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#102 : Sous Terre

Les habitants de Jericho découvrent qu'une explosion nucléaire a eu lieu à Denver. Il leur faut s'organiser avant que les radiations n'arrivent jusqu'à eux. La ville comporte deux abris anti-atomiques : un sous la mairie et un autre sous l'hôpital. Malheureusement, les lieux ne sont pas assez grands pour abriter toute la population.


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Sous Terre

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Emily demande de l'aide !

Emily demande de l'aide !


Jake découvre l'ampleur des dégâts

Jake découvre l'ampleur des dégâts


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Dale Turner joué par Erik Knudsen

Dale Turner joué par Erik Knudsen

Jake et Emily

Jake et Emily

Jake et Emily

Jake et Emily

Jake et Emily

Jake et Emily

Emily Sullivan joué par Ashley Scott

Emily Sullivan joué par Ashley Scott

Gracie Leigh jouée par Beth Grant

Gracie Leigh jouée par Beth Grant

Heather Lisinski jouée par Sprague Grayden

Heather Lisinski jouée par Sprague Grayden

Gail Green jouée pa Pamela Reed

Gail Green jouée pa Pamela Reed

Jake et Heather

Jake et Heather

Jake Green joué par Skeet Ulrich

Jake Green joué par Skeet Ulrich

Jake et Emily

Jake et Emily

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Stephen Chbosky

Réalisateur : Jon Turteltaub


Acteurs :

  • Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh)
  • Vic Polizos (Shep Cale)
  • Clare Carey (Mary Bailey)
  • Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)
  • Darby Stanchfield (April Green)
  • Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)
  • Jonno Roberts 
  • Candace Bailey (Skylar Stevens)





Le lendemain de l'explosion.

Jake et Hawkins, chacun de leur côté, regardent le ciel et les nuages provenant de Denver arriver droit sur eux, ce sont les retombées radioactives.

Jake demande alors à April s'il y a un abri antiatomique à la clinique. Pendant ce temps à la mairie, Hawkins qui a fait partie de la police de St Louis et qui a reçu une formation spéciale sur le nucléaire suite au 11 septembre à New York, explique aux personnes qui sont à la mairie comment protéger les maisons, de se servir des abris souterrains et que c'est la pluie qui est problématique à cause des retombées.

Le maire propose alors de partager la ville en deux, un côté ira à l'abri de la clinique et l'autre à l'abri de la mairie, et que les personnes possédant des caves se logent chez eux dans leurs abris.
Ils n'ont que deux heures, durée que l'orage provenant de Denver arrive.

L'abri de la mairie n'est pas très grand, il ne pourra pas contenir énormément d'habitants. Quant à l'abri de la clinique, il est insalubre et il n'y a pas d'air.

Pendant ce temps, Emily qui était partie chercher Roger, est tombée en panne d'essence et donc marche sur le bas côté de la route. Tout d'un coup, elle entend une voiture : c'est une voiture de police. Elle la stoppe, les deux « officiers » un peu bizarres s'arrêtent et lui racontent pour le champignon atomique. Emily est choquée. Ils n'ont plus beaucoup d'essence alors Emily leur propose d'aller jusqu'au ranch des Richmond, pour voir s'ils en ont.

Gracie réveille Dale qui a dormi dans le magasin, elle essaye de le réconforter comme elle peut, au sujet de ses parents.

Les habitants préparent tous leur maison pour retenir les radiations, avec du film plastique et du ruban adhésif puis partent dans les abris.

Certains habitants qui jouent tranquillement au billard chez Mary ne veulent pas se mettre à l'abri. Alors Eric leur explique que ce n'est pas la pluie qui les tuera mais les retombées qui les feront souffrir et qui les brûleront de l'intérieur, à petit feu. Il les décide donc d'aller tous se protéger.
Eric profite d'un petit moment pour embrasser Mary et se fait surprendre par Mimi.

Arrivée chez les Richmond, Emily s'aperçoit qu'elle ne se trouve pas avec des flics normaux. Les deux soi-disant adjoints descendent et pendant qu'Emily reste dans la voiture, elle entend la radio qui demande où sont le shérif, Bill et Jimmy. Elle comprend alors que ce sont des imposteurs.
Elle sort de la voiture et essaye de les dissuader de rester qu'il n'y a personne et qu'ils devraient mieux partir. Mais au même moment, Bonnie arrive.
Alors qu'Emily empêche l'un de rester, l'autre ouvre le coffre, Jimmy et Bill y sont ligotés à l'intérieur.

A la clinique, dans l'abri, Heather donne un coup de main à Jake pour la réparation de la ventilation.

Pendant ce temps, Bonnie explique que c'est Stanley qui a la clé de la cuve à carburant et qu'il n'est pas là. Alors Emily propose de préparer à manger, en l'attendant.

A la mairie, tout le monde s'inquiète, ils ne savent pas comment faire après les retombées, alors Hawkins leur explique, pour l'eau, les terres cultivées...

La ventilation n'est pas réparable à l'abri de la clinique, Jake emmène alors tout le monde en direction de l'abri de la mairie.

Gracie donne toute la nourriture possible pour l'abri : il y a la moitié de la ville à nourrir.
Comme tout le monde se sert sans payer, Skylar se permet de sortir avec une cannette de soda, sans payer non plus. Gracie n'est pas d'accord et Skylar la lui repose énervée.

En préparant à manger, Emily explique à Bonnie, par le langage des signes comme celle-ci est sourde, pour les policiers et ce qu'elle veut faire.

Arrivé a la mairie, Eric fait comprendre à Jake qu'il n'y a pas de place, alors Jake demande à Gray si la ventilation de la mine fonctionne et combien de personnes on peut y faire entrer.
Il n'y a pas beaucoup de temps alors Jake fonce en direction de la mine.

Emily assise sur le sofa sert un café à l'un des policiers et fait exprès de le brûler. Pendant que celui-ci passe de l'eau froide sur sa main, Emily prend un pistolet qui était derrière son assise en faisant semblant de rien.

Arrivés à la mine, il y a un problème : la mine n'a pas de porte, alors Jake décide de faire s'effondrer l'entrée avec de la dynamite sinon les retombées radioactives pourrait y pénétrer.

Au moment de se mettre à table, Emily part à l'étage dans la salle de bains.

Pendant que tout le monde rentre dans la mine, Jake prévient Eric de venir les « déterrer » une fois que tout sera fini.

Comme Johnston ne répond pas, Gail et Eric vont au poste le chercher.

Dale est sorti du magasin et est parti emmener des sodas à Skylar qui ne le reçoit pas très bien mais finit par lui demander de rester avec elle.

Emily sort par la fenêtre, saute de l'avant toit et court jusqu'à la voiture de police pour demander de l'aide à la radio.
A force de changer de fréquence en lançant des appels à l'aide, elle tombe sur celle de Jake. Celui-ci l'entend et part donc à son secours, sans qu'Emily ne le sache car elle ne l'a pas entendu lui répondre.

En partant, Jake fait sauter l'entrée de la mine au signal de Gray.

Hawkins qui se trouve au poste, à la radio, reçoit un message en morse et note ce qu'il entend en le gardant pour lui. Puis il aide Gail à chercher Johnston.
Ils le retrouvent inconscient dans son bureau, et l'emmènent tout droit vers l'abri.

Chez les Richmond, les hommes se demandent ce que fait Emily.

Jake roule à toute allure pour arriver à temps à la ferme. Malheureusement, à force de changer de fréquence pour capter quelqu'un, Emily se retrouve sur la fréquence du prisonnier évadé et celui-ci comprend ce qu'elle fabrique.
Un bruit sourd venant du coffre interpelle Emily. Elle ouvre et voit Jimmy et Bill. Bonnie sort en courant et se fait prendre en otage par l'un des deux hommes. Emily le menace avec le pistolet mais l'autre est sur le point de tirer sur elle quand il reçoit une balle. Ce n'est autre que Jake qui est arrivé. Dans la panique Emily tue l'autre prisonnier qui retenait Bonnie.

Chez les Richmond, Jake fait rentrer tout le monde dans l'abri avant que la pluie n'arrive, et ils s'enferment.

Chez les Hawkins toute la famille est à l'abri dans la cave de leur maison.

Dale aide Skylar pour les portes et les fenêtres.

A l'abri anti-tornades chez les Richmond, Emily est sous le choc d'avoir tué un homme.

Le message radio reçu par Hawkins n'est autre que la liste de toutes les villes des Etats-Unis qui ont été rayées de la carte.

Fin de l'épisode




Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)


(Outside of Town Hall)

Gray: Is there any sign of the Sheriff Mr. Hawkins?

Hawkins: No sir. I need to speak to your mayor. We've got trouble coming.

(They look up at the sky)

(Outside the Medical Center, Jake is looking out towards Denver)

Jake: Oh my god!

(Inside the Medical Center)

Jake: Mom, where is April?

Gail: Jake, where have you been?

Jake: Where is she?

Gail: Down the hall. What's going on?

Jake: Get dad on the radio.

(Inside a room in the medical center)

April: You'll be fairly mobile on it. How do you feel?

Heather: I feel like a bad ass.

Jake: April! Does the clinic have a fallout shelter?

April: Yes... what's going on?

Jake: It's bad... come on.

(Town Hall)

Johnston: Jericho has two underground shelters. One right here under the town hall; the other under the medical clinic.

Gray: What about the basement, storm cellars?

Hawkins: They're better than nothing. But you got to seal off the rest of the house with, uh.. Duct Tape. Plastic sheeting. Anything that you can get your hands on.

Eric: How do you know about radiation, Mr. Hawkins?

Hawkins: Because I was a cop in St. Louis. And after 9/11 we got up to speed. So our biggest problem could be the rain.

Shep: But won't the rain carry the radiation out of the air?

Hawkins: Yes, and bring it straight down on Jericho. A direct concentrated hit, any one exposed too long...

Chief Caroll: Mr. Mayor? Sir?

Johnston: Alright look, we're going to divide the town in two. Everyone over here can go to the town hall shelter. All those on the north side will go to the clinic.

Eric: We need to get the word out, Dad.

Johnston: How long before the radiation gets here?

Hawkins: Oh, I'm new here. This is your town. How long does it normally take a storm to get here from Denver?

Gray: Less than two hours...

Various people in the crowd: Two hours? We can't do that! There's not enough time.

Johnston: We got work to do here, guys.

(In Shelter)

Eric: Jake and I used to play down here when we were kids.

Johnston: I don't think anyones been down here in 10 years.

Gray: How many people can we fit in here?

Johnston: 300.

Gray: You do know that there's almost 5000 people in this town.

Johnston: Eric?

Eric: Yeah

Johnston: Make sure that all the people who have basements use them. We are NOT running out of room here today. You understand?

Eric: Got that.

Eric: Jimmy?

(Just outside the Medical Center Shelter)

Jake: When was the last time someone was in here?

(They enter the shelter)

Jake: You're kidding me...

April: I can't put people in here...

Jake: There's no air. There's no air in here. I hope the fan works. We've got a lot of work to do.

(Emily is on the highway, alone. A Jericho police car drives by)

Emily: (trying to signal a car) Hey! Hey wait!

Emily: Oh, thank god! I haven't seen anybody for hours. I ran out of gas. There's dead birds all over the road.

Roy: Yeah, we saw them too. They must've flown through the radiation.

Emily: What radiation?

Roy: There was a mushroom cloud! Somebody nuked us.

Emily: Oh, my god...

Roy: Look miss, we're... we're running low on gas. Do you know if there's a gas station nearby?

Emily: Well, what do you think it is? Do you think its an accident or....

Simon: Ma'am, we don't know yet.

Emily: It come from Wichita? Because my fiance... he's flying in from there.

Roy: No, no. Wrong direction. More like Denver.

Roy: Look. We need gas. Do you know if there is a gas station nearby?

Emily: Yeah... no. No. The pumps... they don't work. They're all but abandoned.

Emily: No... we could try the Richmond ranch. I think they might have gas there.

Simon: You get in. We'll take you there.

Simon: Miss! It's okay. Get in.

(At Gracie's Market)

Gracie: Dale? Wake up. Wake up, angel.

Dale: Mom?

Gracie: Don't you remember what happened last night? Your mom's gone.

Shep: Gracie! Come on, Gracie! Open up! Gracie! We need to stock the shelters with food!

Sheriff Carroll (on the mega-speaker): Attention!. Attention! There is radioactive fallout coming from the nuclear blast. You have less than 90 minutes to get indoors. I repeat. You've got less than 90 minutes to get indoors. Use your basements. Use duck tape or other tape to seal your home. You have less than 90 minutes. You can go to the shelter at town hall or the shelter at the medical center. There is radioactive fallout coming. You have 90 minutes to get yourselves indoors.

(Inside Marys Bar)

Partier: We are indoors!

Mary: You're not from around here are you?

Mimi: I came from DC to supervise a little audit on a farm. Is God punishing me?

Mary: Look, you should really get to the basement at town hall.

Mimi: Ya think?

(At the Hospital)

Gail: Jake, I'm not going anywhere.

Jake: Mom. Mom. I'm not going to argue with you. Go to the other shelter.

Gail: I'm staying!

Jake: Mom! I don't even know if we can fix it. And I can't concentrate when you're here. Please. I'll be fine. I'll be fine.

Gail: Promise me you'll come to the shelter after it's fixed.

Gail: Promise me!

Jake: I promise, Mom.

Gail: I want my boys with me.

Jake: Okay. go. Please Mom.

(At Marys Bar)

Mary: Frank! Quit messing with the TV. I don't' want to waste my generator on static.

Eric: Mary! What are these people still doing here?

Mary: They wont' go. I can't leave these clowns in my bar.

Eric: Alright, listen up. Radiation is on it's way from Denver. If you don't have a basement, you need to get to town hall. There's a shelter there.

Pool Player: I'm not going to town hall.

Eric: You don't have a choice, people. You're being evacuated.

Second Pool Player: And who are you?

Eric: I'm the deputy mayor.

(Crowd Laughs)

Man in crowd: What? Did your Daddy make you a deputy?

Mary: Forget it, Eric. You've told everybody.

Eric: Do you realize a Nuclear bomb went off yesterday?

Pool Player: So? If I'm going to die in a nuclear blast, so be it. I'll be right here, playing pool with my buddies.

Eric: You're not going to die in a blast. You're going to get radiation poisoning. Within the first couple of hours... you're going to be vomiting. and have crippling diarrhea. Your hairs going to fall out in chunks. Your skin is going to blister. Your internal organs are going to start to shut down. Because well, frankly, they're being cooked from the inside. You're going to get sicker and sicker. Until you can't move. And then you will die. Over there on the floor by the pool table. With your buddies.

(Mary and Eric Kiss. Mimi comes out of the bathroom.)

Mimi: Oh...

Mimi: Don't mind me...

(Emily is in the car. They're at the Richmond Ranch)

Simon: Sit tight. We'll be right back.

(Emily sees a tattoo on the 'cops' neck)

Radio: Sheriff, come in. Sheriff. Not a word from the sheriff since last night. There was a prison bus out there. I, uh, think we better assume the worst. You're on your own. What about Jimmy or Bill? Deputies are missing themselves. You'll just have to handle this.

Roy: Don't think we forgot you did you?

(Emily shakes her head.)

Roy: Anything wrong, miss?

Emily: No.. nothing. Doesn't look like anybody is here..

Roy: Well, the pumps locked so...

Emily: You know.. there is this other place that I could take you to.

Roy: Look, we're running on fumes as it is.

Simon: Make a sound... You die.

Emily: I'm sorry, sir, I don't think anybody is home.

Bonnie (answers the door): Miss Sullivan.

Emily: Hey, Bonnie.

(In the Medical Centers Shelter)

April: Oxygen tanks. IVs. All non electrical medical supplies.

Orderly: When was that written?

April: 1957. The population of Jericho was 1000 people.

Orderly: I'll start moving everyone.

Jake: I'll get the ventilation system fixed.

Someone: She threw everything.

Heather: Mind if I pitch in?

Jake: You know how to strip wires?

Heather: Ever since junior high. Yeah, I was that popular.

Jake: Alright, great. Check the fan-belt, I think it's frayed.

Heather: Well, then you might want to get another one. Any mid-century American car would be a good match. And check the pressure, you don't want the motor to heat up.

Jake; Okay, alright. You take over. I'll look for a fan-belt.

Heather: Excuse me? Sir? You're doing that wrong.

(In a room in the hospital)

Jake: April!

April: She thinks we shouldn't move the baby.

Jake: Ma'am. Your baby is protected in this little bubble. She's got fresh air and food. Right now she's the safest person in Jericho. But you're not. We need to make sure she has a mother to take care of her when this thing is over. Okay? Please! Please let us take you both down to the shelter. Okay? Okay...

(In the hallway in the Medical Center)

Jake: Bobby!

Mrs. Dawson: Jake Green!

Jake: Just a second, ma'am

Jake: There's..

Mrs. Dawson: I'm Emily Sullivan's Aunt.

Jake: Mrs. Dawson. Hi.

Mrs. Dawson: Have you seen Emily?

Jake: No. Not since yesterday. Maybe she's at the other shelter.

Mrs. Dawson: Nobody over there has seen her. She's not at her house. I heard you were back in town, and I figured the one person that would know...

Jake: Sorry... I have to go. But if I see her, I"ll tell her you were looking for her. But I'm sure she's fine.

(Inside the house at the Richmond Ranch)

Roy: So we'll just, uh, use your pump and be on our way.

Bonnie: Stanley has the key.

Roy: What'd she just say?

Emily: Oh, her brother Stanley. He's got the key to the pump.

Simon: Wait a minute, she's deaf?

Bonnie: Yes. I read lips.

Emily: When do you think Stanley gets back?

Bonnie: Another hour. He

Simon: Whoa Whoa Whoa. What'd she just say?

Emily: It's going to be about another hour.

Simon: Oh. We can wait an hour. Can't we?

Bonnie: Miss Sullivan. Are you alright?

Emily: Yeah, I'm fine. (laughs nervously) I'm just hungry. Um. Why don't we make some food for the officers.

Simon: Oh! I want eggs. It's a farmhouse. You've got eggs, right?

Roy: Why don't we, uh, all go make something to eat?

Emily: Sure.

(Shelter at Town Hall)

Man on radio: at town hall?

Johnston: Yeah, that's right. All those at the north of main street go to the medical center.

Gail: Johnston

Johnston: Right. I know. You want me to take it easy. I'm just going to go help Eric get the supplies from

Gail: I've already sent people to do that.

Johnston: Gail, who is in charge here? You or me?

Gail: You do NOT want to play that game.

Man: This is every book in the library that we have about nuclear radiation.

Johnston: (reading) Our friend the Atom.

Gray: It's something, right?

Johnston: Anything in here for grown ups? I'd like to know what we're supposed to do if this town gets hit.

Man: None of the books is specific. Atom Bombs have only gone off twice in populous cities twice in history. And Denver was hit by a hydrogen bomb probably anyway.

Gray: What's the difference?

Hawkins: Hydrogen bombs... they literally explode the air.

Gail: So what you're saying is... that nobody really knows what's coming.

Johnston: Then we pick worst case scenario. What needs to be done.

Man: Wait a second sir. I have that. let me just...

Hawkins: Anything left outside will have to be scrubbed down. If it rains the uh the top 18 inches of soil or so will have to be removed before planting again. And tell everybody to cover all the water wells. That's about what it says, right?

Man: Yes.. yes.. that's right.

Johnston: Well you heard the man. Jeff, let's get all the ranchers to get the livestock inside.

Hawkins: I'm going to work on the radio. This may be our last chance to make contact for a while.

Johnston: There's a bunch of people in the church. They hold a vigil there all night. I'm going to make sure they get to shelter.

Gail: Hurry back.

Johnston: Yes ma'am.

(Medical Center Shelter)

Heather: I'm telling you, they need to be replaced.

Man: Listen. Girlie don't tell me

Heather: Please don't argue with me. The bushes are shot. It's rubbing too high.

(Jake Enters)

Jake: Turn it off!

(April enters with more people)

April: Jake! Everyones ready. What do we do now?

Jake: Don't let them in here.

April: The rains going to be here soon. People are getting scared. Do we have air or not?

Jake: Seal them up in here, and they're going to die.

(Jakes on the walkie talkie outside the medical center. Eric is outside town hall on the walkie talkie)

Jake: Hello, dad? Dad, can you hear me?

Eric: Dads checking on the church Jake, what do you need?

Jake: our shelters no good. I'm bringing these people to town hall.

Eric: Wat. Whoa. Hold on. Jake, I don't know how many more people we can hold. What about the basement?

Jake: They don't have basements Eric. That's why they came here.

April: Eric! We've got 200 people here. Eric. Some of them need medical attention. Handle it.

Eric: I'll be at town hall soon, I'll check how much room we have. And I will call you back.

April: I don't' have time, we're coming.

April: (to Jake) Sorry. my husband needs a kick sometimes.

Jake: You don't have to apologize to me.

(At Town Hall)

Eric: I've got to go to the shelter, bring everything you can.

Gracie: How how much more do you need?

Eric: Enough to feed half the town, Gracie.

Gracie: Half the town... wait.

Lisa: Skylar, you have to come to the shelter.

Skylar: I'm not going to some stupid shelter! I'm going home to wait for my parents.

Lisa: Don't be crazy.

Skylar: I'm not crazy! I'm going home!

Lisa: Fine.

Gracie: Excuse me ladies. Are you going to pay for those?

Skylar: What are you talking about? Everybody's just taking stuff.

Gracie: This is still my store. Is that for an emergency?

Skylar: Alright. You know what. Fine. Keep it.

Lisa: Her parents are in New York, okay? Who knows if they're going to even come back.

Lisa: it was just a couple of cans of soda.

Gracie: They're my soda.

(At the house on the Richmond ranch)

Roy: I say we head east.

Simon: She was headed east wasn't she?

Simon: Hey! How far from here would you say those crows were?

Emily: About 5 miles west from where you picked me up.

Roy: Hell.. then we'll go north.

(Emily signs something to Bonnie)

Simon: Hey! You wanna help me out with the coffee?

Emily: Yeah, I'll show you where it is.

(At town hall)

Gray: You better get down to that shelter. The wind is moving faster than we thought.

Hawkins: I'm watching it. Just get everybody underground.

Gray: If you get that thing to work, just do me a favor and find out who did this to us.

Man on radio: Eric, come in.

Eric: This is Eric, go ahead.

Man on radio: There are a couple of bus loads coming to town hall.

(Outside of Town hall)

Eric: Whoa! Whoa! People! Please, don't get off the bus. We can't take you

Jake: Eric! What the hell are you doing?

Eric: They can't come in here Jake.

Jake: What do you mean they can't come in here?

Eric: We're packed!

Jake: What? I've got a whole bus load of people here that need shelter.

April: You're really going to turn away all these people Eric? You're going to turn away your wife?!

Gray: We let everybody in, we'll all suffocate.

April: Eric, there are really sick people here, and the storm is coming.

Eric: Okay, we can take 10. And I've saved a spot for you.

Jake: Alright, the ten most critical, fast. Gray! The salt mine. How many people will it hold?

Gray: Well as many as you want, but I don't think

Jake: It has a ventilation system, right?

Gray: Yeah, and water.

Jake: Alright. It's the best option we have right now. Alright?

Jake: Mom!

Gail: Have you seen your father? He told me he was going to the church.

Gray: Well Gail... the people from the church got back 20 minutes ago.

Gail: Eric!

Eric: Mom, we'll find dad. Jake. Take your people to the mine. Leave us 10.

Shep: I'll go with you Jake. After 27 years, nobody knows that mine the way I do. Guess you can fit 11 people now.

Gray: Yeah, make it 12. It's my place. I should be there.

Jake: Well let's go.

Heather: Jake. We're going to be okay. Okay.

(On the Bus)

Jake: Hang on!

(At The House On The Richmond Ranch)

Simon: It's all good.

Emily: Oh no no, I'll get it.

Emily: (spilt coffee on him) I am so sorry!

Simon: DAMN-IT!

Emily: it's bad. Look go in the kitchen right now and run cold water over it, it'll stop the blisters. I'll clean up this room.

Roy: What happened/

Simon: She... I burned my hand.

Roy: You left her alone?

Simon: She's fine.

Emily: Is he alright?

Roy: He'll live.

(At the mines)

Gray: I can only get 12 down on the elevator at a time. That's the best I can do.

Jake: Shep! We have to seal the entrance.

Shep: There's no door Jake.

Jake: Well we can't just let the rain pour down the shaft. These people wont' be safe. We won't be safe.

Shep: Yeah how do we seal it?

Jake: I don't know. It's a mine. You got dynamite right?

Gray: Whoa Whoa. Wait

Jake: We put charges, here, here, here...

Gray: Are you crazy!? How do we know we won't bring the whole thing down on top of us?

Jake: We don't.

(Morse code comes in over the radio at town hall)

(At the House on the Richmond Ranch)

Emily: I'm going to go to the little girls room.

Roy: hey, where is that?

Emily: Right up stairs.

Roy: Good to know.

(At the Salt Mine)

Gray: Straight Back!

(Jake is on the walkie talkies at the Mines)

Jake: Eric? Any sign of dad?

Eric: No. Not yet. Checked the church, main street, going through ever inch of town hall right now.

Jake: Listen, Eric. I'm going to need you to bring a crew over here and dig us out when this things over.

Eric: What? What? Why?

Shep: We're ready Jake!

Eric: Are you crazy?

Jake: Just dig us out. and find dad, okay? Let's go!

(At Town Hall)

(Morse code continues)

Eric: Mr. Hawkins. My father come through here?

Hawkins: No I haven't seen him.

Eric: Mom. Check the offices again. Maybe we missed something. I need to check out the parking lot. Look I'm fine okay.

Gail: Be careful. Be careful.

Eric: Alright I will.

Hawkins: You need some help ma'am?

Gail: No. we need you on the radio.

Hawkins: You know. I can't get this old thing to work.

Gail: Okay.. come. please.

(At Skylar's House)

Skylar: You are NOT in my house. Get off my property right now. And my property goes all the way down the hill.

Dale: You need to get back to town. Radiations coming from Denver.

Skylar: I'm not leaving here! My parents are on their way back.

Dale: You talked to them?

Skylar: No freak! the phones are dead. But I'm not leaving here without them.

Dale: Alright. Stay inside. Tape up the windows. And don't use the water.

Skylar: Ugh! Don't tell me what to do.

Dale: I'm serious Skylar. Stay inside.

Skylar: Dale... Dale stop. Please. Stay here. It's not safe out there. Please stay here.

(At the Mines)

Boy: Cody where are you at?

Jake: Hey hey ho ho ho . Take some of that out. Seal the entrance. Not cause a cave in.

Heather: Hey. Where'd you learn how to do that?

Jake: I knew a guy once.

Heather: Did you blow him up?

Jake: *Laughs*

Emily: (into the receiver) Hello? Is anyone here?

Shep: How does that look?

Jake: That's good, that'll do.

Jake: How we coming Gray?

Gray: This is that last of them.

Shep: I'm almost done here.

Jake: Same here.

Emily: (Into the receiver) This is Emily Sullivan, we're at he Richmond Ranch with Bonnie. Please help us.

(Chanel 3)

Emily: Can you here me? Is there anyone out there?

Jake: What was that?

Jake: You hear that?

Shep: Someones on the radio.

Emily: Emily Sullivan. I'm at the Richmond Ranch.

Jake: Everybody be quiet.

Emily: There are men with guns here. I think they might've killed the sheriff. Hello? Can you hear me?

(Channel 4)

Jake: Emily! Emily! Emily! Can you hear me?

Heather: Emily...

(In the Police Car at the Richmond Ranch)

Emily: Come in, Come in. Come in. Can you hear me? Is there anyone out there?

(We see the officers radio is set to channel 8)

(Channel 5)

Emily: Is there anyone on this channel? Can anyone hear me?

(At the Mines)

Jake: Shep, give me your keys.

Shep: Jake, it's going to start raining any minute now.

Jake: Give me your keys! I can make it!.

Shep: Alright. Okay.

Gray: Jake, you're out of your mind.

Jake: Gray! Get everybody down there alright?

Gray: Hey Jake!

Jake: WHAT!?

(Gray tosses him a gun)

Jake: When everybody's down, say all clear. Okay?

Gray: Almost ready Jake. Stand by.

Jake: Come on! Come on!

Gray: Jake? We're all clear.


(At Town Hall)

Gail: Johnston? Johnston?

Johnston: Gail...

Gail: Oh my god!

Gail: Mr. Hawkins! Mr. Hawkins! Mr. Hawkins!

(At the House on the Richmond Ranch)

Simon: Wheres' the brother?

Roy: Where the hells the girl?

(In the Police Car at the Richmond Ranch)

Emily: I think they might've killed. I think they might've killed the Sheriff.

(Channel 6)

Emily: Please help us!

(We see again that Roy's radio is on channel 8)

(Channel 7)

Emily: Hello? This is Emily Sullivan. I'm looking for the Jericho police department. Can you hear me? Is there anyone out there?

(Channel 8)

Emily: Is there anybody on this channel? There are men here with guns. I think they might've killed the sheriff. Please, somebody help us...

(Emily opens up the trunk of the car)

Sheriff: Run Emily! Run!

Roy: Hey! hey !

Emily: STOP! Stop!

(Emily Fires the gun off)

Roy: Think this through.

Emily: Let her go! No!

Roy: We just want gas!

Roy: Supplies. That's all this is about. Just about fuel.

Emily: Let her go!

Roy: Look!

Emily: Please, Please, let her go.

Roy: This what you wanna see? You ready to talk now miss?

Emily; Please let her go.


(Roy gets in about shots or so. Emily shoots Roy)

Eric: April. April, come here.

(At the shelter at town hall)

April: Hey dad, can you tell me what happened?

Gail: I just found him on the floor in his office.

April: You hit your head?

(At the Richmond Ranch)

Jake: Bonnie! Take them to the storm cellar now. Guys go.

Jake: Come on, we gotta get inside.

Jake: Emily, Emily. Hey. It's going to be okay. Alright. I promise. It's going to be okay. Alright. Look we got to go in now. Babe. Babe. We've gotta get inside before the rain. Okay? Come with me. Come on.

Jake: Run! Run!

Jake: Get inside

(Hawkins House)

Sam: Hey dad.

Hawkins: Hey. How you doing? You comfortable?

Sam: It's like camping.

Hawkins: You hate camping.

Sam: Yep.

Hawkins: Wheres Allison?

Darcy: She's up in her room.

Hawkins: Samuel, go get Ali.

Sam: Yes sir.

Hawkins: Tell her I'm home.

Sam: Yes sir.

Darcy: Robert. Robert! What's happening out there?

Hawkins: I don't know.

Darcy: oh you know. You always know something.

Hawkins: Hey hey. You are alive Darcy. okay? And the kids are safe. You know, don't ask me questions.

(Skylar's House)

Dale: I think my mom died yesterday...

Skylar: I think my mom died yesterday too.

(Cellar at the Richmond Ranch)

Emily: I thought you were gone.

Jake: Emily...

Emily: Why are you here?

Jake: Trying to keep you safe.

Emily: I'm never safe around you.

(Hawkins Basement)

(Hawkins puts a tack down in Denver)

(Hawkins puts a tack down in Atlanta)

(Hawkins puts a tack down in Chicago)

(Hawkins puts a tack down in Philadelphia)

(Hawkins puts a tack down in San Diego)

(Hawkins grabs three more tacks)


Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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