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#108 : Question de vie ou de mort

1 mois après les bombes

Pour sauver leur père, à qui il ne reste que quelques heures à vivre, Jake et Eric Green se rendent à Rogue River, à 150 km de Jericho, pour se procurer des médicaments. La ville est déserte et les maisons ont été évacuées par l'Agence fédérale de gestion des crises. A Jericho, Robert Hawkins attire toutes les suspicions ; certains le soupçonnent de faire partie d'un complot consistant à organiser les attaques de l'intérieur.


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Rogue River

Titre VF
Question de vie ou de mort

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Eric Green

Eric Green

Eric à l'hôpital

Eric à l'hôpital

Jake Green

Jake Green

Jake Green

Jake Green

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Guy Norman Bee
Scénario : Matthew Federman, Stephen Scaia

Acteurs : 

  • D.B. Sweeney (Goetz)
  • Darby Stanchfield (April Green)
  • Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)
  • Aasif Mandvi (Kenchy Duwhalia)
  • Theo Rossi (Randy Payton)
  • April Parker-Jones (Darcy Hawkins)
  • Jazz Raycole (Allison Hawkins)
  • Sterling Ardrey (Samuel Hawkins)


1 mois après les bombes.

Eric et Jake sont sur la route qui les mènera jusqu'à Rogue River. Ils continuent à rouler sans s'arrêter pour quoi que ce soit.

Pendant ce temps, Gray et Jimmy viennent voir les Hawkins.

Durant le trajet, Eric demande à son frère ce qu'il a fait pendant ces cinq dernières années pendant lesquelles il avait disparu. Leur conversation monte d'un ton, ils règlent plus ou moins leurs comptes.

Gray pose des questions assez spéciales et indiscrètes car les Hawkins sont de nouveaux habitants et il veut en savoir plus, mais il ne sait pas à qui il a à faire.

Johnston est toujours inconscient et April ne rassure pas beaucoup Gail sur l'état de son mari.
Heather et Emily ont apporté toutes les deux des provisions aux Green.
Mais Johnston aurait besoin de glace pour faire tomber sa fièvre, alors Heather a une idée et elle et Emily tentent d'en fabriquer à partir d'une solution de physique-chimie.

Arrivés à Rogue River, Eric et Jake trouvent une ville morte, complètement déserte.
Eric et Jake voient des inscriptions sur les portes. Ces inscriptions donnent le nombre de survivants, de morts, le jour de l'évacuation des habitants et par qui elle a été effectuée.
Arrivés à l'hôpital, ils pensent que tout est encore toujours désert mais ils se font tirer dessus. Les coups de feu viennent du dernier étage de l'hôpital.
Dans celui-ci, il y a des morts partout. Jake qui voit le massacre s'aperçoit que c'est la faute d'un groupe de mercenaires appelé Ravenwood.

Gray pose des questions à Darcy pendant que Robert demande un service à sa fille.

Dans l'hôpital, une grenade est lancée vers Jake et Eric. Ceux-ci se mettent à l'abri.

Chez les Hawkins, l'interrogatoire continue avec Allison.

Comme c'était une grenade flashback, il n'y avait aucun risque, alors Jake décide de monter voir l'homme qui les menace afin de pouvoir récupérer le médicament pour son père.

April qui est aux cotés de Johnston lui demande de rester en vie afin de pouvoir voir son premier petit enfant. Gail qui était là a entendu la nouvelle et essaye de consoler April.

Arrivé au dernier étage, face-à-face avec l'homme armé, Jake, ne perd pas son sang froid et lui demande s'il est avec Rawenwood, qu'il connaît bien la manière dont ils procèdent vu qu'il avait travaillé avec eux en Irak. Alors le mercenaire rassuré les accompagne pour trouver le médicament, en leur expliquant le carnage dans l'hôpital et pourquoi lui était encore là.

Un docteur du nom de Kenchy est encore en vie et essaye de sauver le moindre survivant, mais sans succès.
Jake lui demande où ils pourraient trouver le médicament quand ils entendent des véhicules, c'est Ravenwood qui revient. L'homme armé, pris de panique, ouvre le feu sur eux.

Allison répond aux questions mais finit par s'énerver ce qui était plus ou moins voulu avec son père.
Gray demande si Jimmy peut regarder dans toute la maison. Jimmy jette alors un rapide coup d'œil, ce qui ne plait pas trop aux Hawkins mais Robert préfère les laisser faire.

Pendant ce temps à Rogue River, les hommes de Ravenwood sont rentrés dans l'hôpital.
Jake, Eric, Kenchy et le mercenaire blessé sont cachés. Pendant ce temps, Kenchy leur apprend qu'avec ce seul médicament cela ne suffira pas à sauver Johnston, alors ils élaborent un plan afin de récupérer l'autre médicament qui est dans la salle de soins.

Chez les Green, Heather et Emily ont réussi à obtenir de la glace.

Eric qui a enfilé une blouse se fait passer pour un docteur et rentre dans la salle de soins. Un des hommes de Ravenwood est blessé et Eric se propose de le soigner. Pendant ce temps, les autres se mettent à la recherche de Jake, Kenchy et du mercenaire.
Pendant que Goetz est occupé à aider Eric à soigner son homme blessé, Jake rentre dans la pièce, ouvre le feu, ce qui leur permet de partir tout en ayant récupéré le médicament qu'il fallait.

Jimmy qui a regardé partout dans la maison des Hawkins remonte de la cave avec une plaque du FBI.

A Rogue River, le mercenaire couvre Jake, Eric et Kenchy afin qu'ils puissent partir. Il préfère se sacrifier vu tout le mal qu'il a fait.

Gray demande à Hawkins pourquoi il ne lui a pas dit qu'il était du FBI. Gray refait alors confiance à Robert.

Arrivés chez eux à Jericho, Eric et Jake, accompagnés de Kenchy montent à la chambre de Johnston.
Kenchy et April administrent le médicament, il ne leur reste plus qu'à attendre l'effet de celui-ci.

Hawkins remercie sa fille pour le service qu'il lui avait demandé.

Jake remercie Heather et Emily pour leur aide.
Les deux frères discutent entre eux d'un ton calme et posé. Mais d'un coup, Eric s'aperçoit qu'il a oublié sa veste à l'hôpital et que ses papiers sont à l'intérieur, il en fait part à Jake.

A Rogue River, l'équipe de Ravenwood trouve le portefeuille d'Eric.

Jake qui se doute de ce qu'il va se passer monte la garde toute la nuit...

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)

Rogue River Transcript

Jericho Episode 8: Rogue River

(Jake and Eric are on the road)

Eric: Jake!

Jake: I see it.

Eric: Slow down!

Jake: I'm not stopping until we get to Rogue River.

Eric: Okay, just leave her lying there in the middle of the road..

Jake: See that second set of skid marks back there? Someone probably forced her off the road, and robbed her and killed her. For all we know they could be out here waiting to do it again. I don't like it anymore than you do, but if we don't make it, dad dies. It's just the world we live in now.

(Hawkins House)

Darcy: Oh, yes. It's ready. Watch out sweetie, it's hot.

Allison: Wow, I can't believe it worked mom.

Darcy: I guess your fathers a very smart man.

Allison: Should I go get him?

Darcy: No honey, he's working. Besides, this thing needs time to cool.

(There's a knock on the door)

Darcy: Hello.

Gray: Mrs. Hawkins. Do you mind if we come in for a few minutes?

(Hawkins Basement)

Darcy: Hey, uh. Jimmy and Gray Anderson are here to see you.

Hawkins: Did they say about what?

Darcy: No, but I got the felling it wasn't just the friendly house call.

Hawkins: Okay.

(Jake and Eric are on the Road)

Eric: Okay, we've got a route to the county hospital in Rogue River. Take Cedar Run Road,

Jake: No good.

Eric: You don't even know what I was going to say.

Jake: Put the map away. We're taking the back roads.

Eric: Jake, dads on borrowed time, we need to get he medicine and

Jake: I spent most of my teenager years driving these roads. We'll make up the time.

Eric: You always think you know better.

Jake: This things loaded?

Erik: Yes, it's loaded. What are we going to have to do Jake?

Jake: I don't know. But when it comes time to do it,

Eric: I'll be ready.

Jake: You haven't said anything for miles. Stay sharp.

Eric: What happened to you Jake?

Jake: What do you mean?

Eric: The last 5 years. Where were you? I'm assuming Jail. Why won't you tell me?

Jake: Why does it matter?

Eric: Because all that time, I stood and I watched mom and dad suffer. Every time the phone rang, they thought it was you. I used to hate calling the house, because we sound the same on the phone. I couldn't stand them realizing it was only me.

Jake: Sorry. Alright? I'm sorry, for what I did to our family. But don't use me as an excuse for not getting on with your life.

Eric: What's that supposed to mean?

Jake: You know you wouldn't be the first guy to leave his wife Eric. Look, I'm not telling you to leave her. I'm just saying...

Eric: You don't know what you're talking about, Jake.

Jake: I"m talking about what you're afraid to say. Life too short.

Eric: Well don't worry about me. Just drive.

(Hawkins House)

Gray: Thanks for talking with us Robert.

Hawkins: No problem, Gray. What's all this about?

Gray: Well, when I was in Topeka, People were saying this could be the first step in a foreign invasion. Except, that getting all of these bombs in the country, would be pretty difficult.

Hawkins: Without help on the inside.

Gray: Exactly. I understand you and your family moved to Jericho just before the attacks. You bought your house in cash. On a cops salary.

Hawkins: Am I under arrest for not taking on a 30 year mortgage?

Gray: *laughs* of course not.

Hawkins: Well, if you wouldn't mind, my family and I were just about to sit down to..

Gray: If you wouldn't mind humoring us for a couple of more minutes. You know, since all of this happened, we're all, I think, understandably curious about anybody who's new in Jericho.

Hawkins: Well why don't you just ask me the question? You really think I was the mastermind behind the largest terrorist attack in the history of the world?

Gray: Were you?

Hawkins and Gray laughed.

Gray: Would you mind if we just asked you a few questions.

Hawkins: That's funny. You know, when I was a cop, that is just the kind of thing that I would say during an interrogation.

Gray: Purely information.

Hawkins: And I would've said that too, Gray. Well, Darcy's been wanting to get to know the neighbors. Come on.

(Green Household)

Gail: How long can he hold on like this?

April: I can't say for sure. Maybe 12 hours.

Gail: 12 hours?

April: I am... so sorry.

Gail: I... I've been married to that man for a long time. I refuse to believe that this is the way it ends.

Heather: Oh... Hey.

Emily: Hey.

Heather: I brought some food.

Emily: Yeah, come on in. Gail's upstairs.

Heather: Used to have this phobia, that dairy products had to be refrigerated. So I thank god for processed cheese food. And I brought soup.

Emily: Creamy Mushroom. Most of the stuff I have left is for the food drive.

Heather: I guess we're not the only ones. How is he?

Emily: He's getting worse. April doesn't think he has a lot of time.

Gail: Oh, Hi. I heard the door, I thought it was the boys.

Emily: Heather brought some food.

Gail: Oh, thank you sweetheart.

Heather: oh, I'm so sorry about your husband Mrs. Green.

Gail: This day and age, how can someone die of a fever. It's the 21st century. Can't get the right drugs. Can't even find ice to cool him off.

Heather: I can make ice! One of the students had a project in the science fair last year. I just need umm.. water, and, do you have fertilizer?

Gail: Maybe.. in the garage.

Heather: Okay.. I can do this. Think...

Emily: Okay let's try it.

Heather :Grab every large bowl you have. And can you grab some buckets, and get some fresh water from the well? It'll be cooler. I'll get the fertilizer.

Gail: Buckets are in the laundry room.

(Rogue River; Jake and Eric are in the car)

Eric: Where is everybody?

Jake: Come on, let's get to the hospital.

Jake: See those markings? These homes were evacuated 10/25 by FEMA. 10/25... that means they came a month after the bombs.

Eric: Well if FEMA came through here, at least there's still some sort of government.

Jake: That was a week ago.

Eric: What are the other numbers?

Jake: Well, 0 is the number they found alive.

Eric: And the two?

Jake: The number of dead.

Jake: We're going to go in, we're going to get the medicine, and we're going to get out.

Eric: Okay.

Eric: (reading) The Federal Emergency Management Agency has determined that radioactive fallout from the blast in Lawrence Kansas has contaminated the water table of this region. Under no circumstances should water from any taps or wells be consumed. FEMA

Eric: Well I guess that explains why this place is empty.

(Outside Fillmore County Hospital)


Eric: What the hell? Wheres that coming from

(We see that the name of the hospital is Fillmore County Hospital")

Eric: We gotta get inside.

Jake: Stay close.

(Inside Fillmore County Hospital)

Eric: Oh my god, what happened here?

Jake: You okay?

Eric: Yeah. Where do you think those shots came from?

Jake: Top floor.

Eric: Who the hell would be shooting at us?

Jake: I don't' know. But if they have any Cipro, it's probably upstairs.

Eric: oh my god!

Jake: Five.. six. From an automatic weapon.

Eric: Maybe they belong to these guys?

Eric: I didn't know Rogue River had a SWAT team.

Jake: They don't. These guys aren't cops. They're government contractors. Private Army, a firm, called Ravenwood.

Eric: What are mercenaries doing in Kansas?

Jake: Same thing they've been doing in Iraq and New Orleans. The military been stretched so thin the past few years, that mercenaries became a commodity. The real question is, did they kill these people?

Eric: Look... let's just get the drugs and go, okay?

Jake: Alright. You ready?

(Hawkins House)

Jimmy: Nice job with the stove. You burn wood in the broiler right?

Hawkins: Yeah. You know we're just lucky that we had gas instead of an electric cause it's got it's own built in vent.

Gray: Where's your brother?

Allison: How should I know? I'm here with you.

Darcy: Allison! Manners.

Allison: Let me know when dinners back on.

Hawkins: Will you uh... just pardon me a moment.

Gray: So, Darcy. Why did you decide to move to Jericho?

(Elsewhere in Hawkins House)

Hawkins: Hey!

Allison: I don't like that guy.

Hawkins: I need you to do something for me. Okay?

(Green House Hold)

Heather: The Ammonium Nitrate and fertilizer extracts the heat from water.

Emily: How long is it supposed to take?

Heather: I don't know... I think a while.

Gail: I'm gonna go up and check on him.

Heather: God, I hope I'm not screwing this up.

Emily: She's been up for 24 hours. They've been married for 40 years.

Heather: Can you imagine?

Emily: I'm supposed to be married tomorrow.

Heather: Hey, hey, hey. Rogers coming back.

Emily: So is Jake.

(Inside Fillmore County Hospital)

Jake: Alright, stay close to the wall. Come on, come here. If something happens to me, get in the car and go. Alright, find another town, search from house to house if you have to.

Eric: Jake, nothing is going to happen to you. Okay. Nothing ever does.

Jake: Go! Go! Move!

(Upstairs in Hawkins House)

Allison: You went to Crow Island School. We moved here after our grandfather died. Sam, are you listening?

Sam: I'm hungry, I want dinner.

Allison: Oh god... You know what Sam? You should tell that to the guys in there. Just keep saying it as much as you can okay?

Jimmy: Hey pal, whatcha drawing?

Sam: My old house.

Gray: Oh yeah? Well where is that?

Sam: I'm hungry.

Jimmy: Well, you know what. As soon as we're finished talking, maybe your mom will give you some of that pie.

Sam: I want it now!

Gray: Well in a few

Sam: Now! I'm hungry.

Hawkins: He gets a little cranky when he's hungry.

Gray: Yeah, I see that.

Hawkins: You mind if we get him something to eat?

Gray: No, no. Of course not.

Allison: I'll take him into the kitchen. Come on.

Gray: Would you mind hanging out for a couple of minutes?

Allison: Whatever.

Hawkins: Sam.

Jimmy: See ya buddy.

(Inside Fillmore County Hospital)

Jake: You okay?

Eric: You say something? All I hear is ringing.

Jake: It'll pass in a minute

Randy: You down there! Freeze! Drop your weapons!

Jake: No! We're here for medicine. It's an emergency. We don't want trouble.

Randy: There's no medicine here!

Jake: We wanna look for ourselves. We can trade you for food.

Randy: We have everything we need, go away!

Eric: Jake!

Jake: What?

Eric: He's crazy. didn't you hear him? He's scared. He threw a grenade.

Jake: That was a flash bang, not a grenade. It's just loud and bright to scare us. If he wanted to kill us, he would've.

Jake: Putting all weapons down, and coming up.

Randy: You come up, and I'll shoot you.

Jake: Alright, just take it easy.

Randy: That's far enough!

(Johnston's Room)

Johnston: Gail...

April: It's me, April. Gail's downstairs. She'll be up soon. I wish there was something more I could do. But there isn't. Please just hold on a little longer. Can I tell you a secret? You're going to be a grandfather. I haven't told anyone yet. Not even Eric. I don't know what he's going to say. But this child needs a grandpa. Hold on, okay? Please...

Gail comes in

(Inside Fillmore County Hospital)

Jake: You're with Ravenwood.

Randy: How do you know?

Jake: I spent a year and a half in the green zone. Running a supply rig an up and down route from Route Irish to BIAP.

Randy: You were in Iraq? Soldier?

Jake: No, I just drove a truck. For another contractor. But I met a lot of Ravenwood guys. Where were you?

Randy: Fallujah.

Jake: Man, I thought I had it bad.

Randy: That was the worst thing I ever lived through. Till now.

Jake: You mind putting that thing down? I'm just here for medicine, we don't have a lot of time. This is my brother Eric, I'm Jake. Come on.

Randy: Randy Payton. I'll take you to see the doc.

Eric: You're uh... you're in pretty bad shape.

Randy: Morphine and Instant Coffee are the only thing keeping me standing right now.

Jake: What are you doing in Kansas?

Randy: Not enough national guard. Homeland Security hired us. Brought us in to protect the governor in Nebraska.

Jake: Wait.. the Governors alive?

Randy: Don't know. When we landed, they brought us over here to help FEMA evacuate Rogue River.

Jake: Where to?

Randy: Uh... FEMA sent up a tent city. Wal-mart parking lot, just a few miles north of here.

Jake: What happened to these people?

Randy: These are the ones that couldn't be moved. Too old. Too sick.

Eric: So you just killed them?

Randy: not me, No I tried to move them. But the doctors wouldn't allow it. There was so many of them, crying out, begging, the guys, they just wanted to come in, they wanted to take the medicine, they wanted to leave. But doctor starts arguing with them, then one of our guys, he.. he just snapped. And he started firing. Before I knew it, they had all emptied their weapons.

Eric: Why didn't you stop them?

Randy: How do you think I got shot? They left me for dead like everybody else.

Randy: This is the doc. When I came to, he was working on me. Patch me up as best he could. Trying to save everyone else instead.

Kenchy: I need more bloody light.

Randy: Doc. This is Jake and Eric. And they need medicine.

Kenchy: Dr. Kenchy Dhuwalia. Do forgive me if I don't shake your hand.

Jake: We need Cipro.

Kenchy: Right... morphines worth a lot more you know?

Jake: I'm not selling it alright? I need it now! It's for my father

Car pulls up

Jake: It's Ravenwood.

Eric: They're back?

Jake: Looks like there were 6 or 8 of them.

Randy: They brought a truck, they're going to clean out the hospital. Medicine, supplies, anything thats not held down. And they're going to kill anybody they find alive. We know what they did. We can't let them get inside.

Jake: Hey! hey!

Randy: One down!

Eric: What about the back exit?

Randy: It's barricaded. You wanna live? Stand up and fight.

(Upstairs in Hawkins House)

Allison: Well that's when my grandmother died and left everything to my parents. They wanted me out of the school I was in, so we moved.

Gray: Was your father away from home a lot when you were a kid?

Allison: Of course, he's a cop.

Gray: Well, did he bring any friends around? Anybody you thought was strange?

Allison: His friends are all cops.

Gray: What about money, did your parents ever argue over money?

Allison: Well, doesn't everyones?

Gray: I-I'm thinking about sudden windfall.

Allison: Like my grandmas inheritance?

Gray: Right. When was that again?

Allison: Wh-what? Are you stupid? I already told you, six months ago.

Hawkins: Don't be disrespectful Allison.

Allison: Dad, this is bull. He's in our house acting like we're criminals or something. Are you harassing everyone in town, or just the black people?

Hawkins: Hey, that's enough.

Allison: Why are you letting him do this?

Hawkins: I apologize Mr. Anderson.

Allison: You're apologizing to him?

Hawkins: Yes, and so are you.

Allison: Forget that! I'm not sorry.

Hawkins: Apologize.

Allison: Dad, he's a racist! I hate this stupid town, I wish we never moved!

(Inside Fillmore County Hospital)

Randy: They're coming in.

Jake: Why aren't they shooting?

Randy: Everyones in short supply. They're gonna wait and fight up close.

Jake: Alright, take some of these clips..

Eric: No they're all empty. Look, we've gotta get the medication and get out of here. Doc! Wheres the Cipro? Where's the Cipro!?

Jake: They're gonna come straight for us. We gotta hide. We let em' pass, and then we slip by.

Kenchy: I couldn't even save one. Not even one!

Jake: We gotta go, or we're going to be dead too.

Eric: Get it!

Jake: I got it, I got it, I got.

Jake: Come on.

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins: My girls been through a lot. But I raised her better than that.

Gray: I want to assure you Mr. Hawkins, that this is not about color. Black, white or otherwise, my objective is to protect the people of Jericho.

Jimmy: I got a boy about the same age.

Darcy: Maybe you should bring him over sometime. Samuel could use a playmate.

Gray: Do you guys mind if Jimmy has a quick look around the house while we talk?

Darcy: Excuse me?

Gray: Just a question of being thorough.

Darcy: And is searching houses standard policy here? I thought this was Kansas, not Soviet Russia.

Hawkins: You know, we've been pretty easy going about all of this.

Gray: And I'm just asking for a little more patience, so that I know I can vouch for you. Unless you're afraid there's something we'll find.

Hawkins: You know, if you can overlook the mess, you can overlook the violation of our civil rights.

Jimmy: umm I'll just take a quick look around, and then we'll be on our way.

(Inside Fillmore County Hospital)

Jake: Come on, let's go.

Eric: It'd be safe if we wait until they leave the building.

Jake: That'd take hours, dad doesn't have hours.

Kenchy: What's wrong with him?

Jake: He's gone into septic shock.

Kenchy: Sepsis? Then we have to go back.

Eric: What are you talking about?

Kenchy: If your father is in septic shock, that means that his organs are shutting down. That means that by the time you get to him, his body won't even be able to process the Cipro. You need an intravenous drug. It's called Levaquin, it's back in the ICU.

Jake: What's it look like?

Kenchy: It's a clear bottle, purple label. You'll need syringes.

Eric: Jake, this is nuts. We can't go back there.

Jake: We can't take the chance that we have the wrong medicine.

Eric: What, are we going to shoot our way through?

Jake: Yeah, if I have to.

Randy: I'll back you.

Jake: Are you with me or not?

Eric: Okay, but we need a plan.

Jake: Alright.

(Green Household)

Heather: This is definitely taking too long. The water should be freezing by now. You know, let's just dump these and start all over.

Emily: Okay, shouldn't we wait until we figure out what we done wrong?

Heather: No, this is all we have. The mayors running out of time. We gotta cool him down. Everyone is counting on me, and it's not working.

Emily: Yeah, but we have to give it time to work. Okay, you're freaking out. This ones cold...

Heather: It's working.

Emily: What did you do differently with this one?

Heather: The.. the bowl! It's aluminum. God it's so simple, I'm so stupid!

Emily: So we just need more of these, right?

Heather: Yeah, anything metal. Pie tins, anything.

Emily: Alright, I'll get them from the kitchen.

Heather: Okay. We got Ice!

(Inside Fillmore County Hospital, Eric is dressed like a doctor)

Eric: Don't shoot!

Goetz: Hey!

Eric: I'm a doctor. I'm unarmed.

Goetz: On your knees. Who are you?

Eric: I can help your friend.

Goetz: What's your name? What's your name? Don't make me ask you again.

Eric: Eric. Eric Green. I'm a doctor The red cross brought me here.

Goetz: You shoot at me?

Eric: That wasn't me.

Goetz: Who was it? Those guys in that muscle car?

Eric: I don't know what you're talking about.

Goetz: Where are they? Where are they?

Eric: They're in the therapy room, downstairs. There's uh... three or four of them.

Goetz: Get him!

Eric: Your man lost a lot of blood. I can help him.

Goetz: Get up.

(Elsewhere in Fillmore County Hospital)

Jake: Fire in the hole!

Ravenwood Soldier 2: Move left!

Ravenwood Soldier 3: Get right.

Ravenwood Soldier 2: Move, Move out

(In Fillmore County Hospital where the medicine is)

Eric: Alright, we need something to cut his shirt. Something... Something Sterile.

Goetz: Hey, what are you doing?

Eric: I-I'm just getting something for the pain.

Goetz: He can handle the pain, just get to work.

Eric grabs the box of Levaquin

Eric: Augh! go!

(Hawkins House)

Darcy: You people drafted my husband into your police force, and now you're suspecting him of being a criminal.

Gray: We're not suspecting anything. We just want to know...

Darcy: Yeah, who's in your town. Yeah I heard.

Gray: This has been unpleasant for all of us.

Darcy: Yeah, some more than others.

Jimmy: I found something.

It's a badge that says "Federal Bureau of Investigation" Department of justice. Then a card that says "Office of the director"

Hawkins: Darcy, I'm going to need a moment alone with Mr. Anderson.

(Near the Exit of Fillmore County Hospital)

Jake: Hey, let's go!

Randy: Go!

Jake: The cars out front.

Randy: No, no this is on me.

Jake: Hey, they'll kill you. Come on.

Randy: I don't care. I deserve this. I emptied my gun up there too. Now go. Let me do this.

(Outside Fillmore County Hospital)

Eric: Go! Go! Where's Payton?

Jake: He's not coming.

(Hawkins House)

Gray: Why didn't you just tell me you were a federal agent?

Hawkins: How do you even know that, that badge is real?

Gray: I guess... I don't.

Hawkins: A fakes usually made of aluminum. It's cheaper, lighter. If it's heavy, that's how you know. Don't just assume that because somebody has one of these, that it's real. Especially not these days.

Gray: But why didn't you say anything?

Hawkins: Because I don't know you. I don' t know who I can trust. You see, the bureau is tracking suspicious contacts between unknown people in this area of Kansas, and terrorist groups abroad.

Gray: What kind of contacts?

Hawkins: Pay phone calls. Money transfers. You know, I was relocated to investigate undercover Mr. Anderson. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm still on the job, so I would appreciate your discretion.

Gray: No, of course. Jimmy's the only one that knows, and I'll make sure it stays that way.

Hawkins: Good. The people who did this, they will try to hit us again. We can't let that happen.

Gray: From now on we keep an open line, with one another.

Hawkins: Okay then. Man, it's been a long day. If you don't mind.

Gray: I'm just happy to have you on the team Mr. Hawkins. I'm very sorry for the intrusion.

Hawkins: You do not have to apologize for anything. You did good work.

(Green Household. The Boys arrive home)

Jake: Is he?!

Emily: Barely. Hurry!

Gail: Okay, what's going on?

Jake: April, this is Dr. Kenchy.

April: I'm April Green, did you get the Cipro?

Kenchy: This is Levaquin, it will go directly into his system.

Gail: Are we out of time?

Kenchy: Well if his body is strong enough... we will know by morning.

Gail: He's strong enough.

Jake: You're going to be alright Dad.

Gail: It'll be okay sweetheart.

Hawkins: It was a nice job. Got the key? Thank you.

Allison: I know you're one of the good guys.

Jake: Thanks for staying with my mom.

Heather: Glad to help.

Emily: She's being humble. She saved your fathers life.

Heather: I'll let you guys get some sleep.

Emily: What'd you guys see out there? Another time... Goodnight.

Jake: Goodnight.

Eric: What's all this stuff?

Jake: I don't know. How you feeling?

Eric: Honestly? I couldn't tell you.

Jake: You did okay, alright? You'll get through this. And you're a much better person than I am, so I know you'll be fine.

Eric: I don't know if I'm a better person. I'm in love with Mary Bailey. But you knew that didn't you? I'm going to tell April. Life's too short, right?

Jake: Whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be the right thing. Get some rest.

Eric: Wheres my jacket?

Jake: I don't know, did you leave it in the car?

Eric: Jake, I left my jacket back there. The wallet is in the jacket. The address... what if those guys come here?

Jake: No, those guys are dead, Payton took care of it. Don't worry.

Eric: Sorry I screwed up.

Jake: You did great out there today. Get some sleep. We'll think about it tomorrow.

Eric: Goodnight.

Jake: Goodnight.

(Fillmore County Hospital)

Goetz: Good, see to that. Come on boys, we're moving out.

Goetz pulls out a Kansas drivers license, it's Eric's.

Goetz: Jericho!

(Green Household)

Jake peeks out the windows, and stands with a gun in his hand, waiting.

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


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Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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