right now.

Man: Where's Mayor Green?

Eric: He is home recuperating from the flu.

Carla: Then who's running this town?

Hawkins: The mayor is still in charge. And you know, these guys are doing the best job they can with a short staff.

Carla: Who the hell are you?

Eric: He is a volunteer, and a Deputy. Now settle down, and we'll get to you. But you have to be patient. Please.

(Baileys Tavern)

Mary: How's your brother?

Jake: Eric pretty much keeps to himself. Spends a lot of time at work. Making sure the town stays on its feet.

Mary: Really? That's odd. I just figured he'd be spending a little more time with his wife. You know, now that they've lost the house and all.

Jake: They seem pretty happy together.

Gangster: Hey Mitchell, wait up.

Mitch: Mary.

Mary: Uh-uh. We are not doing this again Mitch. You're not welcome here.

Mitch: Oh come on. With everything that's happened, we're just looking for a cold beer.

Mary: Well we haven't served cold anything for a long time.

Mitch: Just give me whatever you got. Or I'll get it myself.

Jake: You might wanna rethink that.

Mitch: Oh, Wow! Everyone thought you went up in the blast. But I knew you'd find a way to survive.

Mitch: Oh come on, let's not do it like this. Besides if anyone should have a grudge, it's me. Right? I mean you left me holding the bag when you left town.

Jake: You know what, you're right. Don't make me kick your ass again.

Hawkins: Hey! Is everything alright?

Mitch: You traveling with your own personal bodyguard now? It's probably not a bad idea.

Hawkins: What's the trouble here?

Mitch: Oh, no trouble. We're just two old friends catching up.

Hawkins: Well maybe you should do that some other place. Some other time.

Mitch: See ya soon. Right pal?

(Green Household)

Eric: Hey mom.

Gail: Hi. What are you doing home?

Eric: I'm just snagging another citation ledger. We've taking more complaints in these last few days than we normally do in a month.

Gail: Well Jake and I are going out to the ranch to fee the horses in a little bit. If you'd like to join us, maybe we could talk.

Eric: Oh, Sorry i can't. With Dad down, I'm struggling just to make sure things don't fall apart out there.

Gail: How about things closer to home?

Eric: What's that supposed to mean?

Gail: How are you and April doing?

Eric: Why? Did she say something?

Gail: Eric...

April: Ahem.

Gail: How's Johnston?

April: I wish I had better news. His fevers getting worse. I'll try to dig up a stronger course of antibiotics at the med center, but.. we're running low on supplies.

Gail: I don't know... if I could just get him to eat something.

Gail: Can you stay?

Eric: Don't worry about me Mom. There's a box of protein bars down at the station. I'll just grab one of those.

April: If you wait 10 minutes, maybe we could walk together.

Eric: I gotta go. There's an important meeting.

April: Well, that's where you should be. We'll talk tonight.

(Richmond Ranch)

Stanley: Maybe we can put in a new starter.

Bonnie: If we can find a starter that works.

Stanley: Uncle Sam! What do we owe the pleasure?

Mimi: Can you please not call me that?

(Bonnie signs something)

Mimi: What'd she say.

Stanley: Oh she says that she likes your shoes.

Mimi: Thank you. I have a proposition. The hotel I was staying in, closed, and since you owe the government more than $180,000..

Stanley: No ones heard from the government in weeks.

Mimi: Consider me the government.

Stanley: Fine then. I still get to call you Uncle Sam.

Stanley: Nice watch.

Mimi: It's a Rolex.

Stanley: You got the time?

Mimi: It's umm... It just stopped working after the pulse. Just like everyone else's.

Stanley: Well how about I pay you when it starts up again!

Mimi: You're being an idiot. I'm trying to give you a chance to protect your interests.

Stanley: You're too kind.

Mimi: Okay, heres the deal. You let me stay here, and I will deduct my room and board from what you owe the IRS.

Stanley: Fine, fine. Why not? I could use an extra field hand, and you can help Bonnie with the cooking and the washing.

Mimi: Okay, maybe you don't understand the nature of the deal. I don't do housework.

Mimi: *screams* is that a cockroach?

Bonnie: We don't have cockroaches here.

Mimi: Well it landed right on me. It's probably attracted to all that chicken crap in the yard.

Bonnie: Stanley? What's wrong?

(Town Hall)

Eric: What do you got there?

Hawkins: Rap sheet on Mitchell Cafferty. Armed Robbery. Assault. Gun Trafficking.

Eric: Yeah... Mitch isn't one of Jericho's finest.

Hawkins: What do you know about him?

Eric: Well he hasn't given us trouble in a while. Stays just outside of town in a compound with a bunch of guys.

Hawkins: Like survivalists?

Eric: I guess.. Why you so interested?

Hawkins: Well, he was in Bailey's this morning. Had some words with your brother. Looked like there was a bit of history there.

Eric: What'd Jake do about it?

Hawkins: Kept his cool... Didn't engage.

Eric: Well it's best we leave it alone then. Like you said, it's history.

(Green Ranch)

Gail: Well one thing that hasn't changed, all this. You remember when you first started riding? Took to it like a fish to water. You know, if you favored your father a little less, and your dinky uncle Dennis a little more, you would've been a hell of a jockey.

Gail: Talk to me. Tired of hearing my own voice. You okay?

Jake: Yeah, just tired. I'm going to get the water.

The Horses go loose

Jake: Mom! Stay down.

Guy: Yah! Yah!

Gail: Who were those guys?

(Green Household)

April: I can't believe it's not broken. I'll get you some Aspirin for the pain. I'm sorry I can't offer you anything stronger.

Gail: It's, It's okay honey. I don't need anything else.

Johnston: Don't argue with her Gail. Doctors orders.

Johnston: Bastards...

Gail: Jake! Where you going?

Jake: Find Mitch.

Johnston: And then what?

Jake: I don't know yet.

Eric: Well hold on Jake. We don't know for sure he was behind it.

Jake: It was him.

Eric: You said yourself, you didn't get a good look.

Johnston: Now look. You know I would like nothing better than to string up the guys who did this. But that's not the way we do things. Last time you got mixed up with Mitch Cafferty, you left town, and a boy was dead.

Jake: I'm not that guy anymore

Johnston: Yeah, and let's just make sure that it stays that way.

Jake: Look, if I don't take care of him, he'll come back.

Johnston: We have to do this right!

Jake: He could be out there

Johnston: If this family starts breaking the law, how are we supposed to enforce it?

(Gracie's Market)

Stanley: Gracie. You still have those crop pesticides?

Gracie: The only thing I've got left is right there on that shelf.

Stanley: Thank god. We're going to need everything you've got to protect my corn.

Gracie: Can anyone even eat that corn? What about that rain we had?

Stanley: No, it's okay. The husks kept it safe from the fallout. It was already mature, so the ears didn't take up any of that moisture.

Gracie: You sure about that?

Stanley: Gracie, do you think I'd let my sister eat it if I didn't think it was safe? You think I would, after what I've been exposed to? Now I'll give you 20 bushels for those pesticides.

Gracie: I was thinking, we'd split the harvests. Half and Half.

Stanley: Half?! what are you, crazy?

Gracie: Well, how you going to sell your corn? Give it to me here, and we'll share the profit.

Mimi: Richmond Farms belong to the US Treasury. You're lucky we don't just commandeer what we need.

Gracie: I'd like to see you try.

Stanley: Alright, let's go.

(Baileys Tavern)

Eric: Hey

Someone: Hey Eric. What's up?

Eric: Hey.

Mary: Where the hell have you been?

Eric: We think Mitch Cafferty and his cohorts stole some horses. We know they were here earlier. I thought maybe you might have heard something.

Jimmy: Anything you might know Mary, would really help.

Mary: There was a man here this afternoon, I heard him say that he bought a horse from some guys out of the airfield.

Jimmy: The airfield... alright. Thanks.

Eric: Thanks.

Mary: Eric. The last time I saw you, you was going to tell your wife about us, and we were going to start our life together. That thought has kept me going. That was nearly two weeks ago. I don't know what you're thinking. I don't know if you're okay.

Eric: I don't know if I'm okay Mary. I know this is not what I wanted. I think about you every minute of everyday. Mary, I wake up in the morning and I want it to be you there so badly. I know I'm still married, and I have a wife, and I owe her something. I wish I knew what to say Mary, but I don't.

(Green Household)

Johnston: Looks like a damn infirmary in here. Ought to be at least 20 years before it came to this.

Gail: Alright..

Johnston: I'm hot.

Gail: Yeah, I bet you didn't expect a houseful of kids either.

Gail: I'm worried about Jake.

Johnston: So am I. I don't think I'll ever forget that night I got that call. Went out there and saw that Mitch Cafferty in handcuffs, that other kid all covered in blood, and all I could think is... one of those boys could have been Jake.

Gail: Hi Stanley.

Stanley: Hi. Sorry to bother you Mrs. Green. Mayor. But I uh... need to talk to you.

Johnston: What is it?

Stanley: I found corn worms in my crop. And I know this is a long shot, but I was hoping maybe you'd have some pesticides at your ranch. None of the other farms could spare them.

Johnston: Oh sorry Stanley. Have you tried Gracie's?

Stanley: Yeah.. yeah. She won't give em' up.

Stanley: You see, I need to kill these bugs, or i have to harvest what's good today, or it's, it's all gone.

Gail: Does she realize you have the biggest farm in Jericho? I mean if we lose his crops... we all starve.

Johnston: We're just going to have to put together a crew as quick as we can. And we'll have to figure out how to ration it.

Stanley: Hang on a minute. This is my corn.

Johnston: Well of course it is Stanley. It's just right now that we need you to share. I mean we're on our own here, and the towns nearly out of food.

Stanley: Well now, I'm willing to do my part Mayor. But I'm not giving up my crop.

Gail: Stanley! There'll be plenty enough for you and Bonnie. Plenty enough for everyone.

Stanley: For 5000 people, plus livestock for god knows how many months? Now I am not the only farm in this town. Why am I being targeted?

Johnston: Stanley, nobody's being targeted.

Stanley: Well it sure doesn't seem that way sir. All of a sudden everybody's laying claim to my crop. The IRS, Gracie, and now you.

Johnston: Alright Stanley, we're just trying to get..

Stanley: With all due respect, I'll take care of it myself.

Gail: Oh Stanley, come and sit down honey.

Johnston: Stanley, come on back here now.


Jake: Hey, girl.

Dale: Jake!

Jake: Dale, what are you doing here?

Dale: I'm so sorry. I didn't know

Jake: didn't know what?

Dale: Jake!

Dale: Jake?

Mitch: You back away.

Jake: Get the hell out of here Dale.

Mitch: No, stick around. Think of this as initiation.

Jake: You've crossed the line.

Mitch: Excuse me?

Jake: You heard me! Coming to our families ranch.

Mitch: I crossed the line? I went to jail that night that you bailed on us. My best friend, had half of his head blown off.

Jake: I told you, I wasn't gonna rob anybody.

Mitch: oh, come on. Stop acting like an angel. Did you come back to settle down? Raise a family, maybe do a little farming?

Jake: Never planned on staying.

Mitch: Of course not. Where were you going to go? Cars don't work. Fresh out of horses.

Jake: You, or anybody come near my family again, I will kill you.

Mitch: Now there's the Jake I know. Alright now get up. I'm taking you to go see Jonah.

(Fights break out between Jake and Mitch, and Shawn and Dale)

Jimmy: Stop! Sheriff.

Mitch: C'mon.

Jimmy: Don't even move.

(Town Hall)

Jake: Wheres Mitchell?

Shawn: Don't know.

Jake: I know you Shawn. You're lying. Dale. You're next.

Jake: What am I going to do about this? Can't charge them with anything, and the nearest judge is in the county seat, and we don't even know if that exists anymore.

Hawkins: Is this about these kids? Or Mitchell Cafferty?

Jake: He stole my mothers horses, and he could have gotten her killed.

Hawkins: Oh, you've had run-ins with that guy long before that Jake. I read his file. He's going to be a problem right?

Jake: Yeah. And now with the sheriff and half our deputies dead... Mitchell and his kind are going to prey on this town like locusts. We need to stop them now.

Hawkins: Whatever information you want, first thing we do is separate them.

Jake: Alright, I'll take Shawn into the hallway.

Hawkins: No. I'll do it.

Hawkins: Get up. We're going for a walk.

Shawn: Screw that. I don't have to.

Shawn: Ow! Ow!

Hawkins: Walk

(Richmond Farm)

Bill: Some pesticides got stolen over at Gracie's. Do you know anything about it?

Stanley: No, I mean I was there earlier trying to buy some, but...

Bill: But what?

Stanley: Alright, what's going on? What are you acting like this?

Bill: Gracie came down to the station. Started raising all kinds of hell. She says you stole em'.

Stanley: She told you I stole them?

Bill: You mind if I take a look around?

Stanley: Yeah, I do Bill. This is nuts!

Mimi: What's going on?

Stanley: I don't know. One of my best friends is accusing me of stealing pesticides.

Bill: I'm going to check the barn.

Stanley: I didn't say you could go in there.

Bill: Watch it!

Mimi: It's okay. Just let him do what he wants to do.

Stanley: Fine. Check the barn. Check the whole damn house!

(Town Hall)

Jake: I don't know how you got mixed up with Mitchell, but you need to stay away from him. I'm serious. You could wind up in jail, or a lot worse.

Dale: How did you get mixed up with him?

Jake: I was stupid. And bored. And Looking for trouble. Were you looking for trouble?

Skylar: Dale! Why are they keeping you here? What did you do?

Jake: I'm just talking to him.

Skylar: Well you can't talk to him without an attorney.

Jake: I'm not a cop.

Skylar: I'm bailing him out anyway. I know the machines are down, but you have to take it.

Jake: Get out of here.

Dale: You're letting me go?

Jake: Yeah. I'm just trying to talk some sense into you. Believe me. You don't want to go down this road.

Dale: I think I know where Mitchell is. I'll show you.

(Hawkins House)

Allison: Dad? Dad? Dad?

Jake is on Hawkins Laptop Screen

Hawkins: Come on out of here. Hey!

Allison: Are all those cities gone?

Hawkins: What do you think?

Allison: How do you know?

Hawkins: I don't', for sure. Okay... Those are the cities I heard about through the ham radio. And the Satellite feed before the EMP.

Allison: How come your laptop wasn't fried like everything else?

Hawkins: It'd ruggedized. It is built to withstand an EMP. The um.. government issues em' baby.

Allison: So you're some kind of spy? That's why you moved us here! You knew this was going to happen! Why do you have that gun, what's it for?

Hawkins: Shooting. And I think it's probably time you learned how. You see, the way things are going, you may have to defend yourself one day. Do you understand?

Darcy: Hey, what's going on?

Hawkins: We were just catching up. Right?

(Richmond Farm)

Bill: You're clear.

Stanley: yeah, you sure? Because we can check the fields, we can go row by row.

Bill: We got a complaint.

Stanley: So all you gotta do now, is accuse someone?

Mimi: Stanley.

Stanley: No. What about my word Bill?

Bill: I"m just doing my job man.

Mimi: What are you doing?

Stanley: I'm going to burn the field.

Mimi: Oh come on. Have you lost your mind? What happened to you?

Stanley: I'm not going to burn the whole field, just the infested parts.

Mimi: oh my god Stanley. You don't need to do this.

Stanley: Look! It's the only thing I can think of.

Mimi: I got the pesticides.

Stanley: What are you talking about?

Mimi: I paid some kids to steal them from Gracie's store. We just need to get into town and pick them up.

Stanley: You stole the pesticides?

Mimi: What, am I talking to myself? I paid someone to steal them. I gave them my diamond watch.

Stanley: I can't believe this is what we've come to.

Mimi: We didn't really have a choice Stanley. It's every man for himself now.

(Green Household)

Gail: He's finally asleep.

April: How are you feeling?

Gail: Oh, I'm hanging in there.

April: I'm sorry there isn't more I can do for him.

Gail: It's one obstinate guy in there.

April: I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Gail: Certainly not as far as Jakes concerned. I don't know if I've ever thought of Eric as being stubborn.

April: Hard to reach then.

Gail: Well, he's had a lot on his plate. Since the missiles. Not to mention your new living arrangement.

April: It started long before all of this.

Gail: I've been where you are. Putting something back together.... is never easy. But somebody's got to take the first step. Now if you want to fight for this thing, start fighting.

(Food Storage Building)

Jake: You need to be smarter about who you hang out with.

Dale: I don't hang out with those guys. I needed Shawn and Mitch to help me move some stuff, that's all. I didn't know about the horses.

Eric: Well what did you think Dale?

Jake: Hey! You never should have tried to protect them.

Dale: I wasn't. I was trying to protect Gracie.

Jake: What do you mean?

Dale: A train crash full of food supplies.. It's how I've been keeping Gracie stocked. I didn't want anyone to know about it.

Dale: It's all in there.

Dale: What?! This place was full, it was stacked to the rafters.

Jake: I guess we knew who took it.

Stanley: Gracie.

Gracie: You get the hell out of my store, I know you stole from me.

Stanley: No, I didn't Gracie, I swear I didn't. Gracie, how long have you known me? My whole life, right? We have to trust each other. Just... just let me show you. Follow me.

Stanley: You see Gracie, it's all here. Nobody stole anything from anyone. okay? It was a misunderstanding.

Eric: Do you have any idea where he would've moved it to?

Dale: No, no I don't.

Jake: Sh, sh. Eric?

Jake: You stay here.

Eric: Stop right there Mitchell! Now put your gun down. Put your gun down. Now put your hands up.

Jake: Wheres the food?

Eric: Jake! Stop! Jake! What are you doing! I said stop! Stop!

Jake: Wheres the Food?!

Eric: STOP!

(Town Hall)

Gail: So what are we going to do about him?

Jake: We lock him up for now.

Eric: Maybe we can send someone to Fielding, to see if the courthouse is still running.

Gail: His friends aren't going to let this go.

Jake: I can handle it.

Eric: Yeah, you handled it real good back at the barn.

Jake: I should've killed him.

Gail: Stop it Jake! You're not that guy anymore! What about these two?

Eric: Now I can see letting Dale go, but Shawn helped steal the horses.

Gail: He's still a boy.

Eric: A boy who could've gotten you killed Mom.

Gail: Well it doesn't matter Eric, because I'm not pressing charges. The cell is too small to hold everyone who ever made a mistake.

Eric: Well, what do you suggest?

Gail: Rehabilitation.

(Outside Somewhere)

Allison fires 5 shots at CDs

Hawkins: Okay, okay. Hold it. All fingers wrapped. Okay. Relax. Alright. It's okay. Breathe. Alright. Stand with your legs like so. A little further apart. Right. Now bend your knees. Take your sight. Keep your eyes on it. Squeeze.

Vanilla Ice: To the Extreme
Music Central 96)

A 6th shot is fired.

Hawkins: Nice. Good job. Good job! Alright. That's a very good job. Like that?

(Richmond Farm)

Mimi: You sure this is going to work?

Stanley: In theory.

Mimi: You've never done this before?

Stanley: Nope.

Mimi: Well don't get it on your shoes.

Stanley: Seriously. Get away from me.

Mimi: Oh my god, I wish I prayed.

Gail: Stanley. You said you needed to harvest today. We're here to help. No strings attached.

We see Emily, Bill, Heather, Eric, and Gail there. Jake, Dale, and Shawn are also there.

Gail: Thanks.

Jake: Mom.

Gail: Well, hello.

Dale: I'm really sorry Mrs. Green. Sorry for everything.

Gail: Alright, well go make yourselves useful.

Bonnie: Hey *hands Mimi a pair of boots*

Mimi: *laughs* Forget it.

Stanley: Uncle Sam! You ever stepped in a barn before? You know it's not like it is in the movies. It can get pretty fragrant in there with all the pigs and goats brushing up against you.

Mimi: You're bluffing.

Stanley: Try me. Please.

Gracie: These are for you. I lost my head Stanley. I'm sorry.

Stanley: Thank you.

Allison, Stanley and Hawkins are there too.

Jake: Hey, any idea what you're doing?

Hawkins: Not a clue.

Jake: Thanks for your help.

Hawkins: Hey. This is our home too.

Jake: Yeah..

Allison: Is he a good man or a bad man?

Hawkins: Baby, there's no such thing.

Emily: Kind of cool huh?

Jake: Yeah. Especially if you like corn.

April: Hey.

Eric: Hey.

April: Tough work huh?

Eric: Yeah.

April: I was thinking, maybe when we leave here, we could uh, I was going to say go for a walk but we'll be too tired.

Eric: April.. Stop. Please okay.

April: What?

Eric: This. What your doing. It's making things worse.

April: I'm just trying to... talk to you. Get you to look at me. Something.

Eric: Well three weeks ago, you were asking about a divorce.

April: Three weeks ago, we lived on a different planet. Things have changed. Never mind...

Eric: April.. wait. There's always the walk home. Why don't we start here. And see how we feel.

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins edits a photograph of him with about 8 other people and puts it into a family photo.

(Town Jail)

Written on the cell wall is "This Town Jake Green "

Mitchell: Jake! You ready for this? You know he's going to come for me! And he's going to come looking for you. There's no running away this time Jake.



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