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#103 : Les cavaliers de l'Apocalypse

La pluie s'abat sur Jericho. Craignant la radioactivité, toute la population fait de son mieux pour s'abriter. Informé de la présence de militaires aux abords de Denver, Jake souhaite explorer les environs afin de trouver des réponses alors que plusieurs villes semblent avoir été touchées à travers le pays.


4.2 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Four horsemen

Titre VF
Les cavaliers de l'Apocalypse

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Emily Sullivan

Emily Sullivan

Emily et Jake

Emily et Jake

Eric et Robert

Eric et Robert

Eric et Robert

Eric et Robert

Un avion posé à Jericho

Un avion posé à Jericho

Plus de détails

Réalisation : James Whitmore Jr
Scénario : Dan O'Shannon, Dan Shotz

Acteurs : 

Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh)

  • Vic Polizos (Shep Cale)
  • Clare Carey (Mary Bailey)
  • Richard Speight Jr. (Bill)
  • Darby Stanchfield (April Green)
  • Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)
  • James Eckhouse (Scott Rennie)


Voilà le résumé des scènes inédites coupées au montage disponibles sur le DVD de la série

1. Chez Skylar, elle et Dale jouent aux cartes, ils rigolent bien, et partagent des bonbons. Il s'arrête de pleuvoir.  Dale à l'air triste, car il passait un bon moment, ensemble.

2. Jake s'arrête en bord de route, pour parler à trois gamins qui traine des valises. Ils partent en courant et abandonne les valises. Jake voit que c'est des bagages avec des étiquettes d'avion,  et repart à sa voiture

3. Jake arrive dans sa chambre (enfin je pense) dans le noir avec une lampe torche. Il regarde un peu, ses vieilles affaires, une photo dans un cadre de lui et Stanley et trouve des photomatons de lui et Emily, les regarde et s’endort avec les photos dans une main, la lampe allumé dans l'autre.



Hawkins s'équipe d'une combinaison et d'un masque anti-radioactivité et sort de chez lui. Il roule jusqu'à un garage où sont entreposées des armes et déplace un énorme bidon.

A l'abri des Richmond, Emily reste silencieuse. Bonnie s'inquiète pour Stanley qui n'est toujours pas rentré. Jake prévient Eric par talkie-walkie pour la mine, pour l'entrée qu'il a du faire exploser.

Dans la mine Heather, donne de l'eau aux enfants, mais un homme, M. Reni ne supporte pas d'être enfermé, il suffoque, il est claustrophobe.

Au moment où Jake et Emily discutent, ils entendent un bruit au dessus d'eux dans la maison. La porte de l'abri s'ouvre, c'est Stanley. Bonnie heureuse de le revoir va pour s'approcher de lui, mais Jake l'empêche car il pourrait bien être contaminé par les radiations.
Par radio, Jake demande conseil à April au sujet de Stanley. Celle-ci lui répond qu'il faut qu'il avale de l'iode et que s'il vomit, il a de fortes chances de mourir. Par chance, dans la cave il y a une bouteille d'iode. Stanley ne rechigne pas sur la dose qu'il prend, et en même temps apprend à Jake qu'il a vu environ cinq tanks qui se dirigaient vers Denver.

Dans la mine M. Reni se sent de plus en plus mal. Alors Shep et Gray l'emmènent un peu plus loin dans la mine pour qu'il n'effraye pas les autres habitants.

Toujours pas radio, Jake prévient son père pour les tanks et dès que la pluie aura cessé il faudrait partir à la recherche d'informations dans toutes les directions, sur les routes des environs.

Johnston n'a pas la forme, il tousse et a beaucoup de fièvre.

Mary, déçue de voir Eric réagir de la façon qu'il fait avec sa femme, le lui fait savoir.

Dans l'abri de la mairie, Gail se rappelle de ce qu'on leur faisait faire quand ils étaient petits, les alertes à l'école, et pense aux nombreuses personnes qui ont vécu ces affreuses explosions.

Stanley, qui se sent un peu bizarre, demande à Jake de s'occuper de Bonnie si ça tourne mal pour lui.

La pluie s'arrête. Eric, équipé d'un geiger sort de la mairie pour vérifier qu'il n'y a plus aucun risque et tout le monde peut sortir sans crainte.

Bill, Emily et Bonnie emmènent Stanley à la clinique, pendant que Jake et Jimmy partent en direction de la mine pour dégager les habitants. Eric les rejoint avec de l'aide.
Tout le monde est très heureux de pouvoir respirer l'air extérieur. Quant à M. Reni, il est mort. Gray et Shep le sortent de la mine. Heather ne comprend pas ce qui a pu se passer.

A la clinique Jake demande des nouvelles de Stanley. Il a vomi, mais c'est à cause de l'iode qu'il a bu. Il ne risque plus rien et tous sont soulagés.
Heather apprend que M. Reni a eu une crise cardiaque.

Dale et Skylar toujours enfermés dans la maison des Stevens, n'ont pas vu que la pluie avait cessé. Lisa arrive avec d'autres amis et ne comprend pas ce que fait Dale chez Skylar.

Jake vient prendre des nouvelles de son père. Johnston a la grippe, mais Jake veut partir avec d'autres hommes pour aller chercher des informations.

Au bar de Mary, les hommes qui doivent partir, décident de la route qu'ils vont prendre. Emily veut partir avec Jake en direction de Wichita.
Au même moment une image à la télévision apparaît. Elle est brouillée mais ils peuvent apercevoir la carte des Etats-Unis avec plusieurs points rouges, qui pourraient représenter toutes les bombes qui ont touché le pays.

Heather demande à Shep quelques explications sur la mort de M. Reni mais celui-ci ne lui dit rien.

Emily, dans tous ses états après avoir vu l'image à la télévision, sort du bar car elle pense que Roger est mort. Jake la suit et essaye de la réconforter mais celle-ci lui reproche de ne pas être à la place de Roger.

Gracie qui n'a pas vu Dale depuis la pluie est inquiète pour lui.

Gail arrive au magasin ramener un carton de marchandises à Gracie. Celle-ci lui dit qu'elle n'a plus rien. Un train devait lui amener une livraison et que rien ne se conservera sans électricité. Gail suggère à Gracie de faire cuire toute la viande tant qu'elle est comestible.

Mimi est à la clinique, elle a touché les résidus de pluie en sortant de l'abri et a peur d'être contaminée. Stanley qui a subi la pluie lui fait comprendre de ne pas s'inquiéter.

Shep écrit une lettre et décide de prendre la place d'un des hommes et partir de Jericho.

Johnston qui a été surpris de la mort de M. Reni demande à Gray ce qui a pu se passer. Celui-ci l'accuse que c'est de sa faute, que si l'abri de la clinique avait été en état, ce ne serait pas arrivé. Johnston lui fait comprendre de ne pas refaire ce qu'il vient de faire. Puis il explique aux habitants qui faut rester soudés, s'entraider et ne pas paniquer.

Les hommes prennent le départ. Emily a changé d'avis et ne suit pas Jake. Shep prend la direction de Denver. La lettre qu'il a écrite était pour Heather : Shep explique la mort de M. Reni. Quelques kilomètres après Jericho, Shep demande à Eric qui ne l'entend pas bien de faire ses adieux à sa famille. Gray qui lui a tout entendu ne répète rien.

Sur la route, Jake se retrouve nez à nez avec un avion qui s'est posé sur la voie, mais il aperçoit un peu plus loin un autre avion qui lui s'est écrasé.

Dans Jericho, tout le monde se prépare pour faire cuire la viande et manger tous ensemble.

Au même moment, Jake revient avec une des boîtes noires d'un avion et écoute ce qu'il s'est passé durant le crash. En écoutant plusieurs fois la bande, Jake comprend que l'avion de Roger ne s'est pas écrasé, ce qui redonne le sourire à Emily.
Hawkins, qui est en train de faire de la maçonnerie dans sa cave, refuse que Darcy et les enfants aillent à la petite « fête » du village car il ne les trouve pas encore prêts.

Heather fait remarquer à Jake que grâce à lui Emily va mieux. Jake lui apprend qu'il avait une dette envers elle mais qui n'était pas prêt d'être quitte.

Johnston trouve agréable de voir la ville comme ça : tout le monde ensemble et il savoure le moment.

Hawkins cache dans le mur qu'il vient de construire cet énorme bidon qu'il était allé chercher.

Eric et Mary se retrouvent.

Dale est parti à pied en suivant la ligne de chemin de fer et retrouve le train de marchandises destiné au magasin sur la voie.

Fin de l'épisode.

Script issu de la communauté Jericho Wiki


Disclaimer : Please note that nobody who does the transcripts actually owns the transcripts, nor are they making money off of them. They belong to the Creators of Jericho, and nobody else.

(Les transcripts n’appartiennent pas aux personnes qui les réalisent et ils ne gagnent pas d’argent pour ça. Les transcripts appartiennent aux créateurs de Jericho et personne d’autre.)


(Hawkins is getting into a Hazmat suit)

18 Hours After The Bombs

(At the Richmond Ranch, in the Cellar)

Bill: She's still not talking.

Bill: I get that. I mean I'm a cop. I've never killed anybody. She's a school teacher.

Bonnie: Wheres Stanley?

Bonnie: Jake, my brother doesn't know about the radiation.

Jake: When the rain stops, he'll be back. Don't worry.

Jake: Bonnnie, I know Stanley. He'll be fine.

Jimmy: Jake, I got your brother. He's with your dad.

Jake: Finally. Eric, how's dad?

Eric: He's good. The town halls shelter is secure. Listen Jake, where are you?

Jake: I'm at the Richmonds. As soon as the rain stops, get every digging tool you can find and get to the mine. I had to blow the entrance to keep the rain out. The people have been sealed up way too long.

Jake: I'm more worried the explosion put some debris into the ventilator.

Eric: Enough to slow it down?

Jake: Enough to shut it down. We've gotta get them out.

Eric: We can't reach anyone at he mind. We have no radio contact with anyone there.

(In the mines)

Heather: Here honey, take a little sip. Okay, just a little. Pass it on.

Heather: Good you guys. Good. Good, good, good.

Heather: Wait a second, I'll be right back.

Heather: Excuse me.

Heather: Hey! how ya holding up?

Mr. Rennie: I uh I think the students are taking it better than I am.

Mr. Rennie: They just know there's nothing to be afraid of. For them it's just like a bad field trip.

Mr. Rennie: Sorry... I'm just having a hard time breathing.

Heather: Here, take a little water.

Heather: Yeah, good.

Mr. Rennie: I have to get outside.

Heather: Soon, Soon.

Lucas: is Mr. Rennie okay?

Heather: He's going to be fine. We just need to give him a little bit of room, okay? Hold on.

Mr. Rennie: I can't do this! Gotta get outside!

Heather: It-it's Okay. Deep breath. Deep breath.

(Richmond Cellar)

Jake: You doin' alright?

Jake: Heck of a question...

Jake: Alright...

Emily: How do you know the rains radioactive? Denver's so far away.

Jake: Well, we don't know how many bombs there were. We don't

Bonnie: Who is it?

Jake: Someones up in the house.

Emily: Not more prisoners...

Bonnie: Stanley!

Stanley: Bonnie thank god!

Jake: No! Hey hey! no! Stanley don't touch her. The rain may be radioactive.

(On the Radio)

Jake: April. Stanley seems to be okay. I'd say he was in it for about 20 minutes.

Stanley: Yeah, I was out at my cousins, helping them put the livestock up. Got caught in it.

April: Is he vomiting?

Jake: No, he's not.

April: Okay. Do you have any iodine there?

Jake: Bonnie, iodine?

Stanley: Hey, what's with all the tanks?

Bill: What tanks?

Stanley: On my way home, I passed a line of tanks. They were hauling ass towards Denver.

Jake: Stanley, how many tanks did you see?

Stanley: Five, maybe?

Jake: Where?

Stanley: They were over the ridge. I couldn't tell you exactly where they were, but I was on Fars Mill road near I-70.

Jake: April, we have iodine.

April: He's going to need to take a couple of tablespoons. But it tastes vile. So do you have any bread? Something he could take with it?

Jake: We're in a cellar. All we've got is canned peaches and pickles.

April: Not the pickles. Maybe the peaches.

Stanley: Jake. just give me the iodine.

April: The SECOND that the rain breaks, rush him to the clinic.

April: And Jake? If he throws up in the next couple of hours, get Bonnie out of that room.

Jake: Why?

April: Because... her brothers going to die.

(At the Mines)

Heather: Just concentrate on breathing, please.

Mr. Rennie: I can't. I've got to get out of here.

Heather: I know. Wait

Mr. Rennie: I've got to get out of here!

Heather: Mr. Rennie please, just concentrate on your breathing.

Heather; Look at me. Just control it. There you go.

Mr. Rennie: I've gotta get out of here.

Heather: I know. Mr.

Mr. Rennie: I've GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE!

Heather: Rennie

Mr. Rennie: I don't want to die down here! Get me out of here!

Gray: Look everybody, calm down.

Mr. Rennie: I don't want to be here.

Gray: There's nothing to worry about.

Gray: There's children Scott.

Heather: Gray, he's claustrophobic.

Shep: It's me. It's Shep.

Mr. Rennie: I've got to...

Shep: Just focus. Try to focus man. Try to focus.

Mr. Rennie: I"ve got to get out of here!

Gray: We've got to get him away from

Mr. Rennie: I've got to get out of here!

People: Come on.

Mr. Rennie: I can't breathe! I don't want to die down here! Get me out of here!

Heather: Please be careful.

Gray: Stay back!

Mr. Rennie: I don't' want to die down here!

Mr. Rennie: I don't want to die, I don't want to die. Let me out of here! Please!

(Town Hall Shelter)

Johnston: *coughs*

April: Jake wants to talk to you.

Gail: His coughs getting much worse.

April: Okay, I want you to make it brief.

Johnston: yeah son, what is it?

Jake: Dad, Stanley saw a line of tanks. Near I-70

Johnston:Well you know there's a national guard unit to the southwest there in Goodland. Maybe they've got a relief effort going.

Jake: We need to get out there and see.

Johnston: That could be a dangerous thing to do son.

Jake: Can't just sit around and wait to find out what's happening. I'll go to Goodland. Someone should check out Topeka.

Johnston: Okay Son. *Wheezes*

Emily: I'm going with you.

Jake: What?!

Emily: I have to find Roger and Goodlands the only

Jake: You are in no condition to...

Emily: I'm going with you, or I'm going by myself.

(Town Hall Shelter)

Eric: For the last time, you can't smoke here.

Eric: Alright, Waters for everyone here.

Gail: Thank you honey.

April: Johnston, I need to take your temperature again.

Johnston: Aww you just took it 5 minutes ago. I haven't changed in 5 minute

Eric: The Mighty Johnston Green, felled by the flu.

Johnston: oh here it comes..

Eric: I don't know if I told you this, but my father is impervious to mere germs.

April: Oh really?

Johnston: yeah, I believe that was the quote.

Gail: First inauguration. Have it all on video.

Johnston: It was a joke. I was trying to make... April don't ever make a mistake, this family will never let you forget it.

April: Okay, I'll remember that.

Johnston: oh god. Come on.

Mimi: I don't like him.

Mary: Me neither.

(Skylar's House)

(Dale is looking at a snow globe that says "Niagara Falls")

Skylar: Here.. they're really stale.

(Town Hall Shelter)

Gail: You know, I keep thinking about how we were kids, and how they used to make us practice hiding under our desks in case of an atomic bomb.

Johnston: Yeah... duck and cover.

Gail: that was the first thing I thought of, when I saw that mushroom cloud. Did they have enough time to hide under their desks? It was pretty stupid huh?

Johnston: *coughs*

Mary: Eric. I'm just a little confused. Your wife isn't really acting like someone who knows her marriage has been dead a long time.

Eric: Mary.

Mary: Or did I get the wrong impression?

Eric: Mary... let's just get through this. Okay?

Mary: Well the next thing you're going to tell me is that she actually does understand you.

Eric: I'm sorry.

(Richmond Cellar)

Stanley: Jake! Don't let Bonnie see your lips.

Stanley: Listen man, if this thing doesn't turn out so good, the thing is Bonnie is still just a kid,

Jake: Stanley! Don't even, alright? You're going to be fine.

Stanley: my head is pounding, and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

(The Rain Stops)

Jake: Eric, the rain has stopped.

(Outside Town hall)

Woman: Is it okay? Is it okay?

Mimi: What's this black stuff?

Mary: That used to be Denver.

(Richmond Cellar)

Jake: Bill, Emily. Get Stanley to the medical clinic now.

Bill: Okay.

Jake: Find April, she'll know what to do. Jimmy, you're coming with me to the mine, alright?

Emily: Jake. I meant what I said, alright?

Jake: Look, I know I know. I will help you find Roger. I promise, okay? Go! I'll meet you at the medical clinic. Eric, we're coming to the mine now. We have to dig those people out.

(At the Mines)

Man: It might be over.

Lady: Stay there.

(Construction crew starts digging)

Woman in crowd: What was that?

Man: Maybe somebody's on the other side!

Chief Caroll: Let's get you people out of here.

(Crowd Cheers)

Eric: Alright, everyone. You're going to be okay.

Jake: Alright, we have food and water. There are vehicles waiting to take you to the clinic, alright? Nice and slow, file out. These guys will help you.

Chief Caroll: Women and Children first.

Jake: Please, watch your step everyone. Be careful.

Man: It's going to be okay.

Jake: You okay?

Heather: I think so.

(Gray and Shep are carrying Mr. Rennie)

Jake: Gray, what happened?

Gray: he's dead.

Heather: What...

(At the Medical Center)

Jake: Hey, hey, how's Stanley?

April: We're still watching him.

Jake: Where is he?

April: We had to isolate him.

Jake: Where? Where is he?

(April Signals to where he is)

Woman: I'm going to find my son.

(Jake enters the room with Stanley)

Jake: What the hell...

Stanley: You like it? It's where they make the contagious kids wait so they don't get chicken pox.

Jake: Did you throw up?

Stanley: Yeah, a couple times. Apparently that's what happens when you drink a bottle of iodine. I need to get back to the house. I need to check on the livestock, I need to check on the corn. I need to get out of here.

Jake: there's really nothing you can do right now.

Bonnie: He's right. You need to stay.

Stanley: I'm really sick of being poked with needles every time I'm on meds. They'll be sorry when my spider powers kick in. (Makes spider-man noises)

Jake: Well you're still an idiot, so that's a good sign.

Mimi: How bad is it?

April: Well, you're sleep deprived like everyone else. Bring the bandages to 102.

Mimi: No! I mean the radiation. Am I dying?

April: Have you vomited?

Mimi: no... should I?

April: You just need some rest. Go home

Mimi: I'd like to. Whens the next flight to DC?

Heather: Doctor Green...

April: Oh, there are a lot of people waiting, if you could just...

Heather: I just want to know what happened to my friend. Scott Rennie.

April: It looks like he had a heart attack. I'm sorry...

(Skylar's House)

Skylar: So what happens if I have three queens, but I only have two jacks?

Dale: I'm out...

Skylar: I so bluffed you.

Dale: *laughs*

List: Skylar? You still alive in there?

Boy: Sky, you home?

Boy: Hello? Man I'm starving..

Another boy: Look drew...

Lisa: oh my god.

Skylar: This is not how it looks.

Lisa: It sure looks how it looks.

Lisa: Skylar, wait. This guys a weirdo.

(Medical Center)

Johnston: I just can't sit around here all day. I've got to find the sheriff and his men, we've got to get he power back on.

Gail: Okay, you're going to stay here as long as it takes.

Gail: Now don't make me take your pants with me.

Johnston: I can run this town without my pants.

Gail: Now it wouldn't be the first time.

(Jake Enters)

Jake: Alright. There's a story I never want to here

Gail: Hi sweetheart. How you feeling honey?

Jake: My legs a little sore, but hows everything here?

Gail: Your father has the flu.

Johnston: It's nothing.

Jake: Did you hear Mr. Rennie died?

Johnston: It's terrible.

Jake: I've been thinking. More than anything, this town needs information. We could organize a group of people. Send them out in every direction.

Gail: I don't think anyone should be leaving Jericho.

Jake: We have to. We can't just sit here in the dark.

Johnston: He's right. Makes us too vulnerable.

(At Marys Bar)

Jake: Abrams. You and Crossfield are taking the northern route up to the state police barracks in broken (??)

Gray: I can go east to Topeka and connect with the State Government, and Ridley can head West to Denver. What's left of it.

Jake: You'll probably run into a ring of FEMA and EMS people before you even get in sight of the city, see what they know.

Gray: And what about you?

Emily: He's going to Wichita with me.

Jake: that's right. Emily and I are taking the southern route. To Wichita.

Gray: Let's try to radio back as much information as possible along the way.

Jake: That's the plan. Hitting the major cities in each direction, North, South, East, and West.

Gray: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Jake: Let's hope not.

Mary: Nope, we've still got static. Try pointing it east. We've got nothing. Keep moving it. Nope. Just static. Just keep trying.

Eric: Mary. Excuse me. Mary!

Hawkins: Hi... busy place.

Eric: Yeah, although the service isn't what it used to be.

Mary: What'll you have?

Mary: oh my god! We got something!

News anchor: (he's speaking in Chinese, talking about the attacks)

Man: We're losing the feed! Bring it back!

Mary: go back, we had something!

Eric: Was that Korean? Does anybody know?

Jake: I think it was Chinese.

Hawkins: Mandarin.

Jake: The question is, were they just reporting it, or were they behind it?

Eric: Did Stanley see if there were any markings on the side of the tank?

Jake: no

Eric: Maybe we're being invaded.

Gray: Abrams and Crossfield are out. They won't drive into a war zone.

Eric: Yeah, well I don't blame them.

Eric: Look, why don't we put this plan on hold right now. We saw one image, we'll probably see another one.

Jake: Going out is more important than ever alright?. If this country is at war, we need to know it.

Heather: Okay, we have Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia. What else did you see on the TV?

Mary: I think Seattle's wrong.

Heather: Okay... could it have been Portland?

Mary: I don't think so..

Hawkins: Hey. I understand you lost some of your men.

Jake: Yeah.

Hawkins: Need a volunteer, I'm available.

Jake: Thanks, mister...

Hawkins: Hawkins.

Jake: Mr. Hawkins. You have a family?

Hawkins: Two kids.

Jake: I think it's best we stick to people who don't have families.

Jake: Hey. Em!

Heather: umm.. excuse me, Mr. Cale? Somethings been bothering me. It's about Mr. Rennie's death. The mine was full of people from the clinic. How come nobody called for a doctor?

Shep: I don't want to talk about it.

Heather: I know you're upset. You guys were close. But he was my friend too. I worked with him for 3 years.

Gray: Hey Shep, we're heading out for supplies. Why don't you give us a hand?

Gray: This whole thing has been pretty hard on Shep. He lost a good friend today. We all did.

(Outside Marys Bar)

Jake: Emily...

Jake: Talk to me. Was it the broadcast, because we don't know what any of it means.

Emily: They got Wichita. Roger is dead.

Jake: We don't know that.

Emily: I saw it. On the map.

Jake: Your fiance might've made it.

Emily: How?

Jake: What if his plane got diverted to... Des Moina.

Emily: Des Moines gone.

Jake: Emily! What if it was Omaha? HuH? or Tulsa? What if they set down in the middle of a cornfield in Nebraska? He could be anywhere.

Emily: Trying to find a place to land. What if it exploded?

Jake: Emily!

Emily: What if he's dead!

Jake: Emily!

Emily: He's gone, and I'm here with you. You were supposed to be the one that was dead. Not him. Leave me alone Jake. Just go without me.

(Gracie's Store)

Dale: They took everything...

Gracie: oh Dale! Thank God! I looked everywhere for ya. Are you alright? I was so worried.

Dale: I was safe.

Gracie: Good.

Gail: Gracie?

Gracie: Oh.. what now?

Gail: Gracie?

Gracie: We're closed Gail.

Gracie: I'm out of everything.

Gail: That's why I'm here. Some of the folks at the shelter brought some stuff back, and I thought you could use it.

Gracie: That's one box... I'm out of business. My train shipment was supposed to come on Tuesday. Without delivery, these shelves are going to stay as empty as they are right now. I don't have a freezer anymore. Most of this stuff is going to go bad any minute now.

Gail: I know... foods going bad all over town.

Gracie: I need my shipment.. We don't know if we'll ever get the power back on.

Gail: Maybe we should cook it?

Gracie: What?

Gail: Yeah. Everything. All of it. As long as it's good enough to eat.

(Medical Center)

Mimi: God...

Stanley: Are you okay?

Mimi: ugh. If you call radiation poisoning okay,

Stanley: Were you out in the rain too?

Mimi: No, it's not the rain. Touched a building when we came out of the shelter.

Stanley: oh...

Mimi: look, you can stop pretending.

Stanley: What do you mean?

Mimi: I audited your farm. Why do you care?

Stanley: maybe I'm a nicer person than you?

Mimi: Right...

Mimi: Were you in the rain?

Stanley: Yeah, for about 20 minutes.

Mimi: Well you look pretty good.

Stanley: Thanks. I try to work out..

Mimi: *laughs*

Stanley: uhh look, I think I got the worst of it. So as long as I'm okay, you should be fine.

Mimi: You're really sweet. And you still owe the IRS $180,000.

Stanley: Yeah, I know.

(Town Hall)

Man: no, no, don't worry about it

Gray: Every radio needs to be fully charged. We'll stay in contact as long as we can.

Johnston: Gray, all the long range ones are charged. They are in the storage unit.

Gray: Alright, Thanks.

Gray: Ridley, why don't you pack up the Geiger counters and the flares, and I'll meet you out there.

Johnston: Gray, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you're doing. It's uh... gutsy move, and the whole town thanks you.

Gray: Yeah... thanks.

Johnston: What the hell happened out there? I've known Scott Rennie his whole life. He's strong as an Ox. I just don't... I can't believe he's dead.

Gray: He was a good man.

Johnston: Heart attack at his age...

Gray: No, it wasn't a heart attack that killed him.

Johnston: What do you mean?

Gray: It was poor planning.

Johnston: What are you talking about?

Gray: What I'm saying is, none of this would've happened if that clinic shelter had been properly ventilated. You have a lot of people to answer to.

Johnston: Alright, that's enough.

Gray: no, that's not nearly enough. I get back here, there's going to be an investigation. Hundreds of people could've died because you dropped the ball.

Johnston: We'll talk about this in my office.

Gray: You dropped the ball and it killed Scott Rennie.there's

Johnston: IN MY OFFICE! NOW!

(In Johnston's Office)

(Johnston punches him)

Gray: oof!

Johnston: Right now, these people need our leadership. I will not have you tearing this town apart! Now when all of this is over, if you and I are still alive you investigate your ass off. In the mean time, if I hear any more talk out of you, you and I are going to have a problem. Do we understand each other?

(Outside Town Hall)

Gail: Wheres Emily?

Jake: She's not going.

Gail: Good... you're not going alone are you?

Jake: Yeah.... Don't give me that look.

Gail: What look?

Jake: You know what look, that look.

Gail: Hey, for the 7500 times I've watched you drive away, not knowing if you were going to come home, I"ve earned the look.

Jake: I'm coming back.

Gray: Let's go!

Gray: Ridley! C'mon.

Gray: Shep...

Shep: I'm taking Ridleys place. Going to Denver.

Gray: You don't have to do this. What about your family?

Shep: Gotta get out of here.

Gray: Shep, you'll get past this.

Shep: Yeah?

(Marys Bar)

Mary: Hey, Heather. Oh. Shep left this for you.

(A letter saying "Mrs. Heather Lisinsky")

Heather: Thanks.

Shep: Dear Heather, I want you to know the truth about Scott Rennie. It was my fault. Gray wanted me to keep him quiet and his heart went out. I should have called for a doctor, but I was scared, I let him die. I'll never forgive myself. You were a good friend to Scott, a better friend than I ever was. - Shep

(Outside of town hall)

Gray: Alright guys

(Gray takes off in what appears to be a GMC Envoy, heading towards Topeka)

(Someone takes off in a Red Jeep going in the opposite direction of Gray)

Someone: Be Careful

(Shep takes off in a Chevrolet SUV)

(Jake takes off in a Truck right behind Shep)

(Town hall)

Bill: Well, they should be 50 miles south by now.

Eric: Jake, are you still reading me? Jake?

Eric: Lost them...

Eric: Shep, are you there? Shep?

Shep: Eric, do me a favor?

Eric: I missed that last one Shep, can you say it again?

Shep: Tell them I'm sorry. Tell the family I'm sorry.

Eric: You're breaking up Shep. Hey Grey, did you catch that?

Gray: (lying) Nope... No I didn't.

(Jake gets out of his truck, and finds an Airplane)

(Outside Town Hall)

Woman: mom, here you go. Over here

Girl: We're over here!

(Town Hall)

Jake:: Now that would make it about 45 miles. So in about an hour.

Eric: Jake, what are you doing back?

Bill: You should be in Wichita about now.

Jake: Smokey hill bridge is blocked.

Eric: What is that?

Jake: It's a flight data recorder.

Bill: I thought they were supposed to be black.

Eric: Where'd you get it?

Jake: A couple of pilots used the highway as a landing strip. Mixed results, this was the only one I could get.

Gail: Were there any survivors?

Jake: There was a commuter plane that didn't make it. A 757 that was empty.

Gail: Well where are they? Where'd they go?

Bill: How do we listen to this?

Jake: Do you have that old (couldn't understand) laying around?

Bill: yeah.

Gail: Your father needs to hear this. Let me go get him.

Eric: You okay?

Jake: Yeah.. a little freaked.

Eric: Dads here.

Jake: Gone through most of this recording from the plane that crashed. This is the last 30 seconds or so. A lot of background noise. You can hear pilots from planes in the area talking to each other.

Johnston: Wait. The kids..

Gail: (to the kids) C'mon girls, let's go.

Pilot1: Is there anyone on this frequency? There’s no reply from ATCC, please reply, we’re 827 in emergency descending, coordinates for approach. Give me full flaps (can't tell) pump.

Pilot2: This is Chinook 116 heavy, Mr Hanoff (?) to Kansas City ATC. Does anyone read us? Over.

Pilot3: Chinook 116, this is Twin 56 we read you.

Pilot2: We’re bingo fuel and lost all IFR heading out of Chicago. Have tried all frequencies. There's no one out there. There’s another plane (recording fades as Heather speaks)

Heather: What does that mean?

Jake: They're out of gas, and blind.

A Pilot: This is Primary 221, I've got a mushroom cloud, 16km in height somewhere northwest over Denver.

A Pilot: I've got a visual over two separate plumes One over Kansas City, and one south somewhere in Texas. Does anyone read ATC

A Pilot: Negative, there is no ATCC any more (???)

Jake: There's no traffic control.

Hawkins: That is 10,000 planes, and no place to land. That's about a million people in the air.

(On the tape, there is the sound a jet planes going by)

Pilot: Were those F-16s?

Pilot: Do you have a visual?

Pilot: Confirmed. Probably Missouri Guard 131st out of Lambert. Those guys are hauling ass somewhere. Chinook 116, this is Twin 56. We found a stretch of highway long enough. Follow us in we, setting down. On Final Approach Stand by. Here we go. Flaps, I need more flaps. We're losing it, I can't hold it. ... We’re flat(?) here. Pull it up! PULL IT UP!!!

CoPilot: I CAN’T!!! (Sounds of a impact)

(Jake rewinds tape and replays)

Pilot: Chinook 116, this is Twin 56. We found a stretch of highway long enough. Follow . . . (Faint talking in the background of the recording)

(Jake rewinds tape and replays again)

Pilot: Chinook 116, this is Twin 56. We found a stretch . . . (Faint tape background a little stronger)

(Jake rewinds tape and replays, once again)

Pilot: Chinook 116, this is Twin 56. We found a stretch of highway long enough. Follow us (Faint tape background, now stronger. You hear faint male voice say) . . . Tran-shore 724. We've set down in a field.

(Jake rewinds tape)

Jake: Emily, come here.

Jake: Roger was on Tran-shore 724 right? Listen.

(Jake plays rewound tape)

Various Pilots on tape: This is primary 221. My copilot is blind . . . (other voices also heard, most illegible except for small segments) We’re going to burn off some fuel . . .

Emily (speaking over tape in background): Jake, what is this?

Jake (speaking over tape in background): Listen., background chatter.

Pilots: This is Chinook 116 (voice fades and another pilot comes in louder and clearer) This is Transhore 724, we've set down in a field. GPS malfunction, think we're north of Kansas. Minor injuries

Jake: He's alive. He's alive.

(Hawkins House)

Darcy: Robert.. There's uh there's music outside.

Hawkins: Yeah?

Darcy: Yeah, the party. Sounded like Sam Cooke from here, but uh... there's a chance it could be Kenny Rogers.

Hawkins: Oh lord.

Darcy: Robert, the kids would like to go.

Hawkins: To the party?

Darcy: Yes.

Hawkins: We're not ready.

Darcy: Robert..

Hawkins: no. no

(Outside Town Hall).

Gracie: Well I'm glad there was enough food for everyone... I just wish someone would've said Thank You.

Gail: Thanks honey.

April: It was unbelievable. The hospital was packed.

Heather: Thanks.

Heather: She looks so much better. You really made her happy.

Jake: I owed her.

Heather: Well, I'd say this makes you even.

Jake: Not even close.

Gail: You haven't said two words all night.

Johnston: I'm just taking it all in. It might be a long time before we see Jericho like this again.

(Various scenes, the party, people smiling, then to Hawkins building on his basement bunker, then back to empty tables at the party, and the finally to Eric and Mary, sleeping in bed)

Eric: *gasps, as if startled awake* I've gotta go!

Mary: What time is it?

Eric: It's a little past midnight.

Mary: You have to go...

Eric: Yeah, I should probably go.

(Dale finds a train)




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