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#111 : Vox Populi

8 semaines après les bombes.
1 jour avant les élections.

Gracie est retrouvée morte assassinée dans sa boutique. Ce premier meurtre à Jericho depuis trente ans sème la colère chez les habitants. Les soupçons se portent aussitôt sur Jonah Prowse, à qui Gracie s'était fermement opposée la veille. Alors que le maire veut faire les choses dans les règles, Gray Anderson crie vengeance et veut retrouver Jonah pour lui régler son compte.


3.5 - 2 votes

Titre VO
Vox Poluli

Titre VF
Vox Populi

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

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Jake et Robert

Jake et Robert

Emily et Jake

Emily et Jake

Plus de détails

Réalisation : James Whitmore Jr.
Scénario : Carol Barbee

Acteurs :

  • Shiloh Fernandez (Sean Henthorn)
  • James Remar (Jonah Prowse)
  • Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh)
  • Clayne Crawford (Mitchell Cafferty)
  • Christopher Wiehl (Roger Hammond)
  • Clare Carey (Mary Bailey)
  • Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)
  • Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)
  • Aasif Mandvi (Kenchy Dhuwalia)
  • April Parker-Jones (Darcy Hawkins)
  • Sterling Ardrey (Samuel Hawkins)


8 Semaines après les bombes

1 Jour avant les élections

Robert reçoit un message qui lui annonce qu'ils ont été trahis. Son fils le rejoint et lui demande de l'entraîner à jouer au foot. Emily et Jake se remémorent leurs bons moments passés ensemble. Elle ajoute qu'elle sait pour le baisé avec Heather et lui demande de ne pas la faire souffrir. Dale retrouve Gracie sans vie. Gray évoque l'idée que Dale ai pu tuer Gracie! Mitchell arrive et dit que c'est Jonah qui l'a tué car elle ne voulait plus faire affaire avec lui. Mitchell propose d'aider à retrouver Jonah... Gray doute toujours des compétences de Johnston. Jake raccompagne Emily chez elle. Cette dernière reçoit la visite de son père en sang...


Johnston est certains que Jonah a tué Gracie. Dale veut aller avec les hommes pour stopper Jonah mais Johnston refuse. Tout le monde parle des élections. Bonnie ramasse les affaires de Mimi, elle va lui donner dans sa chambre et découvre Stanley et Mimi au lit !

Bonnie n'accepte pas cette relation et part !

Roger joue avec son fils au foot mais il est moins doué que prévu! Darcy décide de jouer avec son fils. Jake passe prendre Roger, ils vont chercher Jonah. Gail dit à Dale que Gracie a modifié son testament, il est propriétaire du magasin. Gray et des hommes arrivent chez Emily, Jake et Roger les rejoignent. Les hommes veulent fouiller la maison mais Jake leur interdit. Jake demande à Emily où est Jonah et rentre dans la maison. Jonah dit à Jake qu'il n'a pas tué Gracie. Il ajoute que ces hommes se sont mis contre lui, et que c'est Mitchell qui a tué Gracie. Jonah demande de l'aide à Jake pour s'enfuir.

Bonnie apprend la mort de Gracie. Shawn et ses amis veulent aller s'amuser dans le magasin mais Dale leur dit que maintenant c'est son magasin. Darcy se plaint du manque de présence de Roger. Ce dernier lui dit qu'il ne compte pas partir et qu'il est bien avec sa famille !

Jake va chercher un médecin pour soigner Jonah. Jake va tout faire pour que les autres croient en l'innocence de Jonah. Ce dernier décide de quitter la maison d'Emily. Roger hésite à envoyer ses coordonnées suite à sa discussion avec Darcy, finalement il décide de mentir et dit qu'il est découvert.

Gray fait son discours pour les élections. Mimi dit à Stanley que ce qu'il c'est passé ne se reproduira plus. Mimi pense que Stanley n'arrivera pas à la supporter. Jake a dit à son frère et son père que Jonah est chez Emily. Cette dernière arrive et leur annonce que Jonah est partis. Au même moment Gray et ses hommes capturent Jonah. 

Le lendemain Gray est élu nouveau maire ! Il décide immédiatement de distribuer les vivres qu'ils ont reçus. Il ajoute que la mort de Gracie sera très vite vengé. Jake demande à Jonah pourquoi il c'est enfuit. Emily rend visite à son père en prison. Mitchell rend visite à Dale et lui propose d'être son nouvel associé ! Dale apprend que Gracie a été tué par Mitchell ! Ce dernier le menace de mort. 

Mimi est en train de tricoter avec les affaires de la mère de Stanley et Bonnie. Stanley lui demande de finir le tricot. Bonnie rentre à la maison et voit Stanley et Mimi en train de s'embrasser, elle repart aussitôt.

Dale rejoint Jake et Johnston et leur dit que c'est Mitchell qui a tué Gracie. Gray est en train de changer Jonah de place car certaines personnes veulent sa peau. Gray ne croit pas ce que dit Dale car il n'y avait pas de témoin. Jake demande à Gray de tuer Jonah devant tout le monde et non en cachette. Gray se dégonfle, Jonah quitte la ville. 

Robert passe du temps avec son fils, il lui explique pourquoi il est nul pour jouer au foot. Robert dit à Darcy qu'il est là avec eux! Jonah fait ses adieux à Emily, il ajoute que Jake l'aime toujours. Bonnie passe la soirée avec Shawn... Emily rejoint Jake au bar de Mary, elle lui dit que son père est partis. Jake c'est souvenue du titre de leur musique et la passe ! Les deux dansent ensemble. Alors qu'ils sont sur le point de s'embrasser, Eric appelle Jake. Emily sort et retrouve Roger !

Dale retrouve Mitchell et le tue avec une arme à feu.

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)

 Vox Populi Transcript

Jericho Episode 11: Vox Populi

8 Weeks after the bombs

1 Day before the election

(Hawkins House)

Incoming Message

Traitor Identified. Make Contact ASAP.

Sam: Dad! I need you! Right now! Dad!

Hawkins: Hey. What you got there?

Sam: A football.

Hawkins: Yeah, I know that. What's it for?

Sam: You have to teach me to play.

Hawkins: Why?

Sam: Because I don't know how.

Hawkins: Well... I'm not sure I know how. Okay, okay, I know a little.

Sam: Come on.

Hawkins: What, this is something that has to be done right now?

Sam: Yeah.

Hawkins: *laughs* Okay.

(Outside Town Hall)

Emily: Hey, what are you doing?

Jake: Putting a hand pump on this well, so we don't have to waste generator power for water.

Emily: There's really a well under there?

Jake: First well in Jericho, according to the sign.

Emily: I remember the first that happened right there

Jake: Ohhhhoh, you shouldn't have dared me.

Emily: Nobody had to dare you.

Jake: Yeah, well I remember one of your finer moments. Right over there behind Bailey's.

Emily: Yeah, let's not talk about that. I can get sick right here.

Jake: Yeah, some people can't hold their apple wine coolers.

Emily: Yeah, well...

Jake: You kept singing that depressing song by that uh... bald girl.

Emily: Sinead O'Connor, and that was our song.

Jake: Our song? I never got to vote.

Emily: Hey um... let's, let's talk about what happened right there. The day you went to go get medicine for your dad. Heather kissed you. She talked to me about ya. I... I don't want her to get hurt.

Jake: I have no plans to do that.

(Gracie's Store)

Dale: Mrs Leigh? Mrs. Leigh? Mrs Leigh?! No! No Gracie! No!

Bill: Step back.

Eric: Dad... You know who did this?

Johnston: No witnesses. She was already gone by the time Dale found her.

Gray: You sure Dale didn't kill her?

Johnston: The blood on the floors been dry for a long time, and that boy is incapable of doing something like that.

Gray: Nobody is incapable under the right circumstances.

Jimmy: Mayor Green, Mitchell Cafferty has something to tell you.

Johnston: YOU BACK OFF!

Mitch: Jonah said he killed her, but I didn't believe him.

Johnston: Jonah Prowse said he did this?

Mitch: Jonah showed up at the compound, and his arms were all torn up. He said she killed Gracie because she wouldn't do business with him anymore. He was trying to prove to me and the rest of the guys that he was still in charge.

Johnston: Where's Jonah now?

Mitch: I don't know. He hit me with a tire, and I just saw him driving off.

Gray: Can you believe this guy Johnston? He broke out of our jail. He's a fugitive.

Mitch: I wouldn't blame you if lock me up now. If you want any help tracking down Jonah, I'm ready.

Johnston: Eric, why don't you... talk to Mitch here. See if he can help.

Eric: Let's go.

Gray: This guy is a criminal Johnston!

Johnston: Yeah, I know. I'm trying to figure out what he knows. We can arrest him anytime.

Gray: We just had our first murder in 30 years.

Johnston: And I've been mayor of this town for 25 of those years.

Gray: Maybe that's the problem? You still think Jericho's the same sweet town it was before the bombs. We need someone who understand...

Johnston: Save it for the election Gray.

Gray: This is what the election is about.

Johnston: You want to get this civilian off the crime scene?

(On the way to Emily's house)

Jake: Why don't you just tell me the name of the song?

Emily: If you don't remember, I'm not telling you!

Jake: I remember it was sad and depressing.

Emily: You must not remember our relationship.

Jake: *laughs*. It's a great house.

Emily: Yeah, thanks. First one Roger and I looked at. He made an offer immediately.

Jake: Well, you know what you want. Why keep looking?

Emily: Thanks for walking me home.

Jake: Thanks for helping with the well.

Emily: *smiles* Bye.

(Emily enters her house)

Jonah: SHHHH! Don't say a word.

(Town Hall)

Jake: I just heard. I'm so sorry Dale.

Eric: The only lead we have to go on right now, is that Mitchell Cafferty said that Jonah confessed.

Jake: Oh, Mitch is not much of a witness.

Johnston: I was there yesterday when Gracie stood up to Jonah. Said she wasn't going to do business with him anymore. He couldn't have been too happy about that.

Jake: Okay, we need to pull a couple of guys off of patrol, and find him.

Johnston: If Jonah did this, he's not going to come in willingly.

Dale: I'm coming too.

Gail: No Dale.

Dale: I know how to shoot a gun..

Johnston: Son, the last thing you need to be doing right now, is waving a gun around the man who you think killed Gracie.

Dale: He did it! You said it yourself, she stood up to Jonah, and now she's dead.

Gail: You're not going Dale. There's something I have to talk to you about.

Jake: Gray's going to use this for all it's worth dad.

Eric: A lot of people are starting to listen to him.

Johnston: Well you listen to me. I've known Gracie all of my life. We're going to find the man that did this, we're going to bring him to justice, and I do not want to hear another word about this election.

Jake: Yes sir.

(Bailey's Tavern)

Bill: Any news on Jonah?

Jimmy: No, No one heres seen him.

Bill: Jonah better hope Gray don't find him. He says he's going to make an example out of him.

Jimmy: What's he going to do? String him up? You can't kill someone in the middle of main street.

Bill: Yeah, tell that to Gracie Leigh. Gray came back from Topeka a changed man. He's not messing around. And I for one, think he's got the right idea.

Jimmy: Well, wait a minute. You're not voting for Gray Anderson

Bill: I'm not going to answer that. This is still America.

Jimmy: Yeah, just barely.

(Richmond House)

(Bonnie walks in on her brother sleeping with Mimi)

Mimi: Bonnie..

Stanley: Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!


Stanley: I'm sorry. I thought you were gone.

Bonnie: HER? Seriously?

Stanley: What's wrong with her? Come on, grow up!

Bonnie: I grew up 13 years ago. I've been working this farm alone, and I don't know what's happening. And now you're screwing the IRS woman Who wants to take the farm that's mine.

Stanley: Over the line.

(Not signing anymore)

(Outside Hawkins House)

Hawkins: Okay, that was good. Um just try again.

Sam: What was good about that?

Hawkins: I don't know. Just pick up the ball.

Sam: Why can't you throw it to someone else while they're chasing you?

Hawkins: I don't know what you mean.

Sam: When someone is chasing you.

Hawkins: When who is chasing who son?

Sam: The guys who want the ball. God, why do you suck at this?

Hawkins: Hey, you gotta watch your mouth.

Darcy: Hey, it's too cold for you to be playing out here without jackets. How's it going?

Hawkins: Not so well. I need to get back to work.

Darcy: Son, the trick is the grip, alright? Put your little finger, and your ring finger, no this one, yeah, should go on the white stripe. Thumb goes underneath it. Okay, just go. Just uh.. just throw it to me. Hey, there's no wrong with that.

Hawkins: Hey, I thought basketball was your game.

Darcy: They're kinda all my games.

Jake pulls up

Hawkins: Hey Jake.

Jake: Need your help.

Hawkins: Be right there.

(In Jake's Car)

Hawkins: So where we going?

Jake: Jonahs compound, my dad and Eric are meeting us there.

Hawkins: You think he's still out there?

Jake: I think he doesn't have a lot of places to hide, or a lot of people to turn to.

Hawkins: What, he must have some other friends in town, or maybe family.

Jake: Hold on...

(Town Hall)

Dale: What if they can't find him? He can't just get away with this.

Gail: They'll find him.

Dale: What am I supposed to do?

Gail: Sit down Dale, there's some things you need to know. Come on. After the bombs went off, and your mother died, Gracie changed her will. She left her store to you. I was the witness, the papers are in a lock box at the bank along with the keys. Nobody expects a 16 year old boy to run that business. You need to take some time, and think about what you're going to do with all this. I'll be there if you need me.

Dale: I can't take her store. I quit, I called her a liar, I said the worst things.

Gail: That happens in families. People get mad. Say things. But that doesn't erase everything that came before. Gracie loved you. And she wanted you to have her store.

(Emily's House)

Bill: Come on guys, let's check around back.

Jake: Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, what are you doing Gray?

Johnston: Manhunt, same as you. Got to thinking, Jonah might come to Emily for sympathy.

Jake: Well, we can handle this.

Gray: Yeah, who's that?

Jake: Those of us who've been training to protect this town.

Gray: Yeah, you're doing a hell of a job.

Jake: This is dangerous Gray. We can't just have a bunch of vigilantes running around town.

Gray: It's a little late for that. I've seen two other truckloads of guys running around this neighborhood. The town is heading towards chaos. It's not going to calm down until someone finds Jonah Prowse.

Emily: What's going on?

Gray: We're looking for Jonah Prowse. He killed Gracie Leigh. Since he's your father.

Emily: Not in any way that matters.

Gray: Well, we'd like to look around a little bit.

Emily: no...

Jake: She wouldn't hide him Gray.

Gray: We're going to look around a little bit, and then be gone.

Jake: Hey!

Bill: There's no sign of him in the backyard.

Hawkins: That's good news. Uh, come on. I'll patrol with you for a little while.

Bill: Let's go Gray.

Gray: You watch this house.

Gray: Let's go.

(Gray and his men leave)

Emily: Thank you.

Jake: Where is he?

Emily: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jake: You didn't even blink when you heard about Gracie. Where is he?

Emily: Jake...

(Inside Emily's House)

Jonah: I didn't kill Gracie Leigh.

Jake: Then why are you holding us at gunpoint?

Jonah: Cause maybe you won't believe me. Maybe you'll try to be some kind of hero, and take me in.

Emily: He's bleeding, and he needs a doctor Jake.

Jonah: I'm not going into town. Jake, you're going to help me get out of here.

Jake: I'm not helping you do anything. For all I know, you're a murderer.

Jonah: I didn't do it. I walked out this morning, found myself surrounded by my own men. Mitchell Cafferty's there. He tells me, Gracie Leigh's been murdered. When I asked him who did it, Mitchell says to me, "You did, and I saw the whole thing". Before I know it, he's got a knife on me, and he sliced my arm open. But I took a crowbar to him, before he could finish the job.

Jake: Your guys sided with Mitch?

Jonah: It didn't sit too well with them, that my little girl stole our haul from the food drop, and I stopped Mitchell Cafferty from putting a bullet in her brain.

Emily: They did this to you, because you wouldn't kill me? Okay, Okay, Okay, Okay.

Jake; Get him up. We've gotta take him in, but we gotta be careful. There are a lot of people out there who'd rather shoot first, and ask questions later.

Jonah: Mitchell will keep coming, until he kills me.

Jake: Alright, we'll take him to town hall. You'll be safe there.

Jonah: Those guys, will walk right in that jail, and kill me and anyone who gets in their way

Jake: Well, what'd you come here for, huh? You put your own daughter at risk.

Emily: Shut up! Just get him... get him a doctor.

(Outside Gracie's Store)

Man: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Another Man: Yeah, a whole block.

Bonnie: Dale?

Dale: Hey.

Bonnie: What happened?

Dale: She was murdered. Stabbed.

Bonnie: Dale..

Skylar: Dale! I just heard.

Sean: You the one that found her?

Dale: Yeah...

Sean: Open the place up, let's have some fun!

Dale: Back off Sean.

Sean: What do you care? It's not your store.

Dale: Yeah it is. All of it.

Skylar: What are you talking about?

Dale: Gracie gave it to me.

Sean: Worked out for you then, huh?

Skylar: Dale!

Dale punches Sean

Skylar: Stop it!

Sean: Come on man. You're lucky I don't take you out right here.

Skylar: Get out of here Sean!

(To Bonnie) Sean: See you around?

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins: Hey.

Darcy: Did you find the guy?

Hawkins: No. No, not yet. Um look, I've gotta check on something in the basement, then I'm going back out there with Gray and his men.

Darcy: Between that basement, and all the men with guns around.

Hawkins: Hey, what's wrong?

Darcy: I don't know Robert. Is this what we had to look forward to? You know, people showing up, you grabbing that damn gun and running off.

Hawkins: It's not all that different from before.

Darcy: Yeah, that worked out so well for us, didn't it? I'm afraid I'm going to lose you.

Hawkins: Lose me? I don't know that you are.

Darcy: Well the kids are getting used to having you here.

Hawkins: Yeah.... what about you D?

Darcy: Yeah, me too.

Hawkins: I don't want to go anywhere. I like being here.

Darcy: You lock the basement. Or tell those men to fight their own battles and stay home. Rob... the damn world ended. Just be with us.

(Baileys Tavern)

Jake: Kenchy, I need you to come with me.

Kenchy: Go where?

Jake: I'll tell you on the way to the medical center alright? Look, we'll need some supplies.

Kenchy: You want me to kill someone. You don't need a real doctor my friend.

Jake: A real doctor wouldn't do what I need done. Come on.

(Emily's House)

Emily: How bad is it?

Kenchy: Well, whoever did this, used a serrated edge. I could've done without that.

Jake: You stop the bleeding?

Kenchy: Almost. Gave him a shot for the pain. He'll fall asleep now. So that's the guy? The murderer everybody's talking about?

Jake: Well, he says no.

Kenchy: Well, no ones going to believe him. They're out for blood.

Emily: He's not going to get a fair shake.

Jake: Yes he will. I'll go get my dad. He can bring him in , make sure things are done the right way. Look, it's Jonahs only chance.

Emily: Okay..

Jake: Alright. Lock the door.

Kenchy: Mind if I uh.. wash my hands?

(Hawkins House)


Incoming Message

Response is critical. Send your coordinates ASAP.

My coordinates are

(deletes the message)

compromised. proceed without me.

(Not on computer)

(Outside Town Hall)

Gray: We're not safe. Gracie's death makes that all too clear. I'll tell you what Mary, the chaos I saw when I was fighting my way back home to Jericho, well now it's right here on main street. Criminals like Jonah Prowse think we're easy targets now. Now I tell you what, I think we should go find Jonah Prowse, and make an example of him. He shouldn't get to sit around 15 years to get what's coming to him. We need to send a message. Crime will not be tolerated. We are willing to do whatever it takes, to keep Jericho safe. So please remember at the polls tomorrow.

Jake: I need your help.

Gray: To vote Gray Anderson for a new Jericho.

(Outside Richmond House)

Mimi: Watch it!

Stanley: Sorry about that mom.

Mimi: oh no. No, we are not doing that.

Stanley: Come on now, you can call me pa!

Mimi: You see that really creeps me out.

Stanley: Good creepy, or bad creepy?

Mimi: Look.. what we did? It's not what you think. I had a weak moment. It was a mistake.

Stanley: I'm really good at making mistakes.

Mimi: Yes you are. Believe me, it was a pleasant surprise, but... we can't do this anymore.

Stanley: Because of Bonnie? You know, I'll talk to her. She'll be fine.

Mimi: Do you know how many second dates I've had in the last 5 years?

Stanley: I'm guessing not many.

Mimi: And do you know why?

Stanley: Because you're obnoxious, and demanding, and totally self absorbed?

Mimi: Yeah. And you are a sweet simple boy. You can't handle someone like me. This will never work.

Stanley: Eh, that's what they said about Brangelina.

Mimi: Are you seriously quoting US Magazine right now?

Stanley: Yeah, what do you think they'll call us? Stimily? Mimily... Stimi (Steamy)!

Mimi: *laughs* You are such an idiot.

They kiss.

(Town Hall)

Eric: You're harboring a criminal Jake.

Jake: He's hurt. He needed a doctor, so I got one, and then I came to you.

Johnston: Well, we have got us one hell of a problem Jake. Because if anyone knows you've been hiding Jonah Prowse, while the whole towns been out looking for him, they'll throw us all in jail.

Jake: Jonah says Mitchell killed Gracie, and then set him up.

Eric: What do you think?

Jake: He might be telling the truth.

Johnston: You are not a judge, or a jury. Now we're going to go get him, we're going to bring him

Jake: Good, that's what I came here for.

(Emily Comes in)

Emily: He's gone...

(Jonah is running around town with Trucks following him)

Gray: I've got him. I'll get him. Let's get him! Well well. Jonah Prowse. Pick him up.

Bill: Get him up guys.

Gray: Let's go guys. Alright let's go, out of the truck.

Cheering from the crowd.

(Outside Town Hall)

Bill: Do you solemnly swear to uphold the laws of Kansas, and faithfully discharge the duties of mayor?

Gray: I do.

Bill: Congratulations.

Gray: Friends, thank you for placing your trust in me to lead Jericho, through this difficult time. This town belongs to all of us. And we must work together to survive.

cheering from the crowd.

Gray: The resources of this town also belong to all of us. And therefore, as my first official act as mayor, I am ordering the food from the food drop, to be distributed immediately. And now to the subject of security. One of our citizens was brutally murdered. But her murderer will be held to account. Justice will be swift and sure. You have my word.

More cheering from the crowd.

(Inside Town Hall)

Jake: Don't take that too seriously.

Jonah: Well, they're not calling for your head on a platter.

Jake: Why'd you run? My father was going to bring you in.

Jonah: Your father just got shown the door Jake.

Jake: I didn't want this to happen.

Emily: Jonah made his own bed. I'm sorry your dad lost the election. I feel if...

Jake: No.

Emily: I hadn't gotten you involved...

Jake: People spoke, and they got exactly what they wanted.

(Gracie's Market)

Dale: Why are you here Mitchell?

Mitch: Just visiting. Hey, sweetie, do you mind giving uh, me and my man here a little privacy?

Dale: it's okay...

Skylar: I'll be back in a second.

Mitch: So hey, you and I are going to be partners now.

Dale: Where'd you get that?

Mitch: Well, you're running the store, you'll need protection.

Dale: From who, Jonah's in jail.

Mitch: This has nothing to do with Jonah. Don't make the same mistake that Gracie made. I get half the cut. Or those people out there are going to be putting flowers on the sidewalk for you. Okay? See you tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day.

(Richmond House)

Stanley: Are you knitting?

Mimi: Yeah. It's just one of the few things that ever just zoned me out. I learned in the dorm at Vassar. Not so hot for me now, are ya?

Stanley: no, it's just actually, I think that belonged to my mother.

Mimi: Oh my god... I"m... so sorry... I found it half finished in a trunk upstairs.

Stanley: It's okay.

Mimi: no, I'll put it back.

Stanley: No, No I think you should finish it.

Mimi: No, I couldn't.

Stanley: Look, it's okay. I actually think my mother would've liked you.

Mimi: Really?

Stanley: No, not at all.

Stanley and Mimi kiss

Stanley: Manly!

Mimi: Huh?

Stanley: Our tabloid name! Mimi and Stanley, Manly!

Mimi: Is that really a message you want to be putting out there?

Stanley: You're right, good point. Steamy's better.

Bonnie closes the drawer hard.

(Outside Town hall)

Jake: Dad...

Johnston: We're going to have to take down all these posters. Get this place back to normal.

Jake: Think normals where we're headed? I uh... I'm sorry.

Johnston: So am I.

Dale: Mayor! Mitchell Cafferty did it.

Jake: What?!

Dale: He killed Gracie.

Jake: What are you talking about Dale?

Dale: He said if I refused to give him a cut of the store, he'd do to me, what he did to Gracie.

Johnston: Let's find Gray.

(Jail Cell)

Bill: Alright Jonah. Get up. Let's go.

Jonah: Where are you taking me?

Gray: You'll find out when we get there.

Johnston: Gray, what are you doing?

Gray: We're uh, moving him to a more secure location. There's a lot of folks who want to rip him apart after what he did.

Johnston: We don't know what he did, he hasn't had a trial yet.

Gray: Well, these are special circumstances Johnston. We don't have a judge. And as mayor, I formed a tribunal, and he was found guilty.

Johnston: You did what?!

Jake: Mitch just told Dale, that he would do to him, what he did to Gracie if he didn't go along with him.

Gray: Well, did anyone else hear him say that?

Dale: No...

Gray: Well, that's hardly proof.

Dale: What, you think I'm lying?

Gray: He was trying to intimidate you. It doesn't mean he actually did it.

Jake: This is unbelievable. You don't even care who killed her. You just want Jonah.

Gray: I've got Jonah.

Jake: He's innocent.

Gray: He's far from innocent. He's been preying on this town for years. From now on, guys like him go away. We don't coddle them, we don't make deals with them.

Jake: What are you planning on doing Gray? You gonna kill him in cold blood? Say he tried to escape while trying to move him to a secure location? Who's going to do it? Bill? Hm? You going to put a bullet in Jonahs head when Gray tells you to?

Bill: I'm not shooting anybody.

Jake: It's up to you Gray. hm? no? This is what you want right? You make the rules, decide who lives and dies? Go ahead and do it. But you do it here, in front of me and Dale, in front of everyone, not in, not in some back room with your buddies. Don't let someone else do the dirty work for you, mayor. Take this gun, and blow his brains out.

Gray takes the gun

Johnston: Gray, no.

Jake: You better be damn sure he's guilty. Because if he's not, you're a murderer, and justice will be swift.

Jake takes the gun back.

(Mayors Office)

Johnston: Jonah agrees to leave town, and not come back.

Gray: Exile...

Johnston: Worked for the Greeks. Town gets rid of Jonah Prowse, and you get to save face.

Gray: Alright.

Johnston: What about Mitchell Cafferty?

Gray: Why don't you let me handle that. Look, um Johnston. I love this town. I just want to keep it safe. Like what it always was.

Johnston: What it always was, is a democracy. That's easy when things are going alright, but when you're scared or mad, it gets a lot harder.

Gray: I'll try to watch out for that.

Johnston: I think we'll all be watching.

(Outside Hawkins House)

Hawkins: You know, uh my father, your grandfather, he was uh, he was an excellent athlete. You know, I mean all sports Sam. He won lots of awards when he was in school. But you see the thing is, when I was your age, he was in the air force. And he was gone a lot, and he didn't have time to teach me much. So Sam, that's why I suck at football.

Sam: Me too.

Hawkins: I'm sorry about that son. Here, oh here she comes, come on, come on. Hut! You practice hard. Here you go coach. (to Darcy) Here. I'm right here.

(Robert pats Darcy on her rear)

Darcy: Robert *laughs*

Hawkins: Hey, ain't that what football players do to each other?

(Emily's House)

Emily: These will keep you warm.

Jonah: Emily, when Chris was born...

Emily: Don't.

Jonah: When Chris was born, you were 4 years old. Your mother said she wanted a clean break. I was into some bad stuff, and she didn't want you and Chris growing up in it. So I let her go, but I didn't want to.

Emily: She never got over you.

Jonah: We loved each other.

Emily: It was like

Jonah: Like you and Jake. Don't blame Jake for your brothers death. That's on me. I pushed Chris to do that job. He wasn't ready, he wasn't cut out for that kind of life. Jake wanted out, and I didn't understand that then. But I sure do now.

Emily hugs her father.

Jonah: That boy still loves you

(Outside, Bonnie's Truck).

Sean: Don't you have a curfew or something?

Bonnie: No.

Sean: Cool.

Sean gets in the vehicle with Bonnie

(Bailey's Tavern)

Eric: So, this is what you've been saving your generator rations for. Nice music, Mary.

Mary: I'll have cold coffee and candles for the rest of my life, just to have music now and then.

Eric: You know I love you right?

Mary: Yes.

Jake: Hey.

Emily: Hey.

Jake: How'd it go?

Emily: He's gone.

Jake: It's the best thing for now.

Emily: Yeah. I don't suppose they have any of those apple wine coolers back there?

Jake: Don't feel like talking huh?

Emily: No. just the opposite.

Jake: Mary, can we get uh more of whatever your pouring.

Emily: It almost looks normal in here. Like the bombs never even happened.

Jake: Let's stay in here as long as we can, huh?

(Song comes on the jukebox)

Jake: Finally remembered the name of that song. Mary... had it on the jukebox still. Come on, come on.

Jake and Emily dance.

Emily: What about Heather?

Jake: What about Roger?

Emily: You know how this goes. We should be grownups and walk away right now.

Jake: You're right, we should

Jake and Emily almost kiss.

Eric: Jake, Jake! We gotta go outside! Now! They need help.

(Outside Baileys Tavern)

Eric: Take them inside. Some of them were on planes, they were out in the middle of nowhere. They've been walking for weeks.

Jake: Must've gone through hell.

Emily: Oh my god! Roger!

(Jonahs Compound (or somewhere else that looks like a back-yard))

Light shines on Mitch's face.

Mitch: Who the hell is that?

Dale fires his gun.

Mitch falls to the ground.

Dale walks away.

(Hawkins House)

(Hawkins Computer)

Incoming message

We need to discuss why you are lying to us

(The Google Maps-like image of Hawkins with his wife is seen)

See you soon.


Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


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