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#104 : L'inconnu

4 jours après les bombes.
1 jour après les retombées.

Quatre jours après l'explosion des bombes, les habitants de Jericho cherchent de l'essence pour alimenter le générateur d'électricité de la clinique. Jake surprend un inconnu dans la pharmacie de la ville. Visiblement atteint par les radiations, l'homme ferait partie d'un groupe de personnes ayant fui Denver après l'explosion.


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Jake et Gail

Jake et Gail



Jake et Dame

Jake et Dame



Plus de détails

Réalisation : Martha Mitchell
Scénario : Ellen Herman

Acteurs :

Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh)
Clare Carey (Mary Bailey)
Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)
Darby Stanchfield (April Green)
Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)

Voilà le résumé des scènes inédites du 104 trouvées dans le DVD

1. Bill et Jimmy découvrent le car de prisonnier et donc le corps de leurs collègues. (Scène très sombre d'une durée d'environ 20 secondes)

2. Bill récolte de l'essence dans une voiture avec quelqu’un d'autre, il aperçoit une voiture mal stationnée, et donc décide de prélevé plusieurs litres "comme une amande". Méthode pas terrible pour un flic.(20 secondes aussi)


4  jours après les bombes.

24 heures après le nuage radioactif.

A la TV, toujours la même image en boucles, des gens qui courent, de la fumée...

Le manque de carburant dans les générateurs se fait sentir il y a des coupures d'électricité.

Plus de courant, alors le bar de Mary ferme de bonne heure. Jake en sortant du bar rencontre Heather et la raccompagne chez elle quand ils entendent un bruit de verre en direction de la pharmacie.

Jake décide d'aller voir et se retrouve nez à nez avec un homme qui a été irradié.

Avec l'aide de Stanley, car ni Jimmy et Bill ne veulent le toucher, ils l'emmènent à la clinique.

Pendant ce temps à la clinique, une dispute éclate entre Eric et April, le générateur est bientôt à sec.

Au magasin Gracie entend du bruit, mais ce n'est que Dale qui lui faisait une surprise en remplissant les rayons avec la marchandise du train.

L'homme de la pharmacie est gravement brûlé et a du mal à respirer.

Eric expose le problème sur le manque d'essence à son père.

Hawkins se connecte à son ordinateur et cherche pas mal de renseignements sur les familles qui habitent  Jericho.

Le maire n'a pas de nouvelles de Shep.  Jimmy et Bill se font des films en imaginant les ennemis plausibles de cette catastrophe.

Jake et Stanley ont pris une douche vu qu'ils avaient touchés l'homme contaminé.

Au moment où Jake attrape une serviette pour se sécher, Heather rentre. Elle est gênée, mais lui présente sa théorie pour pouvoir récupérer l'essence à la station service. Alors tous deux trouvent la solution.


Bonnie a peur pour son frère en regardant l'homme de la pharmacie, elle demande à Jake de veiller sur Stanley.


April, Jake et Eric sont dans la chambre du patient contaminé, quand celui-ci commence à se réveiller. Il dit qu'il s'appelle Victor et les prévient que des personnes arrivent, mais qui ?

Tout le monde se le demande.


Le matin, Jake et Heather partent à la station, pour récolter l'essence. Stanley arrive alors avec une cuve afin de transporter le carburant, jusqu'au générateur.


Hawkins apprend à sa famille une toute nouvelle vie inventée pour n'éveiller aucuns soupçons sur eux, où ils vivaient avant et pourquoi ils sont partis....

Mais que peut-il bien cacher ?


Jimmy vient lui demander de l'aide en lui demandant de devenir adjoint du Shérif.

Hawkins accepte.


Eric de son côté essaye de récupérer l'essence des voitures.


Heather prévient qu'il y a un risque avec cette cuve car si elle est en acier, il pourrait y avoir une explosion, mais Jake décide de la remplir quand même, car ils n'ont pas le temps d'en chercher une autre.


Au magasin les affaires reprennent, Skylar invite Allison, la fille à Hawkins, à venir à sa petite fête.


Gail veille sur Victor.


Jake, Stanley et Heather roulent à vive allure en direction de la clinique.


Pendant ce temps, le générateur à la clinique se coupe, Victor ne respire plus, April qui doit ventiler le bébé avec un ballon demande à Gail qui a été infirmière de le réanimer.


Arrivés à la clinique, le bouchon de la cuve est collé. Toujours d'après Heather il y a un risque d'explosion si on le fait  sauter, mais Stanley prend une barre de fer, et n'hésite pas à y taper dessus. La cuve s'ouvre, tout se passe bien. Alors Jake remplit le générateur de la clinique.

L'électricité revient et Victor respire à nouveau.


Allison arrive chez Skylar.


Eric arrive à la clinique avec de l'essence, mais April lui fait comprendre que le problème a déjà été réglé.


Skylar est distante et différente avec Dale quand ses amis sont là.


Jake reste près de Victor, celui-ci se réveille à nouveau, et lui explique que les personnes qui arrivent ont besoin de soins.

Son cœur s'emballe mais April réussit à le stabiliser.


Jimmy et Hawkins arrivent chez Skylar car certaines personnes se sont plaint qu'elle gaspillait le carburant. Hawkins voit sa fille et lui demande de rentrer immédiatement.


La voiture de Shep a été retrouvée, avec une vitre cassée et un porte-feuilles avec les papiers d'un dénommé Victor Miller.


Jimmy et Bill veulent interroger Victor, mais April refuse de le réveiller.


Mary remercie Eric de lui avoir donné l'essence pour son générateur.

A la clinique, Eric, Bill, Jimmy tentent de convaincre Jake de réveiller Victor afin de l'interroger.

Hawkins leur dit qu'en injectant de l'adrénaline, ce serait suffisant pour le réveiller, mais Jake n'est pas d'accord car ça pourrait le tuer, mais Eric donne le feu vert, alors Jake veut être avec Hawkins, pendant l'interrogation.

Victor se réveille, et les questions tombent, la voiture de Shep, comment il l'a eu ?...

Jake en profite pour lui demander plus d'infos sur les personnes à secourir, le lieu où elles se trouvent, mais il se plaint que ça lui brûle alors Jake part chercher de la morphine.

Pendant ce temps Hawkins reste seul avec lui, ils se connaissent déjà, et Victor le prévient qu'il y a un traite parmi eux et qui le connait déjà. Mais malheureusement son cœur lâche et il n'a pas pu lui en dire plus.

Allison attend son père, Hawkins la prévient de ne pas recommencer car elle a mis toute la famille en danger.

Jake rentre chez Mary et demande des volontaires pour aider des personnes qui sont en difficulté, les mêmes personnes dont Victor lui avait parlé.

Plusieurs personnes partent avec lui.

Arrivés à l'endroit indiqué, tout le monde est mort, pas un seul survivant.

Le soir à l'église, Johnston rend hommage à toutes ces personnes, le shériff avec ses adjoints et toutes les victimes disparues.

Hawkins envoie un message sur son ordinateur et va voir son fils qui est en train de dessiner.


Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)


4 Days After The Bombs
1 Day After The Fallout has cleared

(TV shows people running for their lives)

(Marys Bar)

Eric: I'm telling you it's the Midwest. From the skyline I'm thinking Cincinnati.

Jake: You know I'm wishing we could read the license plates.

Eric: Well let's make Cincinnati a question mark.

Stanley: Jake.

Jake: Stanley. Hey Bonnie.

Stanley: Anything new?

Jake: Uh not since yesterday.

Stanley: Shep and Gray should have been back by now.

Jake: Our Radios went silent about 50 miles out.

Stanley: God... makes you wonder what ever happened to whoever shot this.

Hawkins: I think that might've been the last thing they ever saw.

Power Blinks, and folks start gasping.

Mary: Generators running out of gas. We'll lose the T.V.

Eric: I'll take care of it.

Mary: How can you? Gas pumps don't work at the station with the power down.

Eric: Look I don't want you to worry.

(Power goes out completely, people start saying "oh man")

Mary: Sorry folks. We're closing early tonight. Take a flashlight, it's dark out there.

Stanley: What? It's only 9:30.

Eric: Well you heard her. Let's move it folks. It's time to go home. Let's move it out.

(Outside of Marys Bar)

Jake: Hey.

Heather: Hey

Heather: is the generator out?

Jake: No, out of booze.

Heather: *laughs* any more images?

Jake: No, just the same loop. C'mon, I'll walk you home. Where do you live?

Heather: That way *points*

Heather: So is it weird being home after so long?

Jake: A little bit. Still can't get used to Baileys without the mechanical bull. Stanley must've cried when they took that out. The guy had the record.

Jake: When did the Pizza Garden become the cyberjolt cafe?

Heather: ah when the health department shut down the pizza garden.

Jake: What?

Heather: Don't tell me you like the pizza garden

Jake: Yeah, i used to work there. Washing dishes.

Heather: ahh, you must not've done a very good job.

(A noise is heard)

Jake: That came from the alley.

Heather: It's the pharmacy.

(In the Pharmacy)

Jake: Go get some help.

Victor: H-help!

Jimmy: Jake! Who is he?

Jake: I don't know. Help me get him out of here.

Bill: Not without gloves or a hazmat suit.

Jake: We've got to get him to a doctor now.

Bonnie: Is that Radiation sickness?

Jake: I think it might be.

Jake: Heather, Heather. Get her out.

Heather: okay. let's go.

Jake: C'mon Bill, let's go. Help us pick him up!

Bill: I'm not touching him. No way. Not me. He could be contagious.

Stanley: He's not contagious Bill.

Bill: I'm sorry Stanley.

Stanley: What if it was me lying here Bill. Would you walk away then?

Jimmy: We could get sick touching that guy.

Bill: It's not like with you Stanley. We-We don't even know who this guy is.

(The Clinic)

Eric: I just stopped by Baileys to check on the TV signal. Can't you cut your husband some slack?

April: And that took 3 hours?

Eric: I was only there for like an hour.

April: We're in a state of emergency, Eric.

Eric: I'm aware of that April.

April: Dr. Peterson has gone to Kansas City to look for his daughter. And Dr. Hoder has worked the last 24 hours.

Eric: Well I'm here now, what do you want from me.

April: And you decided to go have a beer. I've got a baby on a ventilator. And the generators almost out of gas.

Eric: Well don't you have a hand pump?

April: Who'd pump it?

Jake: Out of the way! out of the way!

Jake: Out of the way!

Jake: April! He's having trouble breathing.

April: Get him in room 3.

Man: Back it up people

(Gracie's Market)

(Glass is being rattled)

Gracie: Who is that?

Gracie: Who's in there?

Gracie: Hello?

Gracie: Who is that?

Dale: It's just me Mrs. Lee.

Gracie: Oh! Dale! What are you up to? You scared me to death!

Dale: It was supposed to be a surprise.

Gracie: What?

Gracie: Oh! Where'd you get all this?

Dale: The train that never showed up? Smashed into a car. There's a ton of food just sitting on it. Just about 5 miles outside of town.

Gracie: Well we can't just take it, it's not ours. Not all of it anyway.

Dale: The town took your food.

Gracie: Well it was an emergency.

Dale: And so is this. To hell with them.

(Medical Clinic)

Johnston: Who is this man? Does anyone recognize him?

Eric: Not so far.

Gail: Those burns.. Does that mean that he was close to the blast?

Eric: Why'd he come to Jericho? It's a hell of a long way from Denver.

Stanley: Maybe he's related to someone in town.

Eric: And why'd he break into the pharmacy?

Johnston: Any ID?

Jake: No. Just some keys, he doesn't even have a wallet.

Eric: Is he going to be okay?

April: Depends on the dose that he got.

Gail: Son, you and Stanley should go wash up. Those clothes might still be contaminated.

April: There's a shower down the hall.

Jake: Hey...

Eric: Dad. We got another situation. There's not much more gas in the generator here. And Baileys tavern went dark tonight. That was the only satellite dish in town getting a signal. Our only link to the outside world. You okay?

Johnston: Yeah... we're going to have to get people to siphon gas out of their cars.

Eric: Well what if more come? There's not enough gas to keep the clinics going for all of them.

Johnston: You saying we ought to turn them away?

Eric: No, I'm saying we have limited resources.

Johnston: Well for right now let's just get as much gas as we can.

April: Some of the nurses are spooked. They're worried about contamination.

Gail: Honey, I'll do anything I can to help you.

April: If you could, keep an eye on this baby. Then I can see to the other patients.

Gail: Sure.

April: I hope to god the power doesn't go.

Gail: Look, we'll do everything we can, until we can't.

(Hawkins Basement)

(Hawkins Computer Choices:

St. Louis

Samuel's School
Allison's School
Darcy's Family
Samuel's Friends
Allison's Friends)

Hawkins clicks on Jericho Family, types in "Memphis"

Sam: Dad. It's Sam.

Hawkins types in Vacations

Sam: Dad. I'm thirsty. Are you in there?

(Medical Center)

Johnston: Any word from Shep or Gray?

Jimmy: No Mayor. Still can't get them on the radio.

Bill: Maybe they got captured by those tanks Stanley saw.

Jimmy: Those tanks are probably just national guard.

Bill: You don't know that. They could be..

Johnston: Shh!

Bill: *whispering* They could be China. They could be Iran. Al Quadea, North Korea, anybody who hates us. They could be coming here. And what's our line of defense? You're looking at it.

(Medical Center, Shower)

Heather: Jake?

Heather: oh...

Jake: Had to take a shower.

Heather: Go ahead..

Jake: No, I Did. I just took a shower.

Heather: oh ahhh right. *laughs nervously*

Jake: So what's up?

Heather: I.... April said that the medical center was running low on gasoline for the generator. And it occurred to me that if we had a length of hose and a funnel we could siphon gas out of our cars. Then it occurred to me that there's all that gas inside the tanks at Murthys Gas Station, and if we could get enough suction, we could get all the gas we wanted

Jake: Would a water pump do it?

(Medical Center)

Jake: Bonnie

Bonnie: This... could be my brother. Is this how they die?

Jake: Stanley didn't get it this bad.

Bonnie: He could still get Cancer.

Jake: We don't know that.

Stanley: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Bonnie: Take care of him.

April: I'm going to have to put him on a ventilator. It'll use up power but..

Eric: But the baby has the better chance for survival. Save the generator for the baby.

Jake: Hey hey hey, what about him?

Eric: Give him something for the pain. Get him comfortable.

Jake: Sit back and watch him die?

Eric: Well I don't like it Jake, but it's the most rational option we have right now. Unless you can think of something better.

Jake: Will your generator last till morning?

April: I think so.

Jake: Give me till then.

April: Can you tell me your name?

Victor: (Struggling)V-v-v-victor. Miller.

Jake: Victor. Victor, you're in a medical clinic. Okay we're going to take care of you.

Victor: N-no. There coming. They-they're coming.

(Outside of the Medical Center)

Jimmy: So how long do you think he'll be unconscious?

Johnston: Could be a long time. If he ever wakes up again.

Bill: Who are they? Who's coming?

Jimmy: Well.. maybe he saw passengers from one of those planes.

Bill: He could've meant terrorists.

Bill: Unless he wakes up, we don't know what kind of danger we're in.

Johnston: For right now, hire as many deputies as you can. Use them to help you get gas. Clinics running low.

(Murthys Gas Station)

Murthy: But it's not my gas. It belongs to (noraco?)

Jake: it's no use to anyone Mr. Murthy, without electricity, the pumps don't even work.

Heather: And we'll leave you an IOU for the 500 gallons.

Murthy: I could be fired.

Jake: With all due respect, who's going to fire you? It's a different world now, Mr. Murthy.

Jake: Okay let's get em' open. Stanley will be here any second.

Murthy: They're never coming back... The district manager.. any of them, are they?

(We see that gas is 3.16 a gallon, 3.26 for a higher grade, and 3.15 for Diesel. For 500 gallons, that'd be $1580)

Jake: no...

(Hawkins House)

Darcy: Shortly after my mother died, my husband was transfered to St. Louis. But it was hard to leave Memphis because it was our home, but eventually we learned to love it.

Hawkins: How did your mother die?

Darcy: MS

Hawkins: Ali. What area of St. Louis are we from?

Allison: Kirkwood.

Hawkins: Which is where

Allison: Near Powder Valley. Lots of hiking, trails and nature. We loved to hike.

Hawkins: Sam. Where'd you go to school?

Sam: The crow school.

Allison: Crow Island School. God, we've gone over this so many times.

Hawkins: And we'll go over it again and again until we get it right.

Allison: Mom! You know, I can't keep doing this. Keep Samuel inside, I've got my story.

Hawkins: Hey,

Allison: We lived in a two bedroom house, we drove a green Volvo, we had a stay-at-home mom, which is bull because she worked all the time because our dad was never around.

Hawkins: Upstairs, go on.

(Outside of Hawkins House)

Jimmy: You got a minute?

Hawkins: Of course.

Jimmy: You probably heard, the Sheriff has been killed, along with three more of our men.

Hawkins: I heard. I'm sorry for your loss.

Jimmy: Thank you. Well we're down to just me and Bill, and neither of us is trained for a national emergency.

Hawkins: I don't think anyone is prepared for this.

Jimmy: We need a few more deputies. And I thought since you were a cop in St. Louis, and all..

Hawkins: No. It's a very flattering offer, but I'm still settling my family.

Jimmy: It'd just be for the time being. Look. Mr. Hawkins. These people are on edge. Alright, we got break-ins, and kids vandalizing, we just need some more manpower, to show people there's still law and order in this town.

Hawkins: Alright. When do I start?

Jimmy: You're already on the clock.

(Outside of Gracie's Market)

Eric: We're asking everyone in town to donate 5 gallons of gas.

Gracie: Sorry honey. I need my car.

Eric: But Gracie, if the clinic goes down, people could die.

Gracie: I sympathize Eric, but I already gave this town my whole store. Someone else can donate gas.


Eric: Bill.

Bill: What's up?

Eric: I'm going to head to the clinic with what I've got. How are things on your end?

Bill: It's not looking good. We're still 90 gallons short at the clinic. People are scared Eric. They're hoarding.

Eric: Maybe we can't afford to be so polite.


(Murthys Gas Station)

Stanley: Couldn't find an empty pesticide container, I thought this water tank might do.

Heather: No, no, we can't use steel, there's too much risk of static. One spark, the whole thing could blow sky high.

Jake: We don't have time to look for something else.

Heather: Well, well, who's going to fill it?

Stanley: Well what do you wanna do? Draw straws?

Jake: No, I'll do it. You've got Bonnie to take care of.

Stanley: No, don't be a martyr.

Jake: I'm not

Stanley: I've already been radiated. I'm doomed.

Jake: No. We're going to live to be 100 remember?

Stanley: Our pacts never work out.

Heather: Let's just do this, before we think about it too much.

Jake: Get off the truck Stanley! get off the truck! Back up.

(Gracie's Market)

Dale: Hey Allison. it's been a zoo all day. Uhh it's a dollar sixty-nine.

Allison: Okay.

Dale: you got the last bag of corn chips

Skylar: I'll give you $20 for that!

Dale: uh, she picked em' up first.

Skylar: fine, I'll give you the 20. Or how about this, I'm having a party, if you give me the chips, then I'll invite you.

Allison: I don't even know you.

Skylar: So? It's not like there's anything else to do.

Skylar: You're awesome! Come by anytime. It's the big house at he top of the pine.

Allison: okay, well. Thanks I guess.

Dale: hi...

(Medical Center)

(Electricity goes out)

Gail: Oh god! The Generators down! Somebody call April! Hurry!

Gail: We've lost all his machines. He's not breathing.

April: Okay, I've got to get to the baby. And I only have one hand pump. You used to be a nurse Gail, you'll do fine.

Jake: let's go.

April: Keep a steady pace.

Heather: um... guys. We have a problem. It's stuck.

Heather: no, no, no! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Stanley: Don't feel bad, I'll loosen it up for you.

Heather: No, the gas has been sloshing around in there, building up fumes. If you force the cap, and it sparks, you

Jake: What do we do, huh?

Heather: With all the static electricity in there, we could blow the thing to kingdom come.

(Stanley pushes the top off with a crowbar)

Stanley: That was dumb..

Jake: Alright here, get that to him. Let's go!

Gail: I can't get a heartbeat...

Jake: Let's go!

(Fuel gage is on Empty)

Jake: Alright, got it. Go Stanley!

Jake: How's he doing?

Gail: He was down for about 2 minutes.

April: I need help with the cardiac feed. See the black switch? I need you to turn that on.

(Skylar's House)

(Doorbell rings)

Skylar: oh right, i invited you.

Allison: uh yeah but I don't have to

Skylar: no, forget it. Come in.

(Medical Center)

Eric: Hey! Wheres April?

Jake: Come on... Come on...

Eric: April, I got 75 gallons of gas. For the generator.

April: Thanks. But we got it covered.

(Skylar's House)

Lisa: Sky! Look who invited himself.

Skylar: Just.. put it over there.

Dale: Why are you such a jerk when you're with your friends?

Lisa: Did I interrupt the lovers spat?

Skylar: Stop it Lisa.

Lisa: You know what, I'm going to go home. I only came here because you begged me to.

Skylar: (To Dale) Just... go home.

(Medical Center)

Jake: Victor! Victor! It's okay. April! April!

Jake: Vic...

Jake: Victor, you said they're coming. Who's coming?

Victor: Th... They... they need help.

Jake: Who does? Who needs help?

Victor: Plane... from Denver.

Jake: Where are they? huh? Where are they?

Victor: L...L...L...Lake.

Jake: A lake?

Victor: boat... boat...boat dock.

Jake: A lake with a boat dock... Lake with a boat dock. What road was it on? Do you remember?

Victor: They.. They... They have my daughter.

Jake: APRIL!

(Skylar's House)

Skylar: Can I help you? Hey turn that down.

Jimmy: Yeah, we had a complaint that you're using too much power.

Skylar: And?

Jimmy: And. Parties over.

Skylar: You can't do this. This is a private home.

Jimmy: Alright, everybody pack it up.

Jimmy: How much gas you using to run this place Skylar?

Skylar: None of your business. It's my generator, it's my gas.

Girl: You grab my purse?

Hawkins: Hey, Hey, Hey.

Hawkins: Just go home.

Girl: Hey wait up

(On the radio)!

Bill: Jimmy? Jimmy? Got to get over her, we found Shep's truck.

Jimmy: Bill.

Bill: No sign of Shep. But look what I found inside. Looks like Victor Miller forgot his wallet.

(Off the Radio)

(Shep's Truck)

Hawkins: This is the man you were talking about? The... The stranger in the hospital?

Jimmy: Yeah, you recognize him?

Hawkins: no. I just think we should ask him what he did with your friend Shep.

(Medical Center)

Man: Check the blood pressure..

Jimmy: April. We need to talk to Victor Miller.

April: He's unconscious.

Bill: I think we need to wake him up.

April: No!

(Marys Bar)

Mary: Still the same stuff.

Emily: Look at all the people running.

Mary: What if they come here?

Eric: Hey.

Mary: You worked a miracle. Generators full, we can go three more days.

Eric: Great. Three days.

Mary: Hey.. everything going to be alright.

Eric: You know, when you say it, I almost believe it.

(Radio) Jimmy: Eric, you there?

(Radio) Eric: Go Jimmy.

(radio) Jimmy: We found Shep's truck. Meet us at the clinic.

(Radio) Eric: I'm on my way.

(Medical Clinic)

Jake: Doesn't matter. We have to go look for his family.

Bill: Why'd he have Shep's truck?

Jimmy: We need to know what he did with him.

Jake: I know, but we can't just torture a dying man.

Eric: No one is torturing anyone.

Hawkins: We could give him a shot of adrenaline. It'll wake him up enough to question him.

Jake: He's dying of 3rd degree burns. It'd be like waking him up on fire.

Bill: Our people are dying out there. Shep may already be dead.

Jimmy: We need to protect ourselves Jake.

Jake: We need to protect ourselves from this.

Bill: Jake, Shep he's one of us. We need to find out what this guy did to him.

Hawkins: Hey, he is going to die anyway. But he could save some peoples lives.

Hawkins: Eric...

Hawkins: I'd like to do this myself.

Jake: oh no, I'm not leaving him.

Hawkins: Okay.

Jake: Okay.

April: What's going on in there?

Eric: They're asking him a few questions.

April: Like hell they will! It's my patient!

April: Let go of me.

Eric: We need information.

April: You have no right.

Eric: He could be a murderer.

April: And that gives you the power to do anything that you want?

Eric: Yes. Yes.

(Victors Room)

Jake: Victor. It's going to be okay. We will make this quick, alright?

Hawkins: The car you drove here. Did someone give it to you?

Victor: no, no. it was... it was on the side of the road.

Hawkins: Okay.

Victor: It.. was running.

Hawkins: It's okay. okay. But was there anybody in it?

Victor: No.

Victor: I had... to help them.

Jake: Where are they? Do you remember anything else about the lake?

Victor: It burns...

Jake: Was it off a dirt road?

Victor: It burns!

Hawkins: He needs morphine.

Jake: Was your daughter at Bass Lake?

Victor: Yes...

Hawkins: He needs morphine Jake.

Victor: Please...

(Jake exits)

Hawkins: Hey! We said families only. Hmm? Why? Why did you go back to Denver?

Victor: I... I... couldn't let them die.

Hawkins: Well that was a mistake. Because now we are a man down.

Victor: Some...some..so...someone flipped. Traitor. There's a... traitor

Hawkins: Do you know who it was?

Hawkins: Come on man. Tell me.

Hawkins: Who was it?

Victor: I

Hawkins: Tell me, do you know who it was?

Victor :You know...

(Jake Reeenters)

Hawkins: He's gone...

Eric: We had to do it.

(Gracie's Market)

Gracie: I thought you were going to a party hun.

Gracie: You're worth 10 of her.

Dale: 10 of who?

Gracie: Skylar Stevens.

Dale: She's not a bad person.

Gracie; hmm.. . Well you're not like them. They can be nice sometimes, but don't be fooled.

Dale: That's what my mom used to say.

Gracie: Well, she was a smart lady.

Hawkins: You scared? Cause I remember when I did something wrong. Waiting for my old man to come home. Baby, what you did today, wasn't just you going to a party. It wasn't. You put your mother, your brother, all of us at risk. Do you hear?

Allison nods

Hawkins: And if you pull something like this again, girl you have no idea how scared you'll be.

(Marys Bar)

Jake: I need a few volunteers. There's a group of people just outside of town.

Man: No way man! It's too dangerous out there.

Jake: There at Bass Lake. They may have radiation sickness. We need to bring them here and get them to the clinic before it's too late.

Man: Turn it back on!

Jake: You've seen it. You've seen it 100 times. A man just died in our clinic. In OUR clinic. He was traveling with his daughter, and about 20 other people. It could've been Shep, or Gray, or any of us. They need our help. Are we going to help them? Or are we going to watch the same 3 images over, and over.

Mary: Jake. I'll donate gas if you need to go in your car to get them.

Jake: Thank you Mary.

Emily: I'll go with you.

Jake: Thank you.

Jake: Anybody else?

A couple of guys: I'll go with you Jake. I'll go.

Another man: yeah, me too.

Jake: Thank you.

(Dead Bodies are sprawled all across the lake area. )

(At the Church)

Johnston: Earlier today, we buried 20 people. Refugees from Denver. People we, we didn't know, but were prepared to welcome into our town. Unfortunately they died of radiation poisoning before we could reach them. For those people from Denver, and for our own people, for Sheriff Daws, and Deputy Riley. For Deputy Connor and Deputy Salem. For people out there somewhere we know nothing about. Who might be suffering and dying right now. I ask that we take a moment of silence.

Johnston: If you've lost a loved one, would you please stand?

(People Stand)

Johnston: If someone you love is missing, would you join those standing?

(Gail and several others stand up)

Johnston: We stand, because we know that every life matters. We have to fight for every life. Even when it seems hopeless. Even when we're afraid. Because the battle ahead isn't just for our survival. It's for our humanity.

Emily: I think I'm going to be okay.

Emily: Jake...

Jake: Hey.

Emily: Hey. *kisses him on the cheek* you're a good man for trying to help someone you didn't even know.

(Hawkins House)

(Hawkins Types in "We have a traitor. The Rally point is no longer secure. )

Hawkins: Hey, you thirsty again?

Sam: no... Couldn't sleep.

Hawkins: Where'd you go to school Sam?

Sam: Crow Island.

Hawkins: Who is your dad?

Sam: You.

Hawkins: Who loves you more than anything in the world?

Sam: You.

Hawkins: And Sam? Who is going to always take care of you?

Sam: Mommy.

Hawkins laughs.




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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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