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#105 : Alerte

Alors que l'électricité revient à Jericho, tous les téléphones fixes sonnent en même temps, diffusant un appel d'urgence de la Sécurité intérieure, qui engage la population à rester chez elle. Un message identique apparaît à la télévision, mais les télécommunications restent bloquées, empêchant tout contact avec l'extérieur pour les habitants. Un nouveau drame survient à Jericho : des incendies se déclarent dans la ville, notamment dans la bibliothèque de l'école.


4.67 - 3 votes

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Federal response

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Trailer de l'épisode

Trailer de l'épisode


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Jake devant un incendie

Jake devant un incendie

Jake est soufflé par une explosion

Jake est soufflé par une explosion

Jake et Robert maîtrisent le feu

Jake et Robert maîtrisent le feu

Jake et Robert éteignent le feu

Jake et Robert éteignent le feu







Plus de détails

Réalisation : Duane Clark
Scénario : Mike Ostrowski

Acteurs :

Shiloh Fernandez (Sean Henthorn)
Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh)
Clare Carey (Mary Bailey)
Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)
Darby Stanchfield (April Green)
Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)


Dans le bar de Mary, Mimi, Stanley et Jake jouent aux cartes en discutant de tout et de rien. Mimi essaye de deviner ce que faisait Jake avant son départ.
Jake s'aperçoit des sentiments de son frère envers Mary et d'un coup le courant revient, la lumière s'allume le jukebox re-fonctionne, la musique à fond, et le téléphone sonne.
Il sonne partout et chez tout le monde dans la ville. Au bout du fil, c'est un message d'alerte qui passe en boucle, même la télévision s'allume et affiche le même message en image. Impossible d'appeler à l'extérieur, même Internet ne fonctionne pas et affiche aussi le bulletin d'alerte.

Jake arrive au bureau du maire où son père et son frère ont déjà tout prévu, recharge des talkies-walkies, des torches, bref tout ce qui fonctionne à piles. Comme tout est fait et qu'il a passé toute la nuit debout, Jake part se reposer chez lui.

Hawkins, qui s'apprête à sortir, fait comprendre à sa fille qui vient de prendre une douche qu'il faut stocker de l'eau avant que l'électricité ne se coupe à nouveau.

Apres s'être reposé, Jake descend et Gail veut savoir, lorsque tout sera fini, s'il restera enfin, que le secret est trop lourd dans cette maison, qu'il faudrait qu'il raconte tout, son absence à son père.

Devant la bibliothèque, Heather et ses élèves jouent, Emily arrive et discute avec elle. Malheureusement, un problème de surtension survient et des fils électriques de la bibliothèque prennent feu et tombent. Heather a eu le temps d'éloigner les enfants mais Emily a pris une grosse décharge électrique.

Hawkins s'installe dans son jardin avec son ordinateur, une énorme antenne et un code pour pouvoir passer au-delà de l'alerte qui bloque le système.

Le feu à la bibliothèque se propage. April s'occupe d'Emily. Heather s'aperçoit en recomptant ses élèves qu'il en manque un et décide alors de repartir dans le bâtiment en feu à sa recherche.
Les pompiers arrivent, mais ils ne sont pas nombreux car il y a un autre feu au village de mobil homes.
En arrivant sur les lieux, Jake voit Emily sur le brancard, April regarde si elle n'a pas fait de crise cardiaque et Emily prend la main de Jake.
Comme le feu est d'origine électrique, les pompiers ne peuvent pas ouvrir l'eau, il faut attendre que l'électricité soit coupée. Le compteur général de la ville se trouve à la mairie, Eric demande à son père de le couper. Johnston les prévient que l'autre feu a été maîtrisé. A la bibliothèque, les pompiers sont sur le point de lancer l'eau, mais malheureusement après avoir coupé l'électricité, il n'y a plus de pression. Un véhicule arrive, c'est Stanley et il tombe bien, lui et Jake vont à la station de pompage pour remettre de la pression.
Emily veut savoir où est Heather et April prévient Eric qu'elle est peut être encore à l'intérieur. Eric part alors la chercher.

Skylar qui voulait essayer de joindre ses parents n'a plus de chargeur pour son téléphone. Dale s'en occupe alors, pendant qu'elle va voir le feu.

Pendant ce temps, à l'intérieur des flammes, Heather retrouve son élève et Eric les rejoint, mais ils se retrouvent coincés par le feu.

Arrivés à la station, la roue de la vanne est coincée, Stanley et Jake ont besoin d'un levier, Stanley va alors chercher son fusil.

April s'inquiète de ne pas voir ressortir Eric.
La fumée commence à rentrer dans la pièce où lui et Heather se trouvent. Eric arrose des peluches et des tissus pour bloquer les bas des portes et pour qu'ils puissent tous respirer en se mettant des linges mouillés sur le visage.

Stanley enlève sa lunette du fusil et avec celui-ci, ils décoincent la vanne.

L'eau revient enfin et Eric, Heather, et l'enfant peuvent enfin sortir.
En sortant de la bibliothèque, April s'occupe de la petite qui a inhalé beaucoup de fumée.

Avec la lunette du fusil, Jake monte sur le toit de la station pour voir s'ils ont de l'eau. Il prévient Stanley que c'est bon, et que le deuxième incendie est éteint, mais qu'un troisième se dirige vers la maison d'Eric. Au moment de redescendre, il voit Hawkins avec son matériel et son ordinateur.

De retour à la bibliothèque, Jake apprend à Eric pour l'incendie vers sa maison, mais ils ne sont pas assez nombreux et les pompiers doivent d'abord finir ici. Alors Jake décide d'y partir lui-même. Mais Hawkins arrive, et lui propose son aide. Leurs rapports son un peu tendus car Jake se demande bien ce qu'il peut cacher. Mais ils partent tout de même ensemble vers la maison d'Eric.

Mimi fait comprendre à Mary que les hommes mariés ne quittent jamais leur femme.

L'incendie se propage à l'intérieur de la maison d'Eric. Jake branche un tuyau pour pomper l'eau de la piscine mais l'incendie à provoqué un court-jus et l'eau ne part pas. Alors Hawkins branche la prise de la pompe à une prise qui se trouve dans une voiture, et ils peuvent enfin arroser.

L'incendie est enfin éteint à la bibliothèque et tout le monde va bien.

Skylar revient au magasin et Dale lui apprend pour l'incendie au village de mobil homes, que son chez lui a brûlé, et elle veut l'aider.

Chez April et Eric l'incendie est aussi éteint mais pratiquement tout a brûlé, sauf une pile de papiers sur laquelle Eric tombe. Ce sont des papiers d'une demande de divorce demandée par April, mais celle-ci ne veut plus. Pour elle, ces papiers ne sont plus d'actualité.

Le soir, Gail qui est en train de mettre la table, fait comprendre à Jake que c'est le moment d'aller voir son père. Jake se lance alors.
Pendant ce temps, Eric et April arrivent avec le peu d'affaires qui leur reste.

Mary qui a le bar rempli, prévient que c'est la fermeture, quand tout à coup, l'image de la télévision change. Elle demande à Stanley d'aller prévenir tout le monde.

Johnston sert un verre à son fils. Jake est sur le point de tout lui dire quand son père l'arrête en lui faisant comprendre que peu importe ce qu'il a fait tout ce temps, il est revenu changé et bon. Jake est alors soulagé.

Hawkins, toujours sur son ordinateur, recherche alors des renseignements sur Jake et il en trouve.

Chez les Green, ils sont tous à table quand Stanley les prévient pour la télévision.
Tout le monde se retrouve chez Mary, devant le poste de télévision, quand celle-ci se coupe, et tout tremble.
Hawkins, Jake et les habitants sortent et voient des missiles dans le ciel...

Fin de l'épisode

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki

Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)

(Marys Bar)

Jake: I'm tired of war. No one ever really wins.

Stanley: Me too.

Mimi: We can play crazy 8's instead. Or.. Hearts?

Stanley: We're calling it a night.

Mary: Call it whatever you want, but it stopped being night hours ago. Y'all want coffee?

Mimi: Make Mine an Irish.

Jake: So Mimi, what would you be doing if you were back home in DC?

Mimi: Sleeping. You know the hardest thing about sleeping in this dump?

Jake: What?

Mimi: Quiet. I don't know how you stand it. It's like my brain is an echo chamber.

Jake: Why do you think I left town?

Jimmy: I could tell her.

Mimi: What?

Jimmy: Why Jake left town.

Jake: Watch it Jimmy.

Mimi: Let me guess, pressure got to be too much.

Jake: wow.

Mimi: I'm a people reader.

Jake: Yeah.

Mimi: I'm betting... captain of the football team. Prom King. Most likely to succeed. Am I right?

Jimmy: Don't quit your day job.

Mimi: Why? What am I missing here?

Stanley: I think he beat up the Prom King.

Jake: Oh yeah, I did.

Stanley: Oh Eric, you must have a million stories about your brother screwing up, right?

Eric: Yeah, at least that many.

Eric: Could we get a couple coffees to go Mary?

Mary: Coming up.

Mary: So... do we have a plan?

Eric: Uh... Try get get news. Try to get contact. We haven't heard from Gray in a couple days so....

Mary: No. Eric... Do WE have a plan?

Eric: I will talk to April. Tonight.

Mary: Then...

Eric: And then I won't need coffee as an excuse to come see you.

Mimi: Secrets of a small town.

(Electricity comes on,. the song "Taking Care Of Business" comes on the jukebox)

(Phone Rings)

Man: The phone...

(Phones ring everywhere)

Man: What's going on?

Another man: Should we answer it?

(Johnstons House)

Johnston: Hello?

Walsh: Hello. This is assistant secretary Walsh from the Department of Homeland Security. Do not be alarmed. If you are safe, stay where you are. Do not attempt to leave.

Darcy: Who is is Robert?

Walsh: We will be in contact again shortly. Until then, know that help is on the way.


Walsh: Hello. This is assistant secretary Walsh from the Department of Homeland Security. Do not be alarmed. If you are safe, stay where you are. Do not attempt to leave.

Eric: Jimmy and I should get to town hall.

Jake: Yeah.

Mimi: Homeland Security?

Jake: Well that's what they said.

Stanley: So they're in charge now?

Mimi: Well they're supposed to be in charge in case of a disaster.

Mary: So what happens next?

Stanley: Well why are you asking her? She's from the IRS.

Mary: She's from DC.

Mimi: This is what they told us. First they restore power, then communication, then transportation. I am this close to non-fat lattes at shiatsu.

Jake: Anybody have a quarter? If they can call in, maybe we can call out.

(In Town)

Emily tries to call Roger

Emily gets a busy signal.

(Town Hall)

Bill: Hey! Did your phone ring?

Eric: Yeah, everyones did. All the land lines in town.

Bill: Why..

Johnston: Because Kansas has a reverse 911 system. If there's an emergency, it just pulses out a call. It's what we all heard.

Bill: Why can't we call out?

Johnston: Everyones trying to use the phone at the same time. Systems are overloaded.

Bill: Think the powers back for good?

Johnston: I don't know. I'm not going to count on it.

(Cyberjolt Cafe)

(Skylar is on her laptop. We can see that the Internet isn't working)

Allison: Hey Skylar! Any luck?

Skylar: No... I really need to check my e-mail. I mean my parents may have tried to contact me from New York.

Allison: Well have you tried typing in a straight IP address?

Skylar: A what?

Allison types in 027.750.304.001

Allison: It's weird..

Skylar: What?

Allison: Well the Internet was built by the military. It's supposed to survive nuclear war.

Skylar: So why can't I check my e-mail?


appears on the computer

Skylar: Whoa, Allison. Is it working now?

Allison: It is... but not for us. We're being blocked out.

(Gracies Market)

Gracie: Uh Miss. You can't do that.

Mimi: Yeah, okay. Thanks.

Mimi: okay. Come on..


(ATM SCREEN SAYS: CAD HELP Contact 1 (800) 555-0199 for customer service)

Mimi: no! Your machine just ate my card.

Gracie: Doesn't work. It's what I tried to tell you.

Mimi: Thank you. You're just so helpful.

(Town Hall)

Jake: Hey Dad. It's the same thing on every channel?

Eric: So far.

Jake: What about the radio?

Johnston: Same message. Didn't wait.

Johnston: You look like crap.

Jake: Didn't sleep.

Johnston: Next time, put the cards down and go home.

Johnston: Ah, sooner or later the phones are going to free up. Let's keep calling out until we reach somebody.

Bill: Calling who?

Johnston: Well that homeland security message came out of Topeka. Let's start there.

Eric: Yeah, but everybody's thinking that. I say we start with the national guard base in Great Bend.

Johnston: It's a good idea son.

Jake: We should get to the gas station, get some gas.

Eric: I already sent Jimmy. He's there now running the pumps.

Jake: We need to charge our batteries.

Jake: Alright...looks like you got it covered.

Johnston: Where ya going?

Jake: Home.

(Hawkins House)

Hawkins: You take a shower?

Allison: Nothing gets past you.

Hawkins: Go clean the tub and fill it up.

Allison: Why?

Hawkins: The water doesn't get to that shower by magic. If the power goes out again, then so do the pumps that get it there. So we store what we can. That is why...

Darcy: She is your daughter, Rob. Not your employee.

Hawkins: Well, she needs to talk less, and listen more.

Darcy: You need to learn to ease up on her.

Hawkins: Darcy... I don't know how long I'll be here. So whatever I got to teach her. It needs to happen now.

(Gail's House)

Gail is vacuuming

Gail: Ahh... you know when we find out what's going on, are you going to stay, or leave?

Jake: I didn't think about that yet.

Gail: Well I can't help it. I finally have you back.

Jake: Ugh. You were always good at blocking out the bad. Dad, not so much.

Gail: He's had more to block out. When you left, you left quite a mess. You have no idea the length your father went to square things.

Jake: Why didn't he talk to me?

Gail: Because he knew you'd resent it. And there's a stubborn streak that runs in the family. Honey, I think you owe him the truth.

Jake: You want me to tell him about my... about my time away?

Gail: This house is too small for big secrets.

Power Blinks

Gail: What was that?

Jake: It's a power spike.

Heather: Boys!

(Outside the Library)

Emily: Wow! Looks like it's business as usual.

Emily: How'd you get your kids back so quickly?

Heather: Always lead with recess.

Emily: Are things back to normal?

Heather: Whatever that is.

(Power Circuits, fire sets)

Heather: Go! Go! Go!

Heather: Emily! Emily! um.. Emily? Oh my god!

Heather: Emily! Emily wake up! Everybody! Do you remember the emergency drills we did at school?

Kids: Yeah, yeah.

Heather: Okay. Go find your buddy, and go sit behind the fence 1,2, 3, go!

Another teacher: C'mon. Quickly.

Heather: Go!

Lucas: Is she going to wake up?

Heather: Yes...

Lucas: With super powers?

Heather: Probably not.

Heather: Now go, go. Go Lucas go!

Heather: Come on Emily. Come on. Wake up.

(Marys Bar)

Mimi: I wonder when they're gonna come.

Stanley: You really can't wait to fly this coop, huh?

Stanley: Are you still going to file that IRS report on my farm?

Mimi: It's not exactly my first order of business. But it is the reason I fell into this god-forsaken hell hole in the first place.

Stanley: So is that a yes, no, or maybe?

Mimi: It's an.. .eventually.

Mimi: Look, if it were up to me, I'd see what I could
do. But that's probably just the Irish Coffee talking.

Stanley: You got a family back home?

Mimi: I have fish.

Stanley: Oh, I'm sure they really miss you.

Mimi laughs, as sirens go off.

Stanley: What's that about? Mary. Keep my tab open, will ya?

Mary: Your tab Stanley?

Stanley: Yeah. And uh, keep the Irish Coffees coming. Till I get my farm back at least.

Mimi: You heard the hillbilly. Keep em' coming.

(Hawkins Front Yard)

The computer asks Hawkins to enter his ID.

Hawkins is holding in his hand an American Express Card, number 5732 011651 79032. expiration Date 11/08. It also has the name Robert Hawkins on it.

He inputs ****j9r

A website pops up. The site appears to be in Turkish, though part of it is in English.

(At the Library)

April: Okay, get water, get an iv started, and get some O2 in her.

April: Keep an eye on her pulse, and let me know if her BP drops. We've gotta keep an eye on her.

Heather: Wheres Ashlee?

Lucas: She went to go get Alice.

Heather: Alice... Alice in wonderland? Inside?

Lucas: Uh-huh

(Inside the Library).

Heather: Ashlee! Ashlee! Ashlee! Ashlee are you... Ashlee! Ashlee! It's Miss Lisinsky. Ashlee! Ashlee!

(Outside the Library)

Firefighter: Chief! We've got another blaze on the south side. Over.

Chief: Copy that. Alright, we got a second fire. It's south side, near the trailer park.

Eric: But we don't have enough guys to fight this one.

Chief: They'll come back as soon as they can.

Chief: Take a second Truck! Move!

Firefighter: Let's get a ladder up there.

Jake: What happened?

April: Looks like she got hit with a lot of voltage.

Parent: Wheres my kid!?

Eric: How'd it start?

April: Power line!

Chief: Power Line! Hold the water!

April: What's wrong?

Eric: Electrical fire.

Jake: Spray water on electricity, everyone that touches it gets fried.

(Town Hall)

Gail: Johnston.

Johnston: Thought you were at the ranch.

Gail: The horses are safe.

Johnston: What about the stables?

Gail: There's nothing but dirt around for miles. They're fine. You are not going to that fire.

Johnston: I let Chief Carroll and half the department go to Denver. We're down to a handful of men.

Gail: Who can handle it. Johnston, if you get any sicker than you already are, you're not going to be any use to anybody.

(Radio) Eric: Dad! Dad, are you still there?

(Radio) Johnston: Yeah Eric, I'm on my way.

(Radio) Eric: no, no, no. Go Downstairs, and turn off the power grid to the library.

(Radio) Johnston: It'll be 5 minutes.

Johnston: Looks like you get your way. They can use me here.

Gail: Good.

Eric: The power should be cut in 5 minutes. Get your men in position.

Man on radio: Block, 741 east of maple. One call, stand by.

Jake: What are you doing?

April: Making sure she didn't have a heart attack.

Jake: Hey. You're in good hands.

(Radio) Johnston: Powers down, you're good to go.

Eric: Copy. Alright, that's it. Powers down.

Chief: Okay, open em' up.

Eric: They're on. Okay.

Water quits

Eric: What's going on?

Chief: We lost pressure.

Jake: Oh god...

Chief: The pumping station must be on the same power grid as us. We lost power to one...

Jake: We cut it to both.

Jake: Wheres the pumping station?

Eric: Up the hill, end of chapril.

Chief: Unhook those hoses, see if there's a working hydrant out back.

Stanley: Hey Jake!

Jake: Stanley. Thank god. Chapril. Pumping station. Let's go.

Emily: Heather...wheres

April: What?

Emily: Heather... wheres Heather?

April: Eric

Eric: Yeah?

April: I think Heather might still be inside.

Eric: Nah, they said they cleared the building.

April: Are you sure?

Man: Ventilate that area!

April: Eric! What are you doing? Eric! no!

(Gracies Market)

Lisa: I wonder what Lindsay Lohan is doing right now. You think she's still alive?

Skylar: I'm trying to find my parents Lis, I could care less. Great, my batteries almost dead.

Dale: Excuse me, sorry.

Skylar: Do you guys sell phone chargers?

Dale: um... what kind of phone?

Dale: I'll check the back.

Skylar: Thanks.

Lisa: Why do you like that freak?

Skylar: Why do you like stupid bulimic actresses?

Shawn: Whoa! incoming.

Gracie: Whoa, whoa. Shawn. No skateboards. Read the sign.

Shawn: Hey, you guys gotta check it out, library's burning, and I didn't even do it.

Gracie: Is anyone hurt?

Shawn: Probably.

Lisa: Sky, let's go.

Skylar: Go ahead, I'll catch up.

Dale: This ones universal, so it should work.

Skylar: Um... we were going to go check out the fire, if you want to...

Gracie: Dale. Make sure our extinguishers are working will you?

Dale: I should stay. But if you want I could charge it, and you could come back.

Skylar: Okay. Umm... if my parents call,

Dale: I'll find you.

Skylar: Thanks.

(At the Valve)

Jake: C'mon, if we can open the valve, we can get water to the fire.

(Inside the Library)

Heather: Ashlee!

(Heather picks up Alice in Wonderland)

Heather: Hey Ashlee. Lets get out of here. Let's go. C'mon.

Eric: Is anyone here? Heather?

Eric: Hey, c'mon. Let's go.

Heather: Better do what the angry fireman says. Let's go.

Eric: Come on, this way. Let's go!

(At the Valve)

Jake: Ugh! Damnit. ugh!

Stanley: It's not going to budge.

Jake: Thanks Stanley.

Stanley: How do you even know this is it?

Jake: Trust me, it's the manual override. When the power spiked, the solenoid valve shut down in the off position.

Stanley: What? Dude, you're freaking me out. How do you even know that?

Jake: How do you not?

Stanley: Looks like nobody's touched it in years.

Jake: Nobody has. The motor opens and closes when the powers on.

Stanley: No power, no motor.

Jake: Yeah, no water. Of course right now what we need is leverage.

Stanley: Know what? Wait right here.

(Outside the Library)

Chief: You can't go in there ma'am.

April: My husbands in there!

Chief: Stand back. Please.

(Inside the Library)

Heather: uh... Ashlee. We're going to go out another way.

Heather: ow!

Eric: Are you okay?

Ashlee: What's wrong?

Heather: Nothing, nothing. I've just gotta use the other door.

Eric: No, no. This ways blocked.

Ashlee: Smoke!

Eric: We've gotta stop it!

Heather: Okay, uh... can we use this?

Eric: yeah

Heather: honey, I need you to get down, and try not to breathe any smoke, alright? It's all going to be okay Ashlee. It's going to be okay.

Heather: Eric.... we need another snake.

Eric: Ashlee. I need you to crunch down here, like a game of leapfrog, okay?

(At the Vavle)

Jake: Ready?

Eric: This is going to help protect you.

Eric: This is going to protect you from debris.

Heather: Here, breathe using this.

Stanley: We got it! We got it.

Jake: It's running. It's running, we've got water.

(Inside the library. The Sprinkler goes off)

Eric: We're going to be okay. Hey! Hey! This looks like our chance Let's get the hell out of here. C'mon, let's go.

(Outside the Library)

April: Somebody has to go in there and help them!

Chief: Ma'am, stand back please.

April: Oh my god!

April: Are you hurt?

Eric: No, don't worry about me. The little girls, she got a lot of smoke. April, can you take her?

Eric: You're going to be okay Ashlee.

(At the Valve)

Jake: Give me the scope. I want to see if they have water down at the library.

Stanley: Listen. This scope was a Christmas present, okay?

Jake: Relax.

Stanley: Be careful.

Stanley: What do you see?

Jake: It's working! They've got water at the library.

Stanley: What about the south side fire?

Jake: Looks like the fires out down by the trailer park. There's a lot of smoke. There's another fire. It's in the East Woods.

Stanley: What?

Jake: It's right near Eric's house.

Jake sees Hawkins on a computer with a satellite

Jake: What the hell?

Stanley: What is it Jake? What's going on?

(At the Library)

Jake: April! April!

Jake: Eric! Eric! There's another fire.

Eric: We'll get to it as soon as we can.

Eric: We need help clearing the alley. The fires spreading.

Jake: Eric, Eric, It's heading to your house. What do you want to do?

Jake: It's heading to your house.

Eric: There's nothing to do. We're already spread too thin. If we don't stop the fire, it could take out Main Street.

Jake: April!

April: He's right.

(At the Hardware store)

Hawkins: What are you planning to do?

Jake: Put out a fire.

Hawkins: Do you need a hand?

Jake: I'm good.

Hawkins: If I knew anything, I would tell your mayor.

Jake: What do you know?

Hawkins: Not much. I got the same message as everyone else.

Hawkins: Do you want my help?

Jake: Get in.

(Marys Bar)

Mimi: First thing I'm going to do when I get back to DC is burn these clothes. So, what's on your agenda once things settle?

Mary: No agenda. Just looking forward to living my life.

Mimi: With Dudley Do Wrong? Never going to happen

Mary: That's, really none of your business. Besides, you don't know Eric the way I do.

Mimi: Mercifully. But I know his kind. Guys like that don't leave wives for girls like us.

Mary: Girls like us?

Mimi: I've been around this particular block before.

Mary: Well, I'm sorry to blow your theory. But Eric is telling his wife about us tonight.

Mimi: Is he now?

Mary: Yes, he is.

Mimi: Well never mind then. To the happy couple.

(Erics House)

Jake: Hey, we've got it. We've got it. Save your house.

Hawkins: What now?

Jake: Water. Let's use the pool pump.

Hawkins: Filtering system. That's pretty smart Jake. So where'd you learn to do all this?

Jake: I was a pool guy.


Jake: What? TURN ON THE PUMP! Hawkins!

Jake: Hawkins!

Jake: Come on...

Jake: What the hell are you doing?

Hawkins: Fire knocked out the power. So I found my own.

Hawkins: Got it?

Jake: Yeah?

Jake: That was quick thinking.

Hawkins: Yeah, I was a pool guy too.

(Outside the Library)

Heather: Hey, how you doing Ashlee?

Ashlee: I'm okay.

Eric: Minor smoke inhalation, but she's going to be okay.

Eric: You saved her life.

Heather: oh yeah, the fires still going?

Eric: The south sides under control.

Heather: The one at your house?

Eric: Haven't heard. My wife... hey wheres April.

(Gracies Market)

Skylar: You're still here.

Dale: Yeah.

Skylar: Did my parents...

Dale: Sorry. It's charged though.

Skylar: You going home now? You going to stay here all night?

Dale: I don't have anywhere else to go.

Dale: Fire moved through the trailer park. It's all gone.

Skylar: Oh Dale, I am so sorry.

Dale: It's okay.

Skylar: No, it's not. Why are you being so calm about it?

Dale: Don't have much of a choice.

Skylar: How about scream? Cry? Hit something! Break something! Come on...

Dale: Where are we going?

Skylar: We'll start with the mayor. We'll get him to give you a place to live. And some clothes, and some money.

Dale: I can take care of myself. I'll be okay.

Skylar: I was just trying to help...

Dale: I know... I know...

(Erics House)

Eric: Here, let me help you with that.

April: I got it.


April: I told you,

Eric picks up a piece of paper saying:

Petition For Dissolution Of Marriage
The petitioner, APRIL GREEN, respectfully declares the following:

1. Petitioners Residence: Petitioner resides at 4893 DEERBORN DR> Jericho KS and has been a resident of the State of Kansas 15 YEARS, 2 MONTHS

2. Respondents residence- Respondent resides at 4893 DEERBORN DR. and has been a resident of the state of Kansas for 8 YEARS

3. Marriage: on JUNE 15, 2001 in (part of it is covered) the Petitioner and Respondent

Eric: Divorce papers?

April: I had them drawn up before the bombs went off. I didn't want you to see em'. I don't... I don't want that anymore. The divorce... I don't want it.

Eric: Well I can't blame you April. Things have been bad between us for a long time.

April: Not bad.. just

Eric: Not good.

April: What now? Everything changed, Eric. The world has changed. Please. Think about this. Just... not today.

(Johnstons House)

Jake: Good silver. What's the occasion?

Gail: This sets been passed down 5 generations. It's seen the light of day maybe a half a dozen times since I've had it. From now on, every nights a special occasion.

Jake: Did you turn off the T.V.?

Gail: Yeah, somehow silly staring at a blank screen waiting for god knows who to tell me god knows what.

Gail: Did get me thinking though. You know that, that thing you've been running away from?

Gail: It's not out there. He's upstairs. Waiting on dinner.

April and Eric walk in

Gail: Hi... Glad you're home.

(Marys Bar)

Mary: Closing early tonight.

Stanley: What are we going to do about this?

Mary: Watch it at home.

(Something comes on the television)

Mary: Stanley! Go tell everyone.

Stanley: But I wanna watch.

Mary: Then pay your tab.

Stanley: Okay, I'm going.

(Johnstons House)

Jake: Something else everyday. How are we going to handle all this?

Johnston: Same way we did today. Lost a few buildings, but no lives. And that is, in no small part, thanks to you. A lot of folks are saying how lucky Jericho is to have you back again.

Jake: Yeah, and what are you telling them?

Johnston: Well I try to correct them, but nobody listens to me.

Johnston coughs

Jake: You know what the hardest part about growing up your son was?

Jake: It's not the politics, or the expectations. It's that I knew you were a good judge of character, and you thought mine was lousy.

Jake: When I left town, I was determined to prove you wrong. But.. but instead everywhere I went I seemed to prove you right.

Jake: Dad. I wasn't just in San Diego.

Johnston: I don't care.

Jake: What?

Johnston: I don't care.

Johnston: If you need to tell me, I'll listen. But wherever you went, and whatever you did, it changed you. And that stupid little punk may have left home, but a pretty decent fellow came back. I can live with that.

(Hawkins House)

We see the presidential seal on Hawkins computer.


Honduras 8/11/03
Mexico 9/22/03 10/
Colombia 4/22/04 4/29/04
Venezuela 5/18/04 6/3/04
Qatar 7/13/04 7/25/04
Colombia 8/11/04 8/21/04
Peru 10/1/04 10/9/04

Johnston Jacob Green

Birthday: 21 Jan 1977
02 Mar 2004
01 Mar 2014
See Page 24

Sam: Daddy, now that the electricity's back on, can we go to the movies?

Hawkins: Of course.

Sam: And baseball games.

Hawkins: Let's just start with a movie, okay?

Sam: Okay

Sam: Why were you working outside today?

Hawkins: Daddy had to fix something.

Sam: What was in that big box?

Hawkins: That was my tools.

Darcy: C'mon Sam. It's bedtime.

Sam: Will you come tuck me in, dad?

Hawkins: Okay.

Sam: Did you fix the problem?

Hawkins: Daddy's working on it.

(Johnstons House)

Gail: For all these years, wanting the family behind the table.

Jake: Be careful what you wish for.

April: It's delicious Gail.

Gail: Thanks.

Eric: Who knew these potatoes could taste like anything?

Gail: Well, things will get better after we get real food.

Johnston: Fillet Mignon. Blue Cheese. Don't tell me you haven't thought about it.

Jake: Cheeseburger and French Fries.

Gail: Corn beef and Cabbage. With a spicy mustard.

Eric: Yeah, I could go for a slice of moms blueberry pie.

April: Fried Chicken, with some fresh corn on the cob.

Stanley: Excuse me, they're getting a feed at Baileys.

Johnston: Let's turn on the TV.

Stanley: No. They're the only ones picking it up. I think it's a satellite feed from DC.

April: You're coming aren't you?

Eric: Yeah, of course.

(Marys Bar)

Static on the TV

Mary: Keep moving it, we lost the picture.

Mimi: What's going on?

Jimmy: Alright, everybody calm down. It'll just take a second.

The ground starts shaking.

(Outside of Marys Bar)

We hear missiles



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CastleBeck, 25.04.2024 à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

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