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#109 : Le jour de notre mariage

Pistés par des mercenaires hostiles, les frères Green s'opposent sur la façon de protéger la ville : faut-il dynamiter le pont de Jericho, au risque d'isoler totalement la ville du monde extérieur ? Pendant ce temps, Emily ne cesse de penser à son mariage, qui devait avoir lieu ce jour avec Roger, son fiancé disparu.


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Le jour de notre mariage

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Jake Green

Jake Green

Robert et Jake

Robert et Jake

Robert et Jake

Robert et Jake

Eric et Jake

Eric et Jake

Jake dans le feu de l'action

Jake dans le feu de l'action

Jake Green

Jake Green

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Paul McCrane
Scénario : Robert Levine

Acteurs :

  • James Remar (Jonah Prowse)
  • D.B. Sweeney (Goetz)
  • Christopher Wiehl (Roger Hammond)
  • Clare Carey (Mary Bailey)
  • Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)
  • Darby Stanchfield (April Green)
  • Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)
  • Aasif Mandvi (Kenchy Duwhalia)
  • April Parker-Jones (Darcy Hawkins)
  • Jazz Raycole (Allison Hawkins)
  • Sterling Ardrey (Samuel Hawkins)


8H00, Emily se réveille auprès de Roger! Tout les deux discutent de leur mariage, Emily dit à Roger qu'elle veut vivre à Jericho. Roger part et Emily se réveille à nouveau, ce n'était qu'un rêve!

Chez les Richmond, Bonnie voit des hommes à l'extérieur... Stanley sort et rencontre des hommes armés qui soit disant sont des connaissances d'Eric, ils prennent l'essence de Stanley. Ce dernier ment et leur dit ne pas connaître d'Eric Green.

Eric se rend compte que Jake a monté la garde toute la nuit. Les deux frères discutent des relations d'Eric, ce dernier n'a toujours rien révélé à April. Stanley, Bonnie et Mimi arrivent chez les Green et les préviennent de la venu d'hommes armés. Eric fait tout de suite le lien avec Ravenwood...


Jake dit à la police que Ravenwood va arriver prochainement et qu'ils sont très dangereux. Jake veut faire un barrage à un pont mais la ferme de Stanley se trouve de l'autre côté.

April apprend à Gail que Johnston va de mieux en mieux. April pense que se n'est pas vraiment le moment de parler de sa grossesse à Eric mais Gail lui dit que le moment est parfait ! Tout les hommes sont sur le pont pour le barrage. Robert laisse sous entendre que Jake aurait amener Ravenwood jusqu'à Jericho. 

Emily a ressortie sa robe de mariée, elle reçoit la visite d'Heather qui lui amène un bouquet de mariée! Cette dernière propose à sa meilleure amie un petit programme pour ne pas broyer du noir.

Jake dit à Robert qu'il pense que lui aussi il a déjà rencontrer Ravenwood auparavant. Eric passe à la maison pour prendre quelques affaires, April lui dit qu'elle voit un avenir pour eux d'eux. Eric lui répond que lui non et qu'il est amoureux de Mary. April ne peut le croire, elle part...

Ravenwood arrive sur le pont, les hommes se positionnent pour tirer. Alors qu'ils sont face à face l'un des hommes de Jericho tire sur Ravenwood. Une fusillade commence... Le chef de Ravenwood dit qu'ils leur laisse 4 heures pour dégager le pont. Jake propose de faire sauter le pont pour éviter que Ravenwood ne passe !

Jake propose à Eric de faire sauter le pont mais il est contre! Eric demande à Bill d'enfermer les explosifs, il est strict personne ne fera sauter le pont! Heather passe faire quelques courses chez Gracie, elle donne quelques instructions à Emily en cas de problèmes avec la voiture. Dans la voiture Emily voit un mariage et s'imagine le jour de son mariage. Heather propose à Emily de passer à la phase 2 de la super journée détente!

Gray dit à Jake qu'il va quand même faire sauter le pont. Jake part voir les habitants de l'autre côté du pont pour leur dire de venir en ville. Emily et Heather arrivent au bar de Mary. Cette dernière sort une bonne bouteille et dit aux filles qu'elles doivent finir la bouteille!

Robert et quelques hommes installent les explosifs sous le pont. Jake essaye de convaincre Stanley de venir avec lui en ville. Bonnie ne veut pas non plus quitter la maison, Mimi fait comprendre à Stanley que ce n'est pas la maison que Bonnie ne veut pas quitter mais lui.

Les trois filles continuent de boire. Emily discute avec l'homme au bar. Eric se rend compte que Gray a envoyé les boites de dynamites au pont sans son accord, il décide d'aller parler à son père. Eric arrive à la maison et tombe sur Gail qui lui fait une leçon de moral au sujet d'April. Johnston arrive et dit à Eric qu'il doit stopper tout sa par tout les moyens. 

Eric se rend sur le pont et compte bien éviter la démolition du pont. Eric se dirige en voiture vers Ravenwood. Ravenwood arrive, tout les hommes quittent le pont, Jake lui, reste pour le faire exploser. Emily en apprend un peu plus de l'homme qui est à côté d'elle. Elle parle de son mariage qui aurait dû avoir lieu, on voit alors Emily le jour de son mariage dans le bar de Mary! 

Ravenwood est là, Jake est posté sur le pont prêt à le faire sauter. Ravenwood prétexte venir chercher de la nourriture pour un camp de réfugiés. Les hommes de Ravenwood ont en joue Jake. Alors qu'ils essayent de négocier, Roger élimine un des hommes de Ravenwood. Eric arrive derrière Ravenwood accompagné de Jonah Prowse. Ravenwood est encerclé et décide de partir, le chef dit à Jake qu'ils reviendront.

Jonah n'apprécie pas d'apprendre que Jake aller détruire son accès à la ville. Il ajoute que Jake allait y passer s'ils n'étaient pas arrivés! Emily parle à nouveau à Roger mais ce n'est qu'un rêve. Roger demande à Emily ce qui la retient à Jericho...

Tout le monde se demande ce qu'il arrivera si Ravenwood revient. Gray demande qu'on détruise quand même le pont. Johnston arrive et explique que le pont sera un excellent moyen de quitter la ville s'ils en ont besoin. Johnston a été élu et interdit la destruction du pont. Stanley lui aussi ne veut pas que le pont soit détruit car il vit de l'autre côté. 

Bonnie demande à Stanley de dire à Mimi de ne pas venir avec eux à la maison mais Stanley tient à Mimi! Jake demande à son père de monter une équipe qui s'entraîne pour le combat au cas ou Ravenwood reviendrait.  Johnston donne le livre qui appartenait à son père à Jake. Il lui demande d'en faire bon usage.

Eric croise Gail et lui dit qu'il ne rentrera pas à la maison et passera prendre ses affaires. Gail lui répond qu'April restera à la maison le temps qu'elle le voudra. Emily va à l'église. Robert et Jimmy montent la garde sur le pont. Robert dit qu'ils ont eu de la chance.

Jake rejoint Emily et lui dit qu'il sait quel jour on est. Jake demande à Emily si elle voulait qu'il part et la prend dans ses bras. Emily est seule, elle ne faisait que penser à ce qu'elle aurait voulu qu'il se passe....

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)

 Crossroads Transcript

Jericho Episode 9: Cross Roads

(Emily's House)

Radio Announcer: It's straight up 8:00 on a perfect autumn morning, so get up, get out and

Roger: You heard the man. Rise and shine babe.

Emily: *groans* I thought we were going to sleep in.

Roger: Yeah, I got up at 6:00

Emily: Oh Roger, maybe this wedding isn't such a good idea.

Roger: You still have a few hours to change your mind.

Emily: If you come back to bed, I won't!

Roger: Oh Em. I wish. Gotta meet the folks. Apparently, they're not all that thrilled about their accommodations.

Emily: Well, they're in the best bed and breakfast in town.

Roger: Well, when they're used to staying at the Pierre, overlooking central park...

Emily: Do you think your parents will ever get over a small town girl stealing away their big city boy?

Roger: Sure, just as soon as we move back to civilization.

Emily: Right... noise, and traffic, and pollution.

Roger: Don't forget about the crime.

Emily: I'm not kidding Roger. This is it. When we get married, this is where we live.

Roger: You sure that's what you want?

Emily: What's that supposed to mean?

Roger: You sure that's what you want?

Emily: Roger? Roger? ROGER?!

Emily wakes up

Emily: Roger!

(Richmond Ranch)

Goetz: They're coming up with hummers now.

Ravenwood Man: Copy that.

Ravenwood Man: What's that? There's someone in the window, there's someone here.

Stanley: Hey! What he hell are you guys doing out there. Hey, I"m talking to you.

Goetz: Sorry, we didn't want to knock at this hour.

Mimi: Stanley, what's going on?

Stanley: Go back inside, and lock the door. You're on private property. This isn't a gas station.

Goetz: I'll see to it that you're reimbursed sir. We work for the Federal Government.

Stanley: Yeah, what kind of work?

Goetz: Just making sure folks have everything they need. Medical supplies, clean water, food. A friend of mine told me to look him up if we came through. You know Eric Green?

Stanley: I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Goetz: Thanks for the fill up.

(Green Household)

Eric: Hey. You stayed down here all night?

Jake: Thought I'd keep an eye out, just in case.

Eric: Listen Jake, yesterday when we talked about

Jake: How'd it go with April? Did you tell her about you and Mary?

Eric: Didn't think it was the right time.

Jake: Yeah, it's never gonna be.

(knock on the door)

Jake: Eric.

Eric: Hey, come in.

Stanley: Hey. Sorry to come by so early.

Jake: We were awake. What's up?

Stanley: Some guys showed up at the farm last night. Couple of Humvees, guns, they knew Eric's name.

Eric: Ravenwood...

Stanley: Who?

Jake: Mercenaries. We ran across them in Rogue River.

Stanley: Okay, well what he hell do they want?

Jake: Everything.

(Town Hall)

Bill: Ravenwood? What the hell is that?

Jake: It's a private security firm. They hire thugs, and army dropouts. They give them big guns, and send them out to play soldier.

Jimmy: But what are they doing in Kansas?

Jake: Well FEMA hired them to evacuate Rogue River. But now, now they're in business for themselves.

Eric: They stripped the town of all their supplies. They killed their police, and civilians.

Gray: You heard of these guys?

Hawkins: *nodding* mm-hmm

Eric: Now they want to hit Jericho.

Jake: I think they were scouts. They wanted to see if we were worth a visit.

Hawkins: We should fortify just in case. Shore up our borders at the most vulnerable points.

Gray: They're already there. I ordered armed checkpoints on cherry valley road and route 660.

Eric: Checkpoints?

Grey: Yeah, keep track of who's coming into town. The mayor was sick, you were gone, I figured i shouldn't wait.

Jake: They'll probably come from the east, across the Tacoma Bridge. I think we should block it.

Stanley: My farms on the other side of that bridge, and so is 30 other families.

Jake: Well everyone on that side will have to come into town, alright. It's not safe to stay over there.

Stanley: You want me to abandon my farm Jake? You gotta be kidding.

Eric: Just for now Stanley. Bill, get some guys together, start collecting ammo. Whatever they're willing to part with, we'll stockpile it here.

Gray: I still have some explosives at the mines.

Jake: I'll take anything you've got.

(Green House Hold)

Gail: Morning April. I thought that I could get Johnston to eat something.

April: No. It's better to let him sleep. Let his body adjust to the meds.

Gail: Oh... Okay. Okay.

April: You ready for some more good news?

Gail: Are you kidding?

April: His blood pressures stabilizing, and the fever seems to be resolving. I think he's going to be okay.

Gail: Well that calls for a real celebration. Can I offer you some mashed black-eyed peas?

April: *laughs* none for me. It hasn't been a particularly good morning. You know what I mean? Of course, it could be the nerves, as much as the pregnancy.

Gail: Nerves? You didn't tell Eric yet?

April: Oh, he was just so exhausted last night. And then he was up and gone before I had the chance. Any idea where he went?

Gail: No... he and Jake were both gone when I came downstairs this morning.

April: Gail... do you think he'll... well the timing just seems so..

Gail: You're talking about my first grandchild. The timing couldn't be better. Now tell him!

(Tacoma Bridge)

Jake: Get as many guys as you can. There's a farm up the road with a couple of dead trucks. Bring them back here, we'll use them as a barricade.

Jimmy: Got it.

Hawkins: You think that'll make a difference?

Jake: It's better than nothing.

Hawkins: This isn't your first run in with Ravenwood is it?

Jake: Why?

Hawkins: You go off on your road trip, all of a sudden they're headed for Jericho. Would've thought you'd be more careful is all.

Jake: You think I led them here on purpose?

Hawkins: Hey, I'm just trying to put the pieces together Jake.

Jake: Let me make it easy for you. My family lives in Jericho.

Hawkins: So does mine.

Jake: Everything I do, I do to protect them.

Hawkins: Same here.

Jake: Then let's stop screwing around and get it done.

(Emily's House)

Emily: What am I doing?

Heather: Em? You in there? It's Heather.

Emily: Yeah, just a second.

Heather: Sorry to barge in.

Emily: That's okay.

Heather: These are for you. Closest thing I could find to a wedding Bouquet.

Emily: Thanks...

Heather: I'm sorry... is this weird? You were supposed to get married today. I figured I should do something special. You know, to acknowledge the day. Maid of Honor and all.

Emily: Just ignore me, okay? It's really sweet what you did.

Heather: Well, you got any plans for today?

Emily: Besides not getting married?

Heather: Cause I kinda planned a whole day to keep you occupied. I thought we'd start with a hike. Nothing exotic, just a hike along the river.

Emily: I'm not going to be great company.

Heather: Company's kind of the point. Keep moving to a minimum.

Emily: I don't really have a choice, do I?

Heather: Not so much.

(Tacoma Bridge)

Hawkins: Good. Okay, we're going to need another car. Put it here.

Jake: Let me guess, this isn't your first run in with these guys either is it?

Hawkins: There's only one thing I need to know from you Jake.

Jake: What?

Hawkins: Would you even know when you're in over your head?

(Green Household)

April: Hey, you're back.

Eric: Yeah, just for a second. Better get this stuff to Town Hall.

April: E-Eric... wait. I have.. I have something to tell you.

Eric: Okay... let's talk.

April: When I uh... had the divorce papers drafted, I did that because I couldn't see a future for us. And now I can.

Eric: I can't...

April: What?

Eric: Look, that last thing on this earth is hurt you April. But I'm in love with someone else.

April: Who?

Eric: Mary Bailey. April... look April. April. I...

April: No, you don't get to do this! You son of a bitch!

Man: Hey! They're here! They're here!

(Tacoma Bridge)

Hawkins: Come on back! C'mon!

Man: hustle up, get back here!

Jake: Let's go, let's go!

Man: Come on, move, move!

Hawkins: Get into positions. Safeties off. Come on everybody, remember what we talked about.

Jake: Nobody fires until I say so.

Hawkins: Everybody remember to breathe. The most important thing to do before squeezing the trigger, is to breathe. Okay?

Goetz: Somebody here want to talk to me? Whoever s in charge, this road needs to be cleared. We're under government orders, to collect supplies.

A gun goes off by accident

Gun fire continues from both sides.

Goetz: Cease fire! Cease fire! Hold your fire! Listen up! We're here on government orders to collect supplies. Your cooperation is mandatory. Understood? Mandatory?

Jake: Damnit...

Goetz: When I get back here, this bridge had better be cleared. Or I'll clear it myself. You've got 4 hours. Understood? Let's roll.

Gray: What the hell are we going to do? There's no way that we can hold this bridge.

Jake: We're going to have to take it out.

Hawkins: I agree.

Gray: What are you saying?

Jake: There can't be a bridge.

(Town Hall)

Bill: I struck gold with Mr. Adams.

Eric: He gave up all that ammo without a fight?

Bill: Oh, he kept plenty. His wreck room looks like the basement of the Alamo. Where do you want this?

Eric: In the gun locker.

Jake: Eric!

Eric: Why aren't you at the bridge?

Jake: We need to talk.

Eric: No way, we're not doing it.

Jake: Think about it. With the bridge out, we can't be overrun.

Eric: Until Ravenwood turns around, and comes at us from another direction.

Gray: Not before they pass New Bern, or some other town. Better then than us.

Hawkins: This will buy us time. Then we focus our manpower and resources on securing the other roads.

Eric: I can't believe what I'm hearing. If we destroy that bridge, it is gone forever. Do you think we can do without it? I mean what about the farms on the other side? Access to food this winter.

Gray: There are farms closer to town.

Eric: Okay, what about the homes you'll isolate? Jake, that means you'll have to isolate Stanley.

Jake: He'll have to come over.

Eric: Look, there has to be a better way.

Gray: Ravenwood is coming back right now. We've got no time, what do you suggest?

Eric: We can get more men, pull them off the outposts if we have to.

Jake: Send more men out there, you're going to get more men killed.

Eric: Bill. Lock up the explosives.

Gray: Now wait a minute.

Eric: Nothing happens to that bridge. We can face them with whatever we can muster.

Jake: How can you!

Eric: The answer is no.

(Outside of Gracie's Market)

Heather: Okay. I'm just going to go into Gracie's to get some trail mix, or you know.. shoe polish, dental floss, whatever s left. Oh and uh, if the engine starts to shake, just slide over and gun the gas. And uh keep an eye on the temperature, if the needle hits the red, cut the gas because it's got about two seconds before it's about to explode. Okay?

April: W-wait. Why can't I just go in?

Heather: oh, no no no, I don't want you to go through the trouble.

Emily; Right...


Heather: Hey, what are you waiting for? Let's go! So this is it, you ready?

Emily: Why? Don't I look ready?

Heather: Well you're definitely dressed for the occasion. So let's roll. What are you waiting for Em?

Heather: Emily! Emily! Emily! Emily!

(Outside of Gracie's Market)

Heather: Em! Em! Em! Turn it off! Turn it off!

Emily: I'm sorry. There was this... this truck. There were these guys with guns.

Heather: yeah... we're not hiking today, everybody's supposed to stay indoors. Somethings going on outside of town. All the roads are blocked.

Emily: Let's go home.

Heather: Home? Come on, I didn't say home. I said indoors.

Emily: Heather, I...

Heather: Hey, look. It's not the end of the world right? Cause it already happened..

Emily: So what are we going to do?

Heather: We're going to proceed directly to phase 2.

(Outside of Town Hall)

Jimmy: I found two flare guns.

Hawkins: Good. Position a couple of guys, maybe two miles out? Give them flare guns, and tell them to send up a signal when they have Ravenwood in sight. Gray, I'm going to round up as much diesel and fertilizer as I can, and I'll meet you back at the bridge.

Jake: He's making explosives? So you're blowing it anyway?

Gray: That's right. Look Jake, you've got loyalty to your brother and your family, I get that. If you want to bow out, nobody will blame you. But that bridge is going out. Where you going?

Jake: Somebody's got to tell those people who live out there to come over.

(Baileys Tavern)

Emily: So this is Phase 2?

Heather: Yep.

Mary: Hey, you guys here about that thing at Tacoma Bridge?

Heather: Yeah, why do you think we nixed the healthy portion of todays' program? Keys please.

Emily: I don't know exactly what the plan is, uh I don't know if it's such a good idea, uh what exactly is the plan?

Mary: This may be the last bottle of single malt scotch that Kansas sees in a long time.

Heather: Just say the word, we open it.

Mary: But if we do, you're not leaving until it's finished.

Emily: So phase two is that we get completely obliterated?

Heather: More or less.

Kenchy: Looks to me.

Mary: He's been here since this morning. I felt bad for him since he's had a rough couple of weeks.

Kenchy: Ladies.

Mary: So what do you say?

Emily: I say... what the hell?

Heather: That's my girl!

(Tacoma Bridge)

Hawkins: Who's on lookout for the flares?

Jimmy: Staten and Brockmeyer.

(Richmond Ranch)

Mimi: You're blowing up the bridge!?

Jake: The Millers will be here in an hour, they got their old noble working and you can ride with them.

Stanley: Go pack your bag.

Bonnie: No!

Stanley: Don't argue with me, now when that car comes here, you're going to be in it, now go!

Mimi: And what about you?

Stanley: I'm staying.

Jake: Don't be stupid Stanley, they're coming back.

Stanley: Jake, I'll hold them off, I did it before.

Jake: Look, it's not going to be a couple of guys this time. They left a pile of bodies in Rogue River, you want to wind up like that?

Mimi: Stanley! Please don't get yourself killed for a house.

Stanley: Hey! My grandfather built this house from the ground up. And that room you've been staying in? That was my dads room when you were a kid. They put that in your audit file? I'm not about to give it up without a fight.

Jake: Look, if we had guardsmen, people who were trained, we could take a stand, but we don't Once we blow the bridge, everyone who is on this side of it are on their own.

Stanley: Okay, so go warn people. You're wasting time here.


Stanley: They're here, get your stuff.

Bonnie: I'm not leaving. This is my home too.

Stanley: It is not safe for you here.

Bonnie: I'm not afraid.

Stanley: Bonnie, don't argue with me.

Bonnie: We'll be okay, if we stay together.

Mimi: Stanley? She's not going?

Stanley: I can't force her.

Mimi: You're risking her life. And yours. I-I don't get it Stanley.

Stanley: Cause it's not your family. Bonnie grew up in this house. We both did. This house is her only connection to a mother and father she barely even remembers.

Mimi: That's funny. I thought you were that connection. Good luck.

(Baileys Tavern)

Heather: School!

Heather: Whoa! This is your captain speaking. We are speaking minor turbulence. I am awesome. Hey, you there. Mr. Dark and Intriguing. Keep my friend company until I get back, and there's a shot in it for you.

Kenchy: You're friend is spicy, eh? May I?

Emily: Sure.

Kenchy: So it's your birthday?

Emily: No... I ....No.

Kenchy: To privacy then.

Emily: Pretty bad out there isn't it?

Kenchy: Oh... poverty, murder, disease, it's bloody miserable. Sorry, sorry. I am drunk, and I haven't slept in weeks.

Emily: Me too.

(Town Hall)

Gray: You sent everything out right?

Bill: The last boxes went out on the truck.

Eric: Bill? What's going on here?

Bill: Sorry Eric.

Gray: I got this Bill.

Eric: Where the hells the dynamite?

Gray: A decisions been made. We're blowing the bridge.

Eric: Who's we.

Gray: Myself. Robert Hawkins. The Deputies. And your brother.

(Green Household)

Gail: Hey!

Eric: I gotta talk to dad.

Gail: No! You will talk to me right now!

Eric: I don't have time.

Gail: April told me.

Eric: Look mom, I didn't mean for things to turn out this way.

Gail: Oh really? How did you mean for things to turn out? You're the one who chose not to work on your marriage. You're the one who chose to cheat on your wife.

Eric: I'm trying to do the right thing. I know it doesn't seem like that right now.

Johnston: What's going on?

Gail: Johnston!

Eric: Dad. The mercenaries from Rogue River, they followed us back. Now we have a checkpoint at the Tacoma Bridge, and I think we can defend it. But there's this plan to destroy it, and cut off the town.

Johnston: Gray Anderson?

Eric: Yeah, he's up there right now wiring it.

Johnston: Where are Jimmy and Bill?

Eric: Out there helping Gray. Dad, I'm alone on this one.

Johnston: Get your brother and stop them.

Eric: Jake is with them too.

Johnston: Then you stop them. Whatever it takes, you stop them.

Eric: Dad I...

Johnston: Whatever it takes.

(Tacoma Bridge)

Hawkins: How's it coming?

Jimmy: Just a few wires left.

Hawkins: Hurry guys.

Gray: Alright everybody! Keep it moving! We gotta keep up the pace. We gotta keep moving. We see that flare, it's going to be too late.

Eric: Can I borrow your truck? Please!

Gray: We don't have much time folks.

Hawkins: Alright, good. Hold on to that. Make sure the lines don't cross. Keep the gold away from the blue. Jake!

Jake: Yeah? Got it.

Hawkins: Got it?

Jake: Yeah. Eric! (To someone else) Here, run this to the truck.

Eric: Dad wants this stopped.

Jake: Well dad doesn't have all the information.

Eric: Well it's still his call Jake.

Jake: Well he's not here to make it. Eric! What are you doing? What are you doing?!

Eric: I'm putting an end to this.

Jake: We could see that flare any minute. You'll be cut off. You can't go out there, alright? Eric!!

Eric Drives off

Flare goes up

Jake: Oh god...

Jake: That's the flare! I see the flare there!

Hawkins: We've got two minutes.

Jake: Ravenwoods coming! Eric's out there.

Gray: There's no time Jake.

Jake: Get everybody off the bridge. Get as far away as you can.

Gray: What are you doing?

Jake: Go! Go! Go now!

Gray: C'mon guys. C'mon! Everybody off the bridge! Get as far away as you can, we're going to do it. We're gonna blow it! Come on!

(Baileys Tavern)

Kenchy: So, So I just started my practice, been in the country for about six months,

Emily: Where?

Kenchy: Las Vegas. Don't laugh, don't laugh. It's a wonderful town, it's really a wonderful place It's not quite so wonderful without water and electricity. I practically threw myself at the Red Cross to get out. Noble gesture to save my own ass.

Emily: You did what you had to do.

Kenchy: So, they sent me to Kansas. And here I am. I really should be sitting by a pool, surrounded by beautiful women, red heads preferably. And Blond's, blonds too. There smoking a cigar, and living the American dream.

Emily: I was supposed to be married today.

Kenchy: Really?

Emily: I was going to be right... right over there. Feet kicked up, and having a drink.


Mary: Emily!

Emily: Yeah?

Mary: What do you want to hear next?

Emily: Same one!

Heather: Polyester Bride on Endless loop? Are you being ironic on your wedding day Emily Sullivan?

Emily: No, because if I was being ironic, it would be Atlantis. And it's Emily Hammond tonight.

Girl: 30 minutes?

Heather: Hey, hold on there. I'm going to need some extra hands okay?

Mary: Hey Heather, there's no way I can leave with the bar this busy, can you hold the phone up during the wedding, so I can hear?

Heather: I've got it programmed.

Mary: Hey, Stanley? When you getting dressed?

Stanley: After the game.

Mary: The wedding is in half an hour.

Stanley: Oh! Overtime, why!?

Mary: Here we go ladies, champagne.

Heather: And for you. Before we head over to the church, I'd like to make a toast to the blushing bride, and the banker boy.

Emily: Banker man!

Heather: Well he's still a banker any way you slice it. I mean who here would've ever matched Roger with Emily? Talk about high risk investment.

Emily: There's nothing risky about him.

Heather: Exactly. To Emily and Roger. May they live happily together in eternal blandness. Never questioning their life. Never looking too closely. Never wondering if they weren't meant for something else. Down the hatch everybody!

End Daydream

Kenchy: To the future. Rest in peace.

(Tacoma Bridge)

Jake messes with the wires as a Humvee pulls up.

Jimmy: What does he think he's doing?

Hawkins: He's making a stand.

Jake: The bridge is wired. You just parked over a couple of pounds of dynamite Turn your trucks around or I blow it.

Goetz: We're on government orders, to collect food and medicine, for a refugee camp near the Rogue River.

Jake: Same government that ordered you to kill all of those people in the hospital?

Goetz: It's been a crazy few weeks. A lot of confusion out there. Just step aside, we'll take what we need, and be on our way.

Jake has a red dot on him.

Jake: Go ahead, give the order. If I go, you go. Something funny?

Goetz: Yeah. This whole thing. You're not going to push that button. Heres how it's going to go. You and your farmer buddies, you stand down, we get back in our vehicles, we drive into town, take what we need, and never come back. Nobody has to die.

Another Ravenwood Guy: Man down! Man Down

(Hawkins has shot their sniper)

(Goetz has a red dot on his chest)

Goetz: You're going to need a lot more snipers, pal.

Ravenwood Guy: Goetz, we got cars coming.

Farmer: Is that Jonah Prowse?

Jimmy: What the hells he doing here?

Jake: What's this town worth to you?

Goetz: You know, pretty soon, things are going to get back to normal. Government will put itself back together, and they'll be looking to help all uh you get back on your feet. And you know who they're going to send? Me.

Goetz: Let's go.

Jonah: Next time you want to destroy my route in to town, I'd appreciate a heads up. You're welcome. Really. Don't mention it. Can I make a suggestion? Start figuring out how to fight for yourselves. If Eric hadn't come to get me, you'd all be burying Jake in a shoe box tomorrow.

Baileys Tavern)

Mary: On the target. Okay, go.

Mary and Heather: awww!


Roger: So is this how it's going to be? Drunken days, lonely nights? Disturbing visions of a dead fiance?

Emily: Are.. Are you?

Roger: What?

Emily: Dead?

Roger: Would that make it easier?

Emily: No. I don't know. I don't know what your voice sounds like it's been so long. I should've been on the plane with you.

Roger: You never would've left this place. Ever ask yourself why? Brother, Mother gone. No father to speak of. What is it that keeps you so tied to Jericho?

Emily: I don't know.

Roger: I think you do

Daydream over

Heather: Em? You okay?

(Town Hall)

Gray: What happens if they come back?!

Eric: We've got armed sentries posted.

Jake: If it comes to it, the bride still is wired.

Gray: I still say we take it out now.

A bunch of yeahs from the crowd.

Johnston: Well, you're not calling the shots Gray.

Gray: I'm glad to see you up on your feet Johnston.

Johnston: Mayor. Now, maybe one of you would like to tell me who you think is in charge here? If we're hit from the other side, that bridge might be our only line of retreat. Help is on the other side of that bridge. Our people, the whole world is on the other side of that bridge.

Man: He's got a point.

Johnston: We destroy that bridge, we'll have already lost.

Gray: Everyone here wants this to happen. Including your son.

Stanley: no, not everyone. When you guys come up with a real plan, to protect this town, you let me know.

Jake: Dad, I think you should.

Johnston: You hold your tongue. I'm the only one here who was elected. I will not do this, it is as simple as that.

Gray: Maybe it's time we let the people decide if they still want you making their decisions.

(Outside of Town Hall)

Mimi: Stanley!

Bonnie: no. She can't. She can't. She's an idiot.

Bonnie goes on ahead

Stanley: Yeah, she said it's fine with her.

Mimi: Right..

(Green Household)

Gail: I'll be outside.

Jake: Kinda put you in a bad position out there, huh?

Johnston: Gray used you son, I hope you see that.

Jake: Dad, you didn't see what those guys were capable of. Now I'm not here to fight.

Johnston: What are you here for?

Jake: We need a security force. A real one. Trained. Sanctioned, by you.

Johnston: This belonged to your grandfather. He had it on him when he landed at D-Day. When he had to take command of his platoon, that manual and his training got him from Omaha beach to Germany.

Jake: I remember the story.

Johnston: Make sure you do it right.

(Outside of town hall)

Eric: I'm not coming home tonight. I'll stop by tomorrow, and pack some clothes. Mom... April

Gail: Will have a home with us, as long as she wants one.

(Tacoma Bridge)

Hawkins: Thanks Jim.

Jimmy: We did good today.

Hawkins: no. No. We just got lucky.


Jake: Emily? Is everything alright?

Emily: Yeah...

Jake: Saw Heather. She's pretty wasted.

Emily: Yeah. I've been a little over served myself.

Jake: I know what today is. Mom, she still has the invitation on the fridge. You know, we never talked about Roger.

Emily: What do you want to know?

Jake: How did he propose?

Emily: A stone in caviar.

Jake: Beats the hell out of malt liquor at a video store parking lot.

Emily: We were teenagers. What the hell did we know?

Jake: Enough not to go through with it.

Emily: Why'd you come back Jake? Why couldn't you have just stayed away?

Jake: Are you sure that's what you wanted?

Emily: What'd you just say?

Jake and Emily hug, Jake's whispering in Emily's ear

Jake: Are you sure that's what you wanted?

Emily had apparently been daydreaming while in the church, and is now sitting alone in the church.


Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


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